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Acheson, Dean
Adams, Phelps H.
Adams, Philip
Aizawa, Lieutenant Colonel Sabura
Albion, Robert G.
Alexander, General Sir Harold R. L. G.; on American soldiers; and Stilwell
Alison, Lieutenant Colonel John R.
Allen, Edmond T.
Allen, General Terry de la Mesa
Allen, Major General A. S.
Allies of a Kind (Thorne)
Alsop, Joseph W., Jr.
Ambrose, Stephen
Amery, Leopold
America First Committee
Andrews, Major General Frank
Andrews, Vice-Admiral Adolphus
Appold, Major Norman
Araki, General
Arcadia (Washington conference)
Armstrong, Colonel Frank
Army, U.S.; Americal Division of; compared with German Army; reform of; size of. See also Marshall, General George Catlett, Jr.; individual generals
Army Air Forces, U.S. (USAAF); and “Big Week”; and long-range bombers; and long-range fighter planes; No. 1 Air Commando; before World War II. See also Arnold, General Henry H.; Bombing; Carriers, aircraft
Army-Navy Board, Joint
Arnold, General Henry H. (“Hap”); administration of; on air power; and American air force
Army Flyer; and Atlantic Charter Meeting; background of; and bombers; character of; and Chennault; and FDR; Global Mission; and Guadalcanal; illness and death of; and Joint Chiefs; and Kilner Board; and King; and LeMay; and Lindbergh; in London; and Lovett; and MacArthur; and Marshall; and Nimitz; and North African invasion; and Pacific strategy; and RAF; and technology; and Wright brothers
Arnold, Mrs. Henry H. (“Bee”)
Atherton, Roy
Atkinson, Brooks
Atlantic Charter
Australia. See also MacArthur, General Douglas; and
Baker, Lieutenant Colonel Addison
Baldwin, Hanson; Battles Lost and Won
Barnett, Marine General
Baruch, Bernard
Basilone, Sergeant John
Battle of Britain
Battle of the Atlantic
Battle of the Bulge
Baumbach, Werner
Beall, Wellwood E.
Beaverbrook, Lord
Beebe, Gene
Belchem, Brigadier David
Belden, Jack
Bennion, Captain Mervin S.
Berle, Adolph, Jr.
Berlin, Irving
Berlin, Isaiah
Best, Lieutenant Richard
Bismarck (battleship)
Bismarck Sea, Battle of the
Bitter, Father Gustav
Blarney, General Sir Thomas
Bleriot, Louis
Blumenson, Martin
Blumentritt, General Gunther
Boeing Aircraft Company
Bogan, Admiral Gerald F.
Bombing; of Germany; of Japan; strategic. See also Ploesti air raid The Bombing of Germany (Rumpf)
Born, Max
Boynton, Major Gregory (“Pappy”)
Bracken, Brendan
Bradley, General Omar; and D-Day; and ending of European war; and Marshall; and Normandy campaign; and Patton
Brereton, Major General Lewis
Briggs, Lyman J.
Brogan, Denis
Brooke, Field Marshal Sir Alan; at Casablanca; diary of; and Eisenhower; and invasion of Germany; and Italian campaign; and Montgomery; on Overlord
Brown, Allen Tupper (Marshall’s stepson)
Brown, James
Brown, Wilson
Bryan, William Jennings
Buell, Thomas
Bull, Cornelius
Bundy, Harvey
Bundy, McGeorge
Burke, Commodore Arleigh
Burke-Wadsworth bill (1940)
Burma; campaign of 1944 in; Chindit expeditions in; Churchill on; Japanese invasion of. See also Burma Road; Stilwell, General Joseph Warren and Burma
Burma Road
Burmese Days (Orwell)
Burns, General James H.
Bush, Vannevar
Butcher, Commander Harry C.
Butler, Major Smedley D.
Byas, Hugh
Brynes, Senator James
Cadogan, Sir Alexander
Cairo conferences; FDR at; and Overlord; and Pacific plans
Callaghan, Rear Admiral Daniel J.
Caniff, Milton
Cape Esperance, Battle of
Capra, Frank
Carriers, aircraft. See also individual carriers
Carrington, Captain the Lord
Carter, Boake
Case, Reverend Breedon
Casablanca: conference at; U.S. troops at
Catch-22 (Heller)
Cates, Colonel Clifton B.
Catledge, Turner
Catton, Bruce
Chaffee, Major Adna
Chamberlain, Neville
Chennault, General Claire L.
Chiang Kai-shek; at Cairo conference; characteristics of; China’s Destiny; and FDR; and Japanese; and Stilwell
Chiang Kai-shek, Mme.
