Chapter Twenty-Two

Gage pulled onto the ranch’s property and took a deep breath. This day had torn him to pieces, but knowing Calista would be with him later gave him hope. He would change out of his suit and go for a run through the wooded trails, then take Silver Bell out for a short ride. He hoped he’d be able to breathe again by then.

He passed the main house. Jett’s truck was there. Maybe Jett would saddle up a horse and come with him. He’d like to have his brother with him today.

His phone buzzed and connected through the truck’s Bluetooth. Lincoln’s number popped up on the screen. He hit the brakes. That was faster than he expected, but he had called Linc because of his skills.

“Hey, Linc, what did you find?”

“I don’t know if this is what you want to hear, but there’s nothing about Justin Crow you don’t already know. He’s clean. I even managed to get some outside footage of your town. He never spoke to anyone on those nights in question. He was nowhere near the flower shop the night of the shooting.”

His heart sank. “What about the brother?”

“Jamie Crow is a little different. He has a history of doing some petty drug stuff. He was arrested once, but nothing stuck. He doesn’t have a job. It appears he has a drinking problem too. There’s no connection to the robberies, though. He could be stealing to keep up the drug habit, but I can’t give you anything to pin on him. I’m sorry.”

“I need to arrest someone.” He had to tell his residents something. They were relying on him. He didn’t care that Lincoln couldn’t find anything. Justin was involved somehow. He could feel it in his gut.

“I’ll keep poking around if you want, but turn your investigation away from this Justin Crow kid. He’s not one of the unsubs.”

“Please keep checking. Thanks. I’ll be in touch.” He ended the call and pounded the steering wheel until his hand hurt.

Fury shook him. He had no other leads besides Justin. He kept showing up at every robbery in one way or another. He had to be connected, and Gage was going to find out how.

He followed the road past the barns and slammed on the brakes. He threw the truck in park and bolted out the door. He ran like mad and tripped in his dress shoes. He righted himself and continued without further thought. Justin’s beat-up sedan sat by the horse stable. Izzi had disobeyed him again and brought that criminal onto his property.

He bounded into the barn. They stood at the end of the aisle by Silver Bell’s stall. White-hot rage blinded him. He had to shake his head to see clearly. He forced his legs to sprint harder, as if he were about to tackle his sworn enemy. His arms reached out. He grabbed Justin by the back of his shirt collar and threw him against a stall door. Justin bounced forward. His eyes rolled into the back of his head.

“Daddy,” Izzi screamed.

He pushed Justin against the wall and fisted Justin’s collar in his hands. He yanked Justin onto his toes to look him in the eye. “Who robbed the flower shop?”

Justin opened his mouth, but he couldn’t bear to hear a lie. He shook Justin. “Tell me, or I swear I will shake it out of you.”

“Daddy, stop. You’re hurting him.”

“Isabelle, go inside. Now.” He never took his gaze off Justin. “Tell me who robbed the flower shop. You know. Do you realize that woman died because of you? She had a family who loved her.” He shoved Justin against the wall again.

He slid to the ground, but Gage wrenched him back up.

“I don’t know, Mr. Ryker. I wasn’t there.”

“You’re lying.” He hated liars. “Tell me.” His voice blew Justin’s hair back. The kid tried to squirm away, but there was nowhere to go.

“I don’t know. I’m sorry.”

Gage grabbed Justin’s neck. His vision narrowed to a pinhole. He wanted answers because someone he loved had been murdered.

“Uncle Jett. Uncle Jett. Come quick.” Izzi ran to the barn entrance and screamed.

Justin’s fingers scratched at his hands. The kid tried to kick him, but Gage moved out of the way. His height gave him the advantage he needed. “Tell me who robbed that store, damn it.”

Hands gripped his arms like a vice and dragged him away from Justin. Justin’s neck slipped from his grasp.

“Jesus Christ, Gage, let go.” Jett’s deep voice startled him.

The black around the edge of his vision retreated, and more of the barn came into view. Justin slid to the ground, holding his neck. His face was red, and he gasped for air. Izzi dropped down beside him.

Gage stared at Jett. His heart pounded in his ears. The hot rage continued to burn inside him.

“Have you lost your mind? You’re the damn sheriff of this town. You were going to kill him. Don’t we have enough trouble in our lives at the moment?” Jett wiped his face with his hands.

“I’m sorry.”

“Daddy, how could you?” Izzi helped Justin stand.

Gage took a step forward, and Justin jumped back. “Stay the fuck away from me.”

“I’m sleeping at Gammy’s.” Izzi led Justin out of the stables.

He turned to Jett. “He knows something about those robberies.”

“Choking him to death isn’t going to give you the answers. Do you think that’s what Phyllis would want you to do? Pull your shit together and fast. I don’t have time for this.” Jett marched away.

He tugged his phone out his pants pocket and dialed Barry Pearce.

Barry answered on the first ring. “Everything okay, Sheriff?”

