
xs:attribute(reference or local definition) — Reference to a global attribute definition or local definition (local definitions cannot be referenced).


           default        = xs:string
           fixed          = xs:string
           form           = ( “qualified” | “unqualified” )
           id             = xs:ID
           name           = xs:NCName
           ref            = xs:QName
           type           = xs:QName
           use            = ( “prohibited” | “optional” | “required” ) : “optional”
           {any attributes with non-schema namespace}
           Content: ((xs:annotation?), (xs:simpleType?))

May be included in: xs:attributeGroup (global definition), xs:complexType (local definition), xs:complexType (global definition), xs:extension (complex content), xs:extension (simple content), xs:restriction (complex content), xs:restriction (simple content)