China; Army of; B-29s in; Japanese in; and Pacific war plans; U.S. aid to. See also Lend-Lease to China; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano and China
China “Incident”
China Lobby
Christie, J. Walter
Christie, Rear Admiral Ralph
The Chrysanthenum and the Sword (Benedict)
Churchill, Winston; and Allied unity; at Arcadia Conference; and Atlantic Charter meetings; and atom bomb; on Battle of the Atlantic; on Battle of Britain; and Berlin; and Burma; at Casablanca; comparison with FDR; and D-Day; and Eisenhower; and Europe; and FDR; on FDR; The Grand Alliance; and invasion of France; and Japan; and King; and Marshall; and Montgomery; and North Africa; and Overlord; on RAF; and Rhine crossing; A Roving Commission; and Soviet Russia; at Trident Conference; and U.S. Army
Citizen Kane (Orson Welles film)
Civil War
Clark, General Mark
Clark, Grenville
Clark, Jocko
Clemens, Martin
Cochran, Colonel Philip G.
Cochran, Jacqueline
Cochrane, Rear Admiral Edward L.
The Codebreakers (Kahn)
Codman, Charles
Coffey, Thomas M.
Collins, Major General J. Lawton
Combined Chiefs of Staff; at Casablanca; and Eisenhower; and Marshall; and Overlord; and Pacific strategy; at Trident Conference
Combined Operations (commandos)
Compton, Arthur Holly
Compton, Colonel Keith K.
Conant, James B.
Congress, U.S.; declaration of War on Japan; and fall of France; and FDR; and isolationism; and Neutrality Act
Conner, Major General Fox
Cooke, Admiral
Cooke, Captain Charles M. (“Savvy”)
Coolidge, Calvin
Copp, DeWitt
Coral Sea, Battle of the
COSSAC (Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander). See also D-Day; Morgan, Lieutenant General Sir Frederick
Coughlin, Father
Cozzens, Major James Gould; Guard of Honor
Craig, Malin
Cryptanalysis. See also Magic; Ultra
Cunningham, Admiral Sir Andrew B.
Currie, Lauchlin
Curtin, John
Daladier, Edouard
Dallek, Robert
Dan, Baron Takuma
Daniels, Josephus
Daniels, Lieutenant James G.
Darlan, Admiral
Darlan-Clark Agreement
Davies, John Paton
Davis, Captain T. J.
Davis, Vernon
Davison, Admiral Ralph E
D-Day; postponement of. See also COSSAC; Overlord
Deane, General John
Dear General (letters of Eisenhower to Marshall)
Decatur, Stephen
Deception in World War II (Cruikshank)
de Gaulle, Charles; and D-Day; and FDR
de Guingand, Major General Sir Francis
Delano, Warren
Dempsey, Lieutenant General Miles C
Dern, George
De Voto, Bernard
Dewey, Admiral
Dewey, Thomas E
Dewing, Major General R. H.
De Witt, John
Dienst, B. See Cryptanalysis
Dill, Sir John
Djilas, Milovan
Donitz, Admiral Karl
Doolittle, James H.; raid on Tokyo
Dorman-Smith, Sir Reginald
Dorn, Major Frank (“Pinky”)
Dowding, Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh
Drum, General Hugh
Dugan, James
Duncan, Claude
Dunlap, Abby
Dyer, Admiral
Dyson, Freeman
Eads, Colonel Harold
Eaker, Brigadier General Ira; and fighter escorts; and strategic bombing
Early, Steve
Eastern Solomons, Battle of the
Eccles, Marriner
Echols, Brigadier General Oliver P
Eddy, Lieutenant Colonel William
Eden, Anthony
Edison, Charles
Edson, Colonel Merritt A. (“Red Mike”)
Edson’s Ridge, Battle of (Bloody Ridge; The Ridge)
Edwards, Rear Admiral Richard S.
Ehrman, John
Eichelberger, Lieutenant General Robert L.; and Philippines campaign
Eichelberger, Mrs. Robert L.
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight David; and Allied unity; and Arnhem; and Berlin; on Bradley; British view of; and Casablanca; and Churchill; and COSSAC plan; Crusade in Europe; on death of first son; and de Gaulle; and end of European war; and FDR; and invasion of Europe; and invasion of Southern France; and MacArthur; on Marshall; and Marshall; Marshall’s choice of; military education of; and Montgomery; and North Africa; and Overlord; and Pacific theater; and Patton; and Pearl Harbor; personality of; and politics; and Rhine crossing; and technology; and World War I. See also D-Day
Eisenhower, John
Eliot, George Fielding
Eliot, T. S.
Ellis, Major Earl H. (“Pete”)
Elsey, George M.
Embick, Major General Stanley D.
Emerson, William R.
