This list does not include particular issues of Petits Propos Culinaires, which I have found useful, though they are cited in the footnotes. But this volume owes a debt of gratitude to the publication as a whole, and to the Oxford Food Symposium itself, which I have always found stimulating and enriching.
The citation dates given are to the editions consulted.
Acton, Harold, Memoirs of an Aesthete ( Artellus 1948)
Adamson, Melitta Weiss, ed., Food in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays, Garland Medieval Casebooks 12 (New York and London 1995)
Aelfric, Colloquy, ed. G.N. Garmonsway (Methuen’s Old English Library 1939)
Allen, Darina. Irish Traditional Cooking (Kyle Cathie 1998)
Anthimus. On the Observance of Foods, trans and edited by Mark Grant (Prospect Books 1996)
Austin, T., ed. Two Fifteenth Century Cookery Books: Harleian MS 279, 4016, Early English Text Society 1888
Baldwin Smith, Lacey, Elizabethan World (Hamlyn 1967)
Barber, Richard, Cooking and Recipes from Rome to the Renaissance (Allen Lane 1973)
Bartlett, Robert, England under the Norman and Angevin Kings 1075-1225 (OUP 2000)
Barrow, John, ed., Cook’s Voyages of Discovery (Everyman 1906)
Beeton, Isabella, ed. Beeton’s Book of Household Management (Southover Press 1998)
Bingham, Madeleine, Scotland under Mary Stuart (Allen & Unwin 1971)
Black, Maggie, A Taste of History (British Museum Press 1993)
Bober, Phyllis Pray, Art, Culture & Cuisine (University of Chicago Press 1999)
Boxer, Arabella, Book of English Food (Hodder & Stoughton 1991)
Boyd Orr, Sir John; Lubbock, David, Feeding the People in Wartime (Macmillan 1940)
Braudel, Fernand, The Wheels of Commerce (Collins 1982)
Brears, P.C.D., The Gentlewoman’s Kitchen (Wakefield Historical Publications 1984)
Briggs, Asa, A Social History of England (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1983)
Burkhardt, B.; McLean, B.A.; Kochanek, D., Sailors and Sauerkraut (Gray’s 1978)
Burnett, John, Liquid Pleasures (Routledge 1999)
Burnett, John, Plenty and Want (Routledge 1966)
Burton, Elizabeth, The Elizabethans at Home (Secker & Warburg 1958)
Byrne, M. St.Clare, Elizabethan Life in Town and Country (Methuen 1925)
Byrne, M. St.Clare, ed. The Lisle Letters (Penguin 1981)
Byrne, M. St. Clare, ed. The Elizabethan Home. Discovered in Two Dialogues by Claudius Hollyband and Peter Erondell (Cobden-Sanderson 1930)
Carlin, Martha; Rosenthal, Joel T. ed., Food and Eating in Medieval Europe (Hambledon Press 1998)
Chambers, J.D.; Mingay, G.E., The Agricultural Revolution 1750-1880 (Batsford 1966)
Chibnall, Marjorie, ed. and trans., Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1969-80)
Claire, Colin, Kitchen Table (Abelard & Schumann 1964)
Cobb, H.S., Overseas Trade of London: Exchequer Custom Accounts 1480-81 (London Record Society 1990)
Cobbett, William, Rural Rides (Penguin 1967)
Cohn, Norman, The Pursuit of the Millennium (Paladin 1970)
Cooper, Susan, Snoek Piquante: The Age of Austerity 1945-1951, ed. Michael Sissons and Philip French (Penguin 1964)
Crawford, Patricia, Women and Religion in England 1500-1720 (Routledge 1993)
Crawford, Sir William; Broadley, H., The People’s Food (Heinemann 1938)
Curtis-Bennett, Sir Noel, The Food of the People (Faber & Faber 1949)
Davidson, Alan, ed., The Oxford Companion to Food (OUP 2000)
