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A Message from the Wives

Our husbands grew up with the same parents and grandparents, but obviously, all of us became Robertsons later in life. We come from a variety of family experiences, all of which helped determine our values, shape our characters, and make us who we are today. Some of us have always enjoyed the kind of family closeness that characterizes the Robertsons; for others, coming into such a tight-knit family has been a blessing we did not have a chance to experience in our younger days.

We all understand the importance of generations and generational blessings. When we get together with Phil and Miss Kay and with our children and Lisa’s grandchildren, we have four generations under the same roof. That family line is a powerful thread running through all of us as Robertsons. But intertwined with that thread is another thread for each of us, the generational heritage we bring from our own mothers and fathers, our grandparents, and other members of our extended families. It’s amazing how all of this works together to weave a tapestry of love and faith in our lives and in the lives of our children.