Ent, Brigadier General Uzal G.
Enterprise (carrier); in Battle of Midway; at Guadalcanal; under King’s command; in Marshall-Gilbert raids; size of
Evans, Ernest E.
Evatt, Herbert
Fanton, Jonathan
Farley, James A.
Farragut, David
Feis, Herbert
Fellers, Colonel Bonner
Fergusson, Bernard (Lord Ballantrae)
Ferris, Brigadier General Benjamin G.
Fifty Years of New Japan (Okuma)
Fischer, Jack
Fish, Hamilton
Flatley, Commander James
Fletcher, Vice-Admiral Frank Jack; at Midway; and Nimitz
Flying Tigers (American Volunteer Group). See also Chennault, General Claire L.; China
Ford, Henry
Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy James; and air admirals; and destroyer escorts; and FDR; on Grumman Aircraft; and Navy; and Stimson
Forrestal and the Navy (Albion and Connery)
Four Freedoms
Fox, Lieutenant Commander George A.
France; vs. Allies in North Africa; fall of; and FDR; in Indochina; plans for invasion of. See also de Gaulle, Charles
Franco, General
Frankfurter, Justice Felix
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin D. Roosevelt: The Apprenticeship (Freidel)
Fredendall, Major General Lloyd R.
Freeman, Air Chief Marshal Sir Alfred
French Committee for National Liberation (FCNL). See also de Gaulle, Charles
Fuchida, Commander Mitsuo
Fuller, Major General J. F. C.; The Second World War
Fulton, Robert
Furlong, Rear Admiral William R.
Fushimi, Prince Hiroyasu
Gale, Lieutenant General Sir Humphrey
Galland, General Adolf
Gannett, Frank
Gates, Artemus
Gauss, Ambassador
Gavin, Lieutenant General James M.
Gay, Ensign George H.
Geiger, Brigadier General Roy S.
Genda, Commander Minoru
George, General Harold L.
Gerhartz, Lieutenant Werner
Germany; air power of; army of; defeat of; Enigma codes of; Lindbergh’s assessment of; U-boats of; U.S. declaration of war on; and U.S. Victory Program. See also Bombing: of Germany; Hitler, Adolph; Luftwaffe; Russia: Hitler’s invasion of
Gerow, Lieutenant General Leonard T.
Gerstenberg, Colonel Alfred
Ghormley, Vice-Admiral Robert L.
Giraud, General Henri
Goebbels, Joseph
Goettge, Lieutenant Colonel Frank B.
Goring, Hermann
Graham, Major General Miles
Grant, Ulysses S.; Personal Memoirs
Great Britain; and Grand Alliance; military aid to. See also Churchill, Winston
Greene, Nathanael
Grew, Joseph
Griffith, Brigadier General Samuel B. II
Grigg, Sir James
Griswold, Francis H. (“Butch”)
Groves, General Leslie R.
Guadalcanal; Cactus Air Force at; casualties of; compared with Papuan campaign; conditions in; Henderson Field at; and Japanese air force; Japanese view of; Naval Battle of
Gunther, Jane
Gunther, John
Hackmeister, Louise (Hackie)
Hagood, Major General Johnson
Halden, General
Halifax, Lord
Halleck, Henry W.
Halsey, Admiral William F., Jr.; and Enterprise; and Leyte Gulf; and Nimitz; and Pacific strategy; and South Pacific command; and Spruance
Halverson, Colonel Harry A.
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, Nigel
Handy, General Thomas T.
Hansell, General Haywood S. (“Possum”)
Hara, Yoshimichi
Harmon, Major General Ernest K.
Harriman, Averell
Harriman, E. H.
Harriman, Roland
Harris, Air Marshal Sir Arthur
Harrison, Gordon
Harsch, Joseph C.
Hart, Liddell
Hassett, Bill
Hastings, Max
Hawaii; 1944 conference in; and Pacific strategy. See also Pearl Harbor
Hayes, Grace Person
Haynes, Colonel Caleb V.
Henderson, Major Lofton
Hensel, H. Struve
Hepburn, Admiral Arthur J.
Hersey, John
Hess, Rudolf
Higgins, Andrew Jackson
Hillman, Sidney
Himmler, Heinrich
Hirohito, Emperor
Hitler, Adolph; and Allied invasion; Atlantic Wall of; and attack on Russia; and British; and D-Day; and FDR; and France; and submarine war; and U.S. See also Germany
Hodges, Lieutenant General Courtney H.
