Chapter 17

The Blue Fairy (from “Pinocchio”)


Making pinocchio


A Heart from the Blue Fairy

Find the heart below that exactly matches the space above for Pinocchio's heart.


Pinocchio's Journey

Help Pinocchio find a path through the woods to the Blue Fairy's castle.


Animal Alphabet

Pinocchio sold his school book so that he could buy a ticket to the puppet show! The Blue Fairy needs your help to teach the alphabet to Pinocchio. Write the name of an animal that begins with each letter below. Some of the letters already have animals.


Puppet Shows

Pinocchio saw his brothers and sisters on the stage. Can you find ten differences between these two shows?


Candy Counter

Pinocchio went to the land of toys where boys play all day and eat only candy. Use the clues to figure out how many pieces of candy each boy has.


Magic Squares

The Blue Fairy is using magic squares to teach Pinocchio about math. Here is an example of a magic square:


Complete these magic squares by putting numbers into the empty boxes:


Can you complete these 4×4 magic squares? They are just like 3×3 magic squares, except the numbers 1 to 16 are used.


The Field of Wonders

Pinocchio foolishly tried to grow his money by planting it in the field of wonders. Follow the clues to help the Blue Fairy figure out where Pinocchio buried his money.


Tell the Truth

Pinocchio's nose grew when he lied to the Blue Fairy about what happened to his money. Circle the kids on this page who are telling the truth.


Fishing for Father

Pinocchio is looking for his father who is inside a fish sitting at a table with a candle! Find the fish that has all of the letters in these words: GEPPETTO, TABLE, CHAIR, CANDLE.


Back to the Blue Fairy

After rescuing his father from the fish, Pinocchio must swim back to the Blue Fairy. A shark gives him these directions: “Swim 1 mile north, 2 miles east, 3 miles south, 2 miles west and you will find land.”Can you find a shorter route?



The Blue Fairy helped Pinocchio change from a puppet into a real boy. Can you change one word into another word in these puzzles? Each step must be a real word and differ from the previous word by only one letter. There are many possible solutions, but try to use only the given number of steps.


Geppetto's New Coat

With the help of the Blue Fairy, Pinocchio has earned enough money to buy Geppetto a new coat. Exact change must be used to buy the coats on this page. Circle the coats that Pinocchio can buy.


What coat can Pinocchio buy that requires the most coins? What coat can Pinocchio buy that requires the least coins? What coat can Pinocchio buy that requires exactly two coins?