“Youre tired.”

He nodded, not opening his eyes, but he could feel the fresh adrenaline pumping into his system at her nearness. Shed stayed away from all of them for the last weeks. Was she feeling it yet? That pull that kept him awake at night, wondering if she had forgotten his words.


“No, you dont feel it or no, you havent forgotten?”

Angie snorted. “Like the dreams would let me forget.”

He didnt respond to that, not sure what to say. His had stopped. Did that mean something?

“It means youve accepted that were being driven together. I havent.”

“Its easy for me. As far as Im concerned, there isnt a woman who can compare to what youve become.”

His words made her feel like she had made progress, that she was doing good, but Angela forced herself to stay quiet, not wanting to encourage him by saying she felt the same about him.

“Its meant to be.”

She glowered. “You dont know that. Theres no proof that soul mates exist.”

“Dont think they do, not the way you mean,” Adrian conceded. “I believe were not meant to mate for life. Some do, but for most, were meant to be with more than one person.”

She raised a brow. “You cant mean that.”

“I do. Its propagation of the species. Each season, the younger, stronger bull has a chance to take over the herd. Its the way its always been.”

“And what happens to the ousted male?”

“Hes driven out and dies alone.”

She scowled at that, even though shed known it was coming. “Not fair.”

“People can be more civilized.”

Angela stiffened, sure he was about to try to get to her again. “And what do you mean by that?”

“I mean that the bull doesnt have to die alone or be driven out. If he can find something else to hold him.”

 Understanding flooded into her face. “You mean someone else.”

“Yes. Tell me. What does his future hold?”

She didnt want to answer, but his tone demanded it, and the witch answered for her.

“Only him in the waves, holding someone.”

She sent him a flash of the dark haired woman in Marcs wet arms as heavy waves lapped them, and Adrian felt his relief rise up and the rest of his plans fall into place. That was it. So close, he hadnt been able to see it.

Angela watched him, almost able to smell the burning of his mind. She actually felt the last of the pieces slam into place. She didnt need the sight to know it revolved around her.

She met his eye. “Be careful planning my future, Adrian Mitchel!”

His tone grave. “With yours and everyone elses, but plan them, I will. Its what I do.”

Deleted Scene #2





“Come for an update?” John asked as Angela ducked inside the tent.

“Only one. Got a minute?”

He followed her outside, into the shadows, and pulled off his gloves.

“Whose update?”


John grimaced. “I hurt.”

She nodded sympathetically. “I’d like to push it back again.”

He gave his agreement slowly, but with gratitude. “I’d never ask...”

“I know that. We need you, John. I’ll stop by when it’s quieter.”

“Bring that stubborn gut shot patient with you. He’s avoiding his checkup.”

“He doesn’t want you to clear him yet.”

“I won’t until you say it’s time.”

His words were low and he turned before she could respond.

Angela was heartened by the support she was receiving, but also concerned. Adrian needed to get back in charge and let her fall in line behind him before there was too much damage to his leadership to be repaired.

“You okay?”

Angela grunted tiredly at Seth’s question. He was her shadow today and she’d kept him busy as she continuously moved through camp.

“I’ll be better when he takes over.”



After a quick scan to verify the coast was clear, Seth leaned in. “We like you in charge. You’re good at it.”

Angela sighed. “I know how the Eagles feel and I’m honored, but I don’t want to talk about what happens when Adrian’s where he belongs. I don’t...fit.”

Seth listened to instinct. “You’ll lead together.”

“I didn’t ask for this.”

“I did, and I don’t regret that choice. Fairly sure you don’t either.”

“No. I’m helping my people...and him. I have to help. I owe him so much.”

“As do we all. Some of us just have more to give.”

“The Runners.”

“Adrian’s Runners.”

Angela smiled ruefully. “Yes, I am that now.”

Seth didn’t speak his mind any further, but Angela could have been deaf and she would have still heard him.

You’re also in love with two men. Try to make peace with it if you can. We need them both as much as we do you.