Holmes, Captain W. J. (“Jasper”)
Hoover, Herbert
Hopkins, Harry; and Arnold; on bombing of Germany; on B-29s; and Chennault; and Churchill; and Eisenhower; and FDR; and Marshall; and Lovett; and Overlord; and Pacific campaign; and RAF; and Stilwell
Horii, General Tomitaro
Hornbeck, Stanley
Horne, Admiral
Hornet (carrier); at Battle of Midway; sinking of
Hoshino, Naoki
Howarth, David
Howe, George F.
Howe, Louis McHenry
Hughes, Lloyd D.
Hull, Cordell; and FDR; and Japanese demands
Hump, flying the
Hunt, Frazier
Hurley, Major General Patrick J.
Huxley, Aldous
Hyakutake, General Harukichi
Hypo. See Cryptanalysis
Ichiki, Colonel Kiyono
Ickes, Harold
Ind, Lieutenant Allison
The Influence of Seapower upon History (Mahan)
Inoye, Junnosuke
Intelligence, military. See also Cryptanalysis; Magic; Ultra
Inukai, Tsuyoshi
Irving, David
Ismay, General Sir Hastings (“Pug”)
Isolationism; in Congress; and MacArthur
Italy; and invasion of France
Jablonski, Edward
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Stonewall
Jacob, Sir Ian
Janeway, Eliot
Japan; army of; avoidance of war with; and Battle of the Philippine Sea; bombing of; and Britain; defeat of; and Dutch East Indies; and Germany; at Guadalcanal; imperial conferences of 1941 in; Imperial Navy of; internal divisions in; invasion of; kamikaze attacks of; Kido Butai (Carrier Striking Force); at Leyte Gulf; meaning of makato (sincerity) in; merchant marine of; militarism in; Nankai Shitai (South Seas Detachment) of; negotiations with; oil embargo on; operational code of; and Russia; Sendai Division of; strike-south decision of; surrender of; and “total war”; and U.S. public opinion; and U.S. Victory Program; view of U.S. See also Manchuria; Pearl Harbor: Japanese and; individual battles
Jefferson, Thomas
Jeffries, Henry
Jellicoe, Admiral
Jeschonnek, Hans
Jobbins, Edward
Jodl, General Alfred
Johnson, Assistant Secretary of War
Johnson, Colonel Leon
Johnson, Gerald W.
Joint Chiefs of Staff; and air power; and blockade of Japan; at Casablanca; and China; and FDR; and Joint Army-Navy Board; and King; and Guadalcanal; and MacArthur; membership in; and North Africa; and Pacific strategy; on postwar diplomacy; and Russia
Juin, General
Jutland, Battle of
Kahn, E. J., Jr.
Kane, Colonel John (“Killer”)
Kase, Toshikazu
Kato, Kanji
Kawaguchi, Major General Kiyotake
Kennan, George
Kennedy, Joseph P.
Kenney, Major General George H.
Kenney, W. John
Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert
Kettering, Charles F.
Keynes, John Maynard
Kilner, Brigadier General Walter G.
Kimmel, Rear Admiral Husband E.; on Japanese Navy; and Pearl Harbor
King, Admiral Ernest J.; appointment as NCO; and Atlantic Charter meeting; and Battle of Savo Island; at Casablanca; characteristics of; and China; and Combined Chiefs; as Commander of the Atlantic Fleet; and ending of war; and FDR; and Guadalcanal; and Japan; and Joint Chiefs; and landing craft; and Leyte Gulf; and MacArthur; and Marshall; and Nimitz; and Overlord; and Pacific strategy; and politics
Kinkaid, Rear Admiral Thomas C.
Kirk, Rear Admiral Alan G.
Kittredge, Captain Tracy B.
Knocke, Lieutenant Heinz
Knowles, Commander Kenneth A.
Knox, Commodore Dudley
Knox, Frank; death of; and King; and Pearl Harbor; and Plan Dog memorandum; and Victory Program
Koga, Admiral Mineichi
Kondo, Vice-Admiral Nobutake
Konoye, Prince Fumimaro
Krause, Lieutenant Colonel Edward C.
Krueger, General Walter
Kung, H. H.
Kurita, Vice-Admiral Takeo
Kursk, Battle of
Kuter, General Laurence
La Guardia, Fiorello
Lamb, Richard
Larr, Lieutenant Colonel David
Lash, Joseph P.
The Last Offensive (MacDonald)
Lawrence, Ernest O.
Lawrence, James
Lawrence, T. E.
Layton Commander Edwin T.
Leahy, Admiral William D.; and China; and FDR; and Hawaii conference; and invasion of France; and invasion of Japan; and King
Lee, Clark
Lee, Lieutenant General John C. H.
Lee, Rear Admiral Willis Augustus (“Ching”)
Lee, Robert E.