“You’re the sheriff now. I quit.”


Gage downed the last of his beer and crumpled the can in his fist. He threw it against the wall and knocked over the picture of him and his brothers taken on the Mother’s Day before Ajay died. The glass shattered as it hit the corner of the cement hearth. He didn’t move.

Calista wouldn’t be there for several hours. He didn’t know if he could wait until after her shift to see her. She made him feel better, and he needed that now. But he wouldn’t go to the pub tonight. Not feeling as if he could tear someone in two.

He had really fucked things up today. He couldn’t be the sheriff any longer if he was willing to hurt a suspect. Or hurt anyone. He’d shown his daughter the absolute worst part of him. He was a lousy father. His whole family would be disappointed in him, and that would include Phyllis.

The doorbell shattered the silence. He hung his head. It was probably his mother or Jett or even Barry. He couldn’t deal with any of them at the moment, so he stayed on the couch. Like a scream in the night, the bell rang again.

His phone buzzed. Without thought, he glanced down. Calista had sent a text.

Are you home? I’m at the door. I’m early.—

He jumped up and tore open the door. The breath left his lungs at the sight of her. He gathered her in his arms and inhaled her spicy scent. “God, it’s good to see you.”

She snuggled up against him. “I appreciate that, but what’s the matter?”

He pulled back and looked down at her. “What makes you say that?”

She gave him a half shrug and a grin. “Well, it’s all over your face.”

“What is?” He pulled her into the house, then checked the area outside for anyone else. More habit than worry, but he did not want an unexpected guest to interrupt them.

“The anguish. Something happened since I left you.”

“I don’t want to talk about it now. I just want to hold you.” He dropped down on the couch with her and wrapped his arms around her so she was tucked against him.

“Gage, you shouldn’t keep it inside. Let me help you.” Her fingers tapped against his chest.

Emotions he wanted buried deep bubbled up to the surface. He fought to keep them from spilling over. He had cried already. He wouldn’t do it again. Move forward. That was what a Ryker did.

“I quit my job.”

She jumped out of his arms. “No way is that possible. Please tell me you’re joking.” She dropped her gaze as if to consider what he said, but looked back at him. “You’re not, are you?”

He hesitated. He wouldn’t be able to stand her disappointment when she heard what he’d done to Justin. It would be like it had been with Ajay. Even if she didn’t slap him this time, if the way she looked at him changed, he would crumble.

“I can’t be the sheriff anymore.”

“You’re scaring me.”

He took her hands in his and told her the whole story from the moment he called Lincoln. She sat there silent as the words spilled out on the wave of emotion he had desperately wanted kept inside.

“Hey, it’s okay.” She placed a hand on his face. Her touch lessened his pain.

“If Jett hadn’t come in, I would’ve killed him.” He was as certain of that as he was of sitting on the couch with Calista. He was also disgusted with himself.

“No, you wouldn’t have. That’s not who you are. I know you.”

“How can you be so sure when I’m not sure?”

“Gage, you might be a lot of things, like a control freak pain in the ass, but you aren’t a killer.” She flopped against the back of the sofa with a wave of her hand.

A laugh broke open in his throat. He leaned back on the cushions beside her and stared at the ceiling. He reached for her hand, and she laced her fingers through his. His lungs worked again.

“I’m going to have to apologize to him.” He needed to do that a lot lately.


“Why are you here so early? I should’ve asked you that sooner.” He straightened and met her gaze. He really looked at her for the first time since she arrived.

Dark half circles draped under her eyes like a saddle blanket. Her hair was pulled back but hung in pieces around her face. She unhooked her hand from his and played with her beaded bracelet.

“My father threw me out.” Her bottom lip trembled, and she worked it under her teeth.

“He’s gone too far this time. I’ll talk to him.” He started to get up, but her hand on his thigh stopped him. “Babe, I’ll take care of your father. He can’t throw you out. Was he drunk?”

“I don’t know if he had been drinking. Maybe, but it doesn’t matter. He’s made his point. He doesn’t love me. Not the way I want him to. I can’t stay in this small town. As long as he hangs on to the past with two tight fists, there isn’t any place for me in his life. I don’t want to live there anymore.”

“What about us?” He’d just gotten her back, and now she was leaving again. He couldn’t let that happen.

“I was hoping I could stay here for a couple of days. I’m working at the pub tonight still and tomorrow night. Then Kennedy comes back to work. After that, maybe we could try the long-distance thing?”

“After all the years we missed out on, I don’t want two hours between us. How are we going to spend time together?”

“It doesn’t have to be forever. Just until I figure out my next move. My lease is up in a few months. I can bartend and teach yoga anywhere. Maybe I can move to Missoula. That’s not as far.”

“If you leave town, I’m leaving too.” The words hung in the air. He tasted them for a second to see if they felt sour on his tongue.

“Gage, get real. You’re the sheriff.”

