
Foreword, Robin Ganzert, President and CEO, American Humane Association


~My Ornery Cat~

1. The Great Escape, Eileen Melia Hession

2. Catflexing, Erika Whitmore

3. Bootsie’s Pick-Me-Up, Kelly L. McKenzie

4. Karmic Lessons from the Cat, Kristine Groskaufmanis

5. Junior, Dan C.

6. Road Trip, Garrett Bauman

7. Little Monsters, Cheryll Snow

8. The Prodigal Cat, Jeanne Zornes

9. Never Name a Cat After Dylan Thomas, Paige Cerulli

10. My Boy, George, Connie Cook

11. What Are We Going to Do About Watson? Carol Teed

12. Our Family Christmas Card, Irene Maran


~My Goofy Cat~

13. Scooter Versus the Vacuum, Mark Leiren-Young

14. More Fiber, Please, Kathryn Kingsbury

15. The Cat Who Thought He Was a Goat, Jill Burns

16. Nip’s Throne, Carol Weeks

17. Angel the Water Cat, Kevin L. Dobson

18. Houdini’s Ribbons and Bows, Andrea Arthur Owan

19. Zippee’s Greatest Adventure, Tori Bailey

20. Flushing His Issues Away, Lois Bradley

21. A Cat Named No, Valerie D. Benko

22. Pookie’s Flaming Tail, Deborah Sturgill

23. Home Improvement: Kitty Edition, Kassie Rubico


~My Healer Cat~

24. Dancing with Joe, Lori A. Sciame

25. A Miraculous Connection, Wendy Hobday Haugh

26. A Different Life, Beth DiCola

27. All My Children Wear Fur Coats, Anita Aurit

28. Knee Cat, David Hull

29. Comfort of a King, Leslie Gulvas

30. Missionary Cat, Ann Joseph

31. Lion’s Gift, Jessica Goody.

32. Daily Walk, Ruth Acers-Smith

33. Welcoming a Stranger, Mary L. Hickey


~My Surprising Cat~

34. The Feline Follies, Eva Carter

35. The Baptism, Diane Ganzer Baum

36. The Great Fish-Tank War, Joshua J. Mark

37. The Amazing Cat Trick, Laura Boldin-Fournier

38. Fat Cat, Cindy Hval

39. A Tail of Loyalty, Deborah Kerr

40. When the Gussycat Flew, Stephen Taylor

41. A Sunny Welcome Home, Rachel Lajunen Harnett

42. Game Over, Linda Sabourin

43. A Toast to Thomas, Harriet Cooper

44. The Cat Who Adopted Me, Elizabeth Atwater


~My Endearing Cat~

45. Trapped, John Stevens

46. Magic’s Trick, Lynette Chambers

47. Groundhog Double Trouble, Mary Z. Whitney

48. Miracle in the Cornfield, Laura Snell

49. Another Baby Boy, Cindy Hval

50. Meatball and the Chipmunks, Diane Stark

51. The Calico Puppy, Elizabeth Atwater

52. Three Little Kittens, Jennifer Froelich

53. The Truth about Cats and Dogs, Clara Blake

54. Home Invasion, Rita Durrett

55. Chosen, April Riser


~My Clever Cat~

56. A Very Smart Cat, Dylan Brody

57. The Switch, Connie Kaseweter Pullen

58. What in the Sam Hill…? Tina Wagner Mattern

59. Trained in a Flash, Jan Bono

60. King Murphy, Ann C. Kenna

61. Bell Ringer, PJ

62. Phantom’s Thanksgiving, Kevin Wetmore

63. Bait and Switch, Lynn Maddalena Menna

64. A Purrfect Escape Artist, Rick Lauber

65. The Kleptomaniac Kitty, Elizabeth Batman

66. The Secret Passage, Allison Nastoff


~My Therapist Cat~

67. Kitty Bites, Courtney Lynn Mroch

68. Angel, Catherine Barry

69. The Scar, Kitty Chappell

70. Mother Love, Kay Johnson-Gentile

71. Healing Heartache, Tanya Estes

72. Angel Kitten, Connie Kaseweter Pullen

73. Biofeedback Cat, Brenda Leppington

74. A Tiger-Sized Heart, Beverly Stowe McClure

75. Therapy Appointment, Shirley K. Stevenson

76. Finding Peace Together, Emily Canning-Dean


~My Hunter Cat~

77. Neighborhood Cat Burglar, Mary Ellen Angelscribe

78. Jupiter, My Not-So-Vegetarian Cat, Yolanda Ridge

79. An Unexpected Guest, Rhonda Dragomir

80. Asleep on the Job, Wendy Hobday Haugh

81. The Moth Hunters, Sean V. Cronin

82. Shadows, Keri Lindenmuth

83. Chasing Butterflies, Denice Penrose

84. The Art of Hunting, Timothy Martin

85. Fetch, David Fingerman

86. An Embarrassment of Riches, Emily Johnsen

87. The One That Got Away, Wendy Hobday Haugh


~My Nanny Cat~

88. Worst Cat Ever, Elizabeth A. Pickart

89. Co-Parenting, May Hutchings

90. The Zen of Travel, Christy Heitger-Ewing

91. The Cat and His Boy, Leigh Ann Northcutt

92. Mother’s Helper, Jill Davis

93. Foster Cats, Mary Ellen Angelscribe

94. Smokey the Sheriff, Kitty Chappell


~My Heroic Cat~

95. A Lesson in Strength, Stevie Trujillo

96. The Guardian and Her Boy, Ligaya Flor

97. Who Rescued Whom? Pastor Wanda Christy-Shaner

98. The Guardian, Trish Featherstone

99. Lion and the Uncouth Bear, Loral Lee Portenier

100. We Rescued Each Other, Steven M. Kaufman

101. Hero in the Making, Heidi Gaul

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