Davidson, Caroline, A Woman’s Work is Never Done. A History of Housework in the British Isles, 1650-1950 (Chatto & Windus 1982)
Davies, D.J., The Economic History of South Wales prior to 1800 (Cardiff 1933)
Davies, Wendy, Wales in the Early Middle Ages (Leicester University Press 1982)
Defoe, Daniel, A Tour Through England and Wales (Everyman ed. 1928)
Dodd, A.H., Life in Elizabethan England (Batsford 1961)
Driver, Christopher; Berriedale-Johnson, Michelle, Pepys at Table (Bell & Hyman 1984)
Driver, Christopher, ed., John Evelyn, Cook (Prospect Books 1997)
Driver, Christopher, The British Table 1940-1980 (Chatto & Windus 1983)
Drummond. J.C., The Englishman’s Food (Jonathan Cape 1958)
Dyer, Christopher, Everyday Life in Medieval England (Hambledon Press 1994)
Dyer, Christopher, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages (CUP 1989)
Elias, Norbert, The Civilizing Process: The History of Manners and State Formation and Civilization, trans. Edmund Jephcott (Blackwell 1994)
Emmerson, Robin, Table Settings (Shire Publications 1991)
Feild, Rachel, Irons in the Fire (Crowood 1984)
Fell, Christine, Women in Anglo-Saxon England (Colonnade Books 1984)
Fenton, Alexander; Kisbán, Eszter, ed., Food in Change (John Donald, Edinburgh, 1986)
Fitzgibbon, Theodora, With Love (Century 1982)
FitzStephen, William, ‘A Description of London’, trans. H.E. Butler (Historical Association Leaflet 1934)
Freeman, Bobby, First Catch Your Peacock (Image Imprint) 1978
Girouard, Mark, Life in the English Country House (Yale 1978)
Griggs, Barbara, The Food Factor (Viking 1986)
Hagen, Ann, A Handbook in Anglo-Saxon Food and Drink: Production and Distribution (Pinner, Middlesex: Anglo-Saxon Books 1992); A Second Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Food and Drink: Production and Distribution (Hockwood cum Wilton, Norfolk: Anglo-Saxon Books 1995)
Hale, John, The Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance (Fontana 1994)
Hallam, H.E., ed., The Agrarian History of England and Wales, Vol. 2, 1042-1350, Gen. ed. Joan Thirsk (CUP 1988)
Hamlyn, Matthew, The Recipes of Hannah Woolley (Heinemann 1988)
Handley J.E., Scottish Farming in the 18th Century (Faber & Faber 1953)
Harrison, Molly, The Kitchen in History (Osprey 1972)
Hartley, Dorothy, Food in England (Macdonald 1954)
Harvey, Barbara, Living and Dying in England 1100-1540 (Clarenden Press Oxford 1993)
Heal, Felicity; Holmes, Clive, The Gentry in England and Wales, 1500-1700 (Macmillan 1994)
Heath, Ambrose, Open Sesame: two hundred recipes for canned goods (Nicolson & Watson, 1939)
Heinze R.W., The Proclamations of the Tudor Kings (CUP 1976)
Hess, Karen, ed. Martha Washington’s Booke of Cookery (Columbia University Press 1981)
Hibbert, Christopher, The English, a social history, 1066-1945 (Grafton Books 1987)
Hickman, Peggy, A Jane Austen Household Book with Martha Lloyd’s Recipes (David & Charles 1977)
Hieatt, Constance, An Ordinance of Pottage (Prospect Books 1988)
Hieatt, Constance; Butler, Sharon, Curye on Inglysch (OUP 1985)
Hill, Christopher, The World Turned Upside Down (Penguin 1972)
Hill, Christopher, The Century of Revolution 1603-1714 (Nelson 1961)
Hobsbawm, E.J., Industry and Empire (Penguin 1968)
Houston, R.A.; Whyte, I.D., Scottish Society 1500-1800 (CUP 1989)
Hunt, Alan, Governance of the Consuming Passions. A History of Sumptuary Law (Macmillan 1996)