“Not anymore.”

“You’re just upset right now. When things calm down a little, you’ll want to go back to work. It’s in your blood. This town is in your blood. You can’t leave here. You can’t leave Izzi, and she shouldn’t move. She needs her family and stability. Our time will come.”

“There aren’t any guarantees, and you know that. I won’t waste another minute without you. If you tell me you don’t want me, that’s one thing. But if you’re willing to be by my side, then I want to be together. For everyone to see.”

“I do want you, but we have a lot of things to work out. We’ve both been through so much recently.”

“You’re pushing me away.”

“No.” She sat back.

“Yes, damn it. You are. Again. Just say it this time. Look me in the eye, and tell me you don’t love me, and I’ll walk you straight to your car and never bother you. But you’re going to say it. You’re not getting off easy again.” He pushed off the couch and picked up the broken picture frame. Everything in his life was like this glass covering the photo. He wanted to get to the place where the picture was, but he didn’t know how to anymore.

He had played by the rules. He’d promised his father’s memory he would take care of his brothers, and he failed. He had tried to make a good and honest life with Calista, but life laughed at his plans. He’d tried to do right by Izzi’s mother when he hadn’t really loved her enough to spend his life with her, and she left him to care for their child alone, only concerned about her own feelings. He followed the law to the letter, and the residents of his town took that law in their own hands, and now he lost Phyllis. Playing by the rules didn’t pay off. Kace was right about that.

Calista eased the picture out of his hands and placed it on the table. He held his breath for what was about to come. She was going to say goodbye for good. She had just said as much not two minutes ago. At least this time she would look him in the eye and be honest. He wanted that much.

“I love you. I always have. I—”

He intercepted her last words with his kiss. He didn’t care about the rest. She said she loved him. That was all he needed to hear.

He cupped the back of her head to deepen the kiss. She opened her mouth and let him in. His blood roared like the rapids. His other hand went under her shirt to feel her soft skin against his fingers.

She tangled her hands in his hair. He wanted her hands on his body to squelch some of the fire. He couldn’t wait. Those three simple words broke the dam holding him together. He yanked her shirt over her head, tossed it aside, and eased her hair free from the holder.

“I want to see it spill over your shoulders.”

She fanned her hair out so it floated down in a brown cascade. He wrapped the ends around his fingers.

He took her mouth again because he needed to keep tasting her. The living room wasn’t the place he wanted to make love to her. He doubted Izzi would return or anyone would show up now, but he wanted to shut the door and lock it on the world.

He scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom.

“Gage, I can walk.” Her laughter ended the kiss.

“I love the sound of my name on your lips. You have a way of making it sexy.” He eased her down on the bed. She belonged with him in this space. It was as if this cabin had been waiting for her to join him.

“You are sexy all by yourself.” She held her arms out to him.

He lay down beside her and kissed her again. His heart galloped as she fumbled with the buttons of his dress shirt. He would help her, but he wanted to touch her instead. He ran his hand over her breast. The black lace scratched at his skin. He reached around and unhooked it because he wanted nothing between them. She arched into his touch and moaned. He might not be able to make it to the end. She was wreaking havoc on his stamina.

She shoved his shirt from his shoulders, and he shrugged out of it.

“This too.” She tugged at the bottom of his undershirt.

Reluctantly, he slid far enough away to do as she asked. Her hands explored his chest, setting his skin on fire, a fire that could burn down a forest. He left a trail of wet kisses on her neck and shoulder. She tasted like summertime.

Her hands continued to run lines down his front and over the erection pressing against his zipper. The heat was too much. He stood and removed his pants. She smiled up at him, and his heart bounced off his ribs.

“I love the sight of you in your boxer briefs.” She slid off her shorts and invited him back into her arms.

The only place he wanted to be was wrapped up in her. She was the only one who could patch up the hole in his chest enough he could stand the dull ache left behind. Their families would have to get on board. He wanted this woman beside him every day. She couldn’t leave Backwater just yet. Or he would leave with her.

Her hand gripped him and stroked. His head spun. He didn’t need to think about anything except them in his bed. He tested her readiness because he wanted her and couldn’t wait. She moaned again and moved her hips to the pace he set. His chest filled with pride. She trusted him to share herself in this way.

“Are you ready?” He positioned himself between her legs.

“Oh yes.”

He entered her, and white light flashed behind his eyes. He pushed up on his forearms and let his mind go blank and just feel her hands on his ass and her legs around his waist. Her teeth nipped at the skin below his collarbone. A frenzy coiled inside him. He drove into her, searching for the release, but he held off to wait for her.


His name on her lips brought his gaze to hers. She laced her fingers in his hair and smiled.


“I need you.”

Her body shuddered with her orgasm. Her muscles flexed around him, and that was all he needed for his heart to tumble along with the sweet explosive release only she could give him.

He gathered her to him as his breath slowed. “I’m all yours.”