Leigh-Mallory, Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford
LeMay, General Curtis E.; and Arnold; background of; and B-29s; and FDR; in Marianas; personality of; and precision bombing; and Schweinfurt raid
Lend-Lease; and aircraft; to China; to Russia
Lentaigne, Brigadier General Joseph
Leslie, Lieutenant Commander Maxwell
Lewis, John L.
Lexington (carrier)
Leyte Gulf, Battle of
Liao Yao-hsiang
Liebling, A. J.
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Brigadier General George A. (“Abe”)
Lindbergh, Charles A.
Lippmann, Walter
Lives of a Bengal Lancer (Yeats-Brown)
Lockwood, Rear Admiral Charles A.
Logan, John A.
London Naval Conference of 1930
Long, Senator Huey
Longstreet, James
Longstreet, Mrs. James
Lord, Walter
Love, Robert William
Lovett, Adele
Lovett, Judge
Lovett, Robert A.; and aircraft; and
Low, Captain Francis C.
Low, Rear Admiral Francis S.
Low Level Mission (Wolff)
Luftwaffe; and Battle of Britain; destruction of. See also Ploesti raid
MacArthur, Arthur (Douglas MacArthur’s father)
MacArthur, Arthur (Douglas MacArthur’s son)
MacArthur, General Douglas; and Admiralties campaign; and attack on Clark Field; and Australians; background of; and Bonus Expeditionary Force; characteristics of; and Churchill; and Congress; and Eisenhower; and Europe-first strategy; and FDR; and Hawaii conference of 1944; and Japanese surrender; and “leap-frogging” technique; at Leyte Gulf; and Marshall; and New Deal; and New Guinea Campaign; and Pacific strategy; and Philippines; politics of; and Quezon; recall to active duty; return to Philippines; on Russia; and son
McCain, Rear Admiral John S.
McCampbell, Commander David
McCarthy, Colonel Frank
McClellan, General
McCloy, John J.
McClusky, Lieutenant Commander Clarence (“Wade”)
McCormick, Colonel
McCrary, Tex
McCrea, Captain John L.
Macdonald-Buchanan, Major Reggie
MacDonough, Thomas
McIntire, Rear Admiral Ross T.
McKelway, Lieutenant Colonel St. Clair
McKinley, President William
McLain, Major General Raymond S.
Macmillan, Harold
McMorris, Vice-Admiral (“Soc”)
McNair, Lieutenant General Lesley J.
McNarney, General Joseph T.
Madison, Dolley
Magic (cryptanalysts)
Magruder, Brigadier General John
Manly, Chesly
Mao Tse-tung
Marine Corps, U.S. See also Guadalcanal
Marshall, Brigadier General S. L. A.
Marshall, General George Catlett, Jr.; and Air Corps; appointed Chief of Staff; and Arnold; and Atlantic Charter; and Battle of the Atlantic; and Burma; at Casablanca; characteristics of; and China; on choice of officers; and Churchill; on Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC); and Combined Chiefs; and Congress; and Eisenhower; and ending of war; on FDR; and FDR; at Fort Benning; and General Pershing; and Guadalcanal; and Hopkins; and King; on leaders in democracy; and MacArthur; and North African campaign; and Overlord; and Pacific strategy; and plans for invading France in 1942; and politics; and reform of Army; and Stilwell; and Stimson; in World War I. See also Marshall Memorandum; Victory Program
Marshall, Katherine Brown
Marshall, Vice-President Thomas R.
Marshall Islands
Marshall Memorandum
Marshall Plan
Martin, George
Martin, Marine Lieutenant Harold H.
Maruyama, Lieutenant General Masao
Masakazu, General Kawabe
Masters, John
Matloff, Maurice
Matsuoka, Yosuka
Matter, Betsy
Mauldin, Bill
May, Stacy
Mehle, Lieutenant Roger W.
Meiji, Emperor
Merrill, Frank
Merrill’s Marauders
Messerschmitt, Willy
Meyer, Oberleutnant Egon
Meyers, General Bennett E.
Middleton, Drew
Midway, Battle of; and Japanese codes; significance of
Mikawa, Admiral Gunichi
Miles, Vice-Admiral Milton E.
Militarism (Vogts)
Military-industrial complex
The Military Policy of the United States (Upton)
Millis, Walter
Mims, Master Sergeant John L.
Mitchell, William G.
Mitchell, Brigadier General Billy
Mitscher, Admiral Marc
Model, Field Marshal Walter
Montgomery, Lieutenant General Sir Bernard Law; and Berlin; crossing the Rhine; and D-Day; and Eisenhower; and invasion of Europe; From Normandy to the Baltic; and Normandy campaign; in North Africa
Montgomery, Lieutenant Robert
Montgomery, Monty (carrier admiral)
Moore, Captain Charles J. (“Carl”)
Moore, Colonel Bryant
Moore, John Hammond
Moran, Lord. See Wilson, Sir Charles
Moreel, Rear Admiral Ben
Morgan, Lieutenant General Sir Frederick
Morgan, Major Roger K.
