“GUESS WE WON’T have to spend Christmas Eve delivering a foal, after all.” Regan O’Connelli stripped off his rubber gloves and got to his feet.
Timothy Lindquist, head trainer for the Marley Stables, sighed. “Sorry to bring you out here for a false alarm, Doc. I thought for sure she was in labor. The boss has high hopes for this one, up to and including the Triple Crown, so I can’t take chances.”
“I completely understand. But my fiancée will be very happy not to spend Christmas Eve alone.”
Timothy grinned. “Same with my wife. She knows how important this foal is, but she still grumbled when I informed her that this was the night.”
“Not from what I see, but I’d keep an eye on things if I were you.” Regan picked up his bag.
“Don’t worry. I will. But coming down here every few hours is a hell of a lot better than spending the night in the barn. Thanks, Doc.”
“You bet.” Regan shook the trainer’s hand. “Call me if you notice any changes.”
“Got your number in my phone. Merry Christmas.”
“Same to you.” Regan left the barn and glanced up at the clear sky. No snow in sight. Too bad.
In Virginia, you never knew if you’d have snow for the holidays or not. Jeannette was hoping for a white Christmas, and it didn’t look promising. But she’d probably trade snow for having him around tonight. He’d told her he’d probably be gone for hours, maybe all night.
On the drive home he pulled out his phone to call and let her know he was on his way. He was in the habit of doing that. Then he thought better of it. Since it was Christmas, he’d surprise her. That would be more romantic.
But now that he had his phone out, he could call his sister Cassidy in Wyoming and wish her a Merry Christmas. So far she seemed to love apprenticing as the housekeeper at the Last Chance, plus she got to see Tyler and Morgan a lot, and Cassidy adored her big sisters.
With seven siblings, plus his parents, Regan had to space out his holiday calls. He’d contact both Tyler and Morgan tomorrow, when he had more time. He wanted all the details on the wedding, especially Tyler’s performances with Watkins and Trey Wheeler.
Talking to Morgan would take a while, too, because it would undoubtedly include a long conversation with his niece Sarah Bianca. He smiled. He was crazy about that little redhead.
Cassidy answered right away. “Regan! Merry Christmas! I can’t talk long, because we have this huge party going on. I’ll text you about it later.”
“Great! So you’re having fun?”
“Are you kidding? I love it here. Love, love, love it. You should move out to Jackson Hole, Regan. Nick keeps saying he needs a partner in his vet business.”
Regan laughed. “Yeah, he mentioned that when I was there last summer, but Cass, I have a partner, remember? Drake wouldn’t appreciate having me bail on him, and I wouldn’t, anyway. He’s my best friend.”
“I know.” Cassidy sighed dramatically. “But it would be so cool if you were here, too. You and Drake could both come!”
“’Fraid not. His folks live here, and they helped us build our practice. Then there’s Jeannette. Her family’s here, too. I guarantee she wouldn’t want to move to Wyoming.”
“Well, bummer. Promise you’ll come out for a visit soon, okay? Bring Jeannette. Maybe once she sees the place, she’ll be hooked.”
“I’ll see what I can figure out, sweetie.” But he didn’t know when he’d work in a visit to the Last Chance. He and Jeannette were deep into wedding planning. He’d suggested Jackson Hole for their honeymoon, and she’d made a face.
“Gotta go, brother of mine. Mary Lou needs me. Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas, Cassidy. Love you.” As he disconnected, his chest tightened with longing. He could imagine how festive the ranch house was tonight.
But he couldn’t be in two places at once, and he had a hot woman waiting in the town house they’d rented temporarily until they decided for sure where they wanted to buy. He was almost there. She’d be so excited to see him.
As he turned down the street, he noticed Drake’s SUV parked in front of the house. Huh. Then he chuckled. Drake had dropped by with his last-minute gift. Typical of the guy. Drake bragged about his Christmas Eve shopping marathons. Jeannette had probably offered him a beer.
Regan parked in the street instead of pulling into the drive. This would be fun. He’d surprise them both, and then the three of them could have a Christmas Eve drink together. Perfect.
Pleased with how the evening was turning out, he strode up the walk, climbed the steps and unlocked the front door. When he walked in, he expected to see both of them sitting in the living room, but it was empty. Maybe they’d gone back to the kitchen, although it was really quiet back there.
Then he heard a sound he knew quite well, one that he’d become fond of in the past six months. The wail drifting down from their upstairs bedroom was unmistakable. Someone had just given his fiancée an orgasm. And the odds were excellent that it was the same person who drove the SUV parked outside.
* * * * *
Keep reading for an excerpt from I’LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS by Leslie Kelly.