xs:hexBinary — Binary contents coded in hexadecimal.
xs:enumeration, xs:length, xs:maxLength, xs:minLength, xs:pattern, xs:whiteSpace
<xs:simpleType name="hexBinary" id="hexBinary"> <xs:restriction base="xs:anySimpleType"> <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse" fixed="true"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType>
The value space of xs:hexBinary
is the set of all
binary contents; its lexical space is a simple coding of each octet
as its hexadecimal value.
This datatype should not be confused with another encoding called BinHex that is not supported by W3C XML Schema. Other popular binary text encodings (such as uuXXcode, Quote Printable, BinHex, aencode, or base85, to name few) are not supported by the W3C XML Schema.
The expansion factor is high since each binary octet is coded as two characters (i.e., four octets if the document is encoded with UTF-16).