Morganthau, Henry, Jr.
Morison, Admiral Samuel Eliot; and Battle of Leyte Gulf; and Battle of Midway; and Battle of the Atlantic; and Battle of the Philippine Sea; on Guadalcanal; on Nimitz; on planning for Pacific campaigns
Morison, Elting
Moseley, Major General George Van Horn
Mountbatten, Lord Louis
Mr. Roosevelt’s Navy (Abbazia)
Murphy, Robert D.
Murray, Captain George
Nagano, Osami
Nagata, Tetsuzan
Nagumo, Vice-Admiral Chuichi
Nason, Mona
Nathan, Robert R.
National Defense Act of 1920
Navy, U.S.; Atlantic fleet of; battleships of; Pacific strategy of; rivalry with Army; tradition of; two-ocean; wartime changes in. See also Carriers, aircraft; Pearl Harbor; Submarine warfare; individual commanders
Nelson, Donald
Nelson, Horatio
Neustadt, Richard
Neutrality Act
New Deal
New Guinea
Nicholas, Captain Samuel
Nicolson, Harold
Nimitz, Admiral Chester W.; appointment as Commander in Chief of Pacific Fleet; characteristics of; and FDR; and Guadalcanal; and Halsey; and King; and Leyte Gulf; and Marshall Islands; and Midway battle; and Pacific campaign; and Pearl Harbor; and Spruance; and submarine warfare. See also Midway, Battle of
Nimitz, Anna (“Nancy”)
Nimitz, Catherine (Mrs. Chester W.)
Nimitz, Katy
Nimitz, Rear Admiral Chester W., Jr.
Nishimura, Vice-Admiral Shoji
Nixon, Richard
Nomura, Kichisaburo
Norstad, Brigadier General Lauris
North Africa; Battle of El Alamein; British and; FDR’s knowledge of; and Germans; Kasserine Pass; landings in; opposition to invasion of
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Nye, Senator Gerald
O’Donnell, General Emmett (“Rosie”)
Ogburn, Charlton
O’Hare, Lieutenant
Okawa, Koshiro
Okumiya, Commander Masatake
O’Laughlin, John C.
Oldendorf, Admiral Jesse B.
Olds, Colonel Robert
Oliver, Lieutenant Robert
On War (Clausewitz)
Operation Torch. See also North Africa
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
Ott, General Eugen
Overlord; command of. See also D-Day
Ozaki, Hotsumi
Ozawa, Vice-Admiral Jisaburo
Palmer, John McAuley
Park, Air Vice-Marshal Keith
Parton, Captain James
Passage to India (Forster)
Patch, Major General Alexander, M.
Patterson, Lieutenant Robert
Patterson, Robert P.
Patton, General George Smith, Jr.; and Bradley; at Casablanca; and Eisenhower; and FDR; and invasion of Europe; and Normandy Campaign; in North Africa; personality of; and politics; in Sicily
Pearl Harbor; attack on; FDR and; Japanese and
Pendar, Kenneth
Perkins, Frances
Pershing, General John J.
Peltain, Marshal
Petrillo, Carol M.
Philippines; and Japanese; and Pacific strategy; recapture of; reinforcement of, by U.S.; and U.S. Navy. See also Leyte Gulf, Battle of; MacArthur, General Douglas
Philippine Sea, Battle of the
Pihl, Charlotte
Pihl, Paul
Pitcairn, Douglas
Plan Dog
Ploesti air raid
Ploesti (Dugan and Stewart)
Pogue, Forrest
Polifka, Colonel Karl F.
Portal, Sir Charles
Porter, David
Posey, Colonel James T.
Potter, E. B.
Pound, Admiral Sir Dudley
Powder, Master Sergeant James
Power, Brigadier General Thomas S.
Prange, Gordon
Pratt, Fletcher
Progress and Poverty (George)
Puller, Lieutenant Colonel Lewis B. (“Chesty”)
Purvis, Sir Arthur
Pye, Vice-Admiral William S.
Pyle, Ernie
Quebec conferences
Quesada, Major General Elwood (“Pete”)
Quezon, Manuel
Quin, Huston
Ramsay, Admiral Sir Bertram H.
Rees, Goronway
Reischauer, Edwin O.
Reynolds, Clark
Reynolds, Quentin
Richardson, General
Richardson, Rear Admiral James O.
Ridgway, Matthew
Rochefort, Commander Joseph J.
