
xs:complexType(global definition) — Global definition of a complex type that can be referenced within the same schema by other schemas.


           abstract       = xs:boolean : “false”
           block          = ( “#all” | list of ( “extension” | “restriction” ) )
           final          = ( “#all” | list of ( “extension” | “restriction” ) )
           id             = xs:ID
           mixed          = xs:boolean : “false”
           name           = xs:NCName
           {any attributes with non-schema namespace}
           Content: (xs:annotation?, (xs:simpleContent | xs:complexContent | (,
                      (xs:group | xs:all | xs:choice | xs:sequence)?,
                      ((xs:attribute | xs:attributeGroup)*, xs:anyAttribute?

May be included in: xs:redefine, xs:schema