Rodgers, Richard
Rodman, Admiral Hugh
Roll Back the Sea (Doolaard)
Rommel, General Erwin; Afrika Korps of; opinion of American troops
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Elliot
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano; administrative style of; and Admiral King; and aid to Britain; and air power; at Arcadia conference; and Army; and Arnold; as assistant secretary of the Navy; and Atlantic Charter meeting; and atomic bomb; attitude to war; and Battle of the Atlantic; and Burma; cabinet of; at Casablanca Conference; Chautauqua speech of; and Chiang Kai-shek; and China; and Combined Chiefs of Staff; compared with Churchill; compared with Lincoln; and Churchill; and Congress; death of; and de Gaulle; and design of European war; and Eisenhower; and ending of European war; fireside chats of; and France; and Guadalcanal; in Haiti; and Hitler; and Hopkins; and Ickes; and isolationism; and Japan; and Joint Chiefs of Staff; and labor; leadership of; and Lend-Lease; and Lindbergh; and MacArthur; and Map Room; and Marine Corps; and Marshall; and military; and Navy; and New Deal; and North Africa; and Overlord; and Pacific strategy; Pan American Day speech; and Pearl Harbor; and Plan Dog; and politics; “quarantine” speech of (Oct. 1937); at Quebec conference; “responsibility” of; and Russia; and Stalin; State of the Union messages; and Stilwell; and Stimson; strategic thinking of; and Theodore Roosevelt; at Trident conference; and “unconditional surrender”; and “unlimited national emergency”; view of postwar world; and Woodrow Wilson; and World War I; at Yalta
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr.
Roosevelt, James
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, Senator Elihu
Rosenman, Judge Samuel
Rowland, Frank
Roxas, Manuel
Royal Air Force (RAF); and American bombers; in Burma; women’s ferry command of
Royal, Captain Forrest B.
Royal Navy
Ruble, Commander Richard
Ruppenthal, Roland
Russell, Captain George L.
Russia; aid to; and Allied invasion of Europe; and ending of war; Hitler’s invasion of; and Japan
Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905)
Ryan, Cornelius
Sachs, Alexander
Saionji, Prince Kinmochi
Sakai, Saburo
Sampson, Admiral
Sanborn, Frederick
Sanders, Captain Harry
Sandino, Augusto César
Saratoga (carrier)
Saundby, Air Marshal Sir Robert
Savo Island, Battle of
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.
Schofield, John M.
Scott, Rear Admiral Norman
Scott, Winfield
Seagrave, Dr. Gordon
Selassie, Emperor Haile
Selective Training and Service Act
Service, John S. (“Jack”)
Sevareid, Eric
Sharpe, Tim
Shaw, Commander James C.
Sheridan, Phil
Sherman, Admiral Frederick C.
Sherman, Admiral Forrest P.
Sherwood, Robert; Roosevelt and Hopkins; as speech writer to FDR
Shigemitsu, Mamoru
Shima, Vice-Admiral Kiyohide
Simpson, Lieutenant General William H.
Simpson, Major General Frank
Slessor, Sir John
Slim, General William J.; Defeat into Victory
Slonim, Captain Gilven M.
Smart, Colonel Jacob E.
Smith, Captain John L.
Smith, General (“Howlin’ Mad”) Holland
Smith, Major Truman
Smith, Major Walter Bedell (“Beetle”)
Smith, Merriman
Smith, Robert Ross
The Soldier and the State (Huntington)
Solomon Islands campaign. See also Guadalcanal
Somerville, General Brehon B.
Soong, T. V.
Sorge, Richard
Spaatz, Major Carl (“Tooey”)
Speer, Albert
Speidel, General Hans
Sprague, Rear Admiral Clifton A. (“Ziggy”)
Spruance, Admiral Raymond; compared with Halsey; criticism of; and Marianas; at Midway; and Nimitz; and Pacific strategy
Stagg, Group Captain James M.
Stalin; and Churchill; and FDR; at Teheran
Stark, Admiral Harold R.; appointed CNO; and Atlantic Charter; and FDR; and Japan; and King; Plan Dog of
Stevenson, Adlai
Stewart, Carroll
Stiles, Lieutenant Bert
Stilwell, General Joseph Warren; and aid to China; and Burma; characteristics of; and Chennault; and Chiang Kai-shek; and Chinese Army; death of; and FDR; and King; knowledge of China; and Marshall; and Merrill’s Marauders; and Pearl Harbor; recall of; The Stilwell Papers; and Stimson; walkout from Burma
Stilwell, Winifred
Stimson, Henry L.; and air power; and antisubmarine war; and China command; and Churchill; and FDR; impact on War Department; and MacArthur; and Marshall; on Midway; and North Africa; and size of Army; and Stilwell; and Victory Program; view of Japanese; and war
Stolper, Dr. Gustav
The Story of Weapons and Tactics (Wintringham)
Stouffer, Samuel
Stowe, Leland
Strategy and Command (Morton)
The Struggle for Europe (Wilmot)
Stuart, Jeb
Stuart, Sir Campbell
Submarine warfare
Suffren, Admiral
Sugiyama, General
Sultan, Daniel I.
Summersby, Kay
Sun Li-jen
Sun Yat-sen
Sun Yat-sen, Mme.
Supplying War (van Creveld)
Sutherland, General Richard K.
Suzuki, Baron Kantaro
Suzuki, Dr.
Swing, Raymond Gram
Swope, Herbert Bayard
Sykes, Christopher
Szilard, Leo
Taft, President William Howard
Taft, Senator Robert A.
Tai An-lan
Tai Li
Tanaka, Admiral Raizo
Taylor, Maxwell
Tedder, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur
Teheran Conference
Terkel, Studs
Thach, Lieutenant James
Thompson, R. W.; The Eighty-five Days
Togo, Admiral
Tojo, General Hideki
Toland, John
Tomonaga Lieutenant Joichi
Towers, Vice-Admiral, John H.
Toyoda, Admiral Soemu
Tregaskis, Richard
Trident. See Washington conference of May 1943
Tripartite Pact
Truman, Harry S
Truscott, General Lucian K., Jr.
Tsukada, Ko
Tsushima, Battle of
Tuchman, Barbara
Tugwell, Rexford
Tuleja, Commander
Tulloch, Derek
Tully, Grace
Turner, Rear Admiral Richmond Kelly; and Guadalcanal; and Nimitz; and Spruance
Tu Yu-ming
Udet, Ernest
Ultra. See also Cryptanalysis; Magic
The Ultra Secret (Winterbotham)
Umezu, Yoshijuro
Unconditional surrender
The Undeclared War (Langer and Gleason)
United Nations
Upton, Emory
U Saw
Vandegrift, General Archer; background of; and Cactus Air Force; and FDR; and Guadalcanal; perimeter defense of; on physical courage
Vandenberg, Senator Arthur
Van Fleet, Colonel James A.
Van Overmeeren, Father
Van Volkenburgh, General Robert
Very Special Intelligence (Beesly)
Victory at Sea (TV series)
Victory Program
Vinson, Carl
von Brauchitsch, General
von Karman, Theodore
von Paulus, General Friedrich
von Rundstedt, General Gerd
von Thoma, General
Vouza, Sergeant Major Sir Jacob
Wainwright, General Jonathan
Waldron, Lieutenant Commander John C.
Wallace, Henry
Ward, Orlando
The War Lords of Washington (Catton)
War of 1812
Washington, George
Washington conference of May 1943 (Trident)
Washington Naval conference of 1921–22
Wasp (carrier)
Wassell, Corydon M.
Watanabe, Captain Yasuji
Watson, Major General Edwin W. (“Pa”)
Watson, Mark S.
Wavell, General Sir Archibald
Wedemeyer, Major General Albert C.
Weigley, Russell
Weizmann, Chaim
Welles, Sumner
Westphal, General Siegfried
Wever, Major General Walther
Wheeler, Senator Burton K.
Wheless, Colonel Hewitt T.
White, Theodore H.
Whitehead, Don
Whitney, General Courtney; MacArthur; His Rendezvous with History
Wigner, Eugene
Wilde, Oscar
Wilkinson, Admiral Theodore
Wilkinson, Lieutenant Colonel Gerald
Williams, Brigadier Sir Edgar
Willkie, Wendell
Willoughby, General Charles; MacArthur1941–1951
Willson, Rear Admiral Russell
Wilson, Hugh
Wilson, Lieutenant Robert W.
Wilson, Sir Charles (Lord Moran)
Wilson, Woodrow
Winant, John
Wingate, Brigadier General Orde C.
Wingate, Lorna
Wingate, Sir Reginald
Wolfe, General Kenneth B.
Wood, Colonel Jack
Wood, John S. (“P”)
Wood, Robert E.
Woodring, Harry H.
Woodward, C. Vann
World War I; bombing in; FDR and; and isolationists; lessons of; and Marshall
World War II; as air war; as “the good war”; humor in; history of; landing craft in; leadership of; surprises in; U.S. involvement in; winning of. See also individual commanders
Wright, Lieutenant Commander Wesley A. (“Ham”)
Wright, Lieutenant William
Yamaguchi, Admiral Tamon
Yamamoto, Admiral Isoroku; and Battle of Midway; Pacific strategy of; and Pearl Harbor
The Years of MacArthur (James)
Yonai, Admiral
Yorktown (carrier)
Young, Owen D.