Johnson, James, A Hundred Years’ Eating (Gill & Macmillan 1977)
Kapoor, Sybil, Simply British (Michael Joseph 1998)
Keane, Molly, Nursery Cooking (MacDonald 1985)
Kelly, Fergus, Early Irish Farming (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1997)
King-Hall, Magdalen, The Story of the Nursery (Routledge 1958)
Knowles, David, The Monastic Order in England: a History of its Development from the Times of St. Dunstan to the Fourth Lateran Council, 943-1216 (CUP 1949)
Landsberg, Sylvia, The Medieval Garden (British Museum Press 1995)
Laslett, Peter, The World We Have Lost (Methuen 1965)
Lawrence, Sue, Scots Cooking (Headline 2000)
Lewis, Gary, The Middle Way (Brolga Press 1992)
Leyel, Mrs C.F.; Hartley, Miss Olga, The Gentle Art of Cookery (Chatto 1925)
Longmate, Norman, How We Lived Then (Hutchinson 1971)
Mabey, Richard, Gilbert White (Century 1986)
Magennis, Hugh, Anglo-Saxon Appetites (Four Court Press 1999)
Mars, Valerie, ‘Parsimony amid Plenty. Food Culture & History’ (1993)
Martineau, Alice, More Caviare and More Candy (Cobden-Sanderson 1938)
May, Robert, The Accomplisht Cook (Prospect Books 1994)
Mayhew, Henry, Mayhew’s London, ed. Peter Quennell (Spring Books 1972)
McGrath, Patrick, Papists and Puritans Under Elizabeth I (Blandford Press 1967)
McKendrick, Neil; Brewer, John; Plumb, J.H., The Birth of the Consumer Society (Europa, London 1982)
McNeill, F. Marian, The Scots Kitchen (Blackie 1929)
Mead, William Edward, The English Medieval Feast (Allen & Unwin 1931)
Meads, D.M., The Diary of Lady Margaret Hoby, 1559-1605 (George Routledge 1930)
Mennell, Stephen, All Manners of Food (Blackwell 1985)
Mintz, Sidney W., Tasting Food, Tasting Freedom (Beacon Press 1996)
Nightingale, Pamela, Medieval Mercantile Community. The Grocer’s Company and the Politics and Trade of London. 1000-1485 (Yale University Press 1995)
Norman, Jill, The Complete Book of Spices (Dorling Kindersley 1990)
Oddy, Derek J.; Miller, Derek S., ed. The Making of the Modern British Diet (Croom Helm 1976)
Palmer, Arnold, Movable Feasts (OUP 1984)
Pepys, Samuel, The Diary of Samuel Pepys, ed. R.C. Latham and W. Matthews, Vol. IV 1663 (Harper Collins 1995)
Plat, Sir Hugh, Delightes for Ladies (Crosby Lockwood & Son, London 1948)
Priestley, J.B., The Edwardians (Sphere 1970)
Pullar, Philippa, Consuming Passions (Hamish Hamilton 1970)
Pyke, Magnus, Townsman’s Food (Turnstile Press 1952)
Raffald, Elizabeth, The Experienced English Housekeeper, (Southover Press 1997)
Ramage, Helen, Portraits of an Island (Anglesey Antiquarian Society 1987)
Raverat, Gwen, Period Piece (Faber and Faber 1954)
Saaler, Mary, Edward II (The Rubicon Press 1997)
Salaman, Redcliffe. N., The History and Social Influence of the Potato (CUP 1949)
Scola, Roger, Feeding the Victorian City. The Food Supply of Manchester 1770-187
(Manchester University Press 1992)
Scully, Terence, The Art of Cookery in the Middle Ages (Boydell Press 1995)
Seebohm, M.E., The Evolution of the English Farm (Allen & Unwin 1952)
Sexton, Regina, A Little History of Irish Food (Kyle Cathie 1998)
Shaida, Margaret, The Legendary Cuisine of Persia (Grub Street 2000)
Sim, Alison, Food and Feast in Tudor England (Sutton Publishing 1997)
Spain, Nancy, The Beeton Story (Ward Lock 1956)
Spencer, Colin, Vegetarianism – a History (Grub Street 2001)
Spurling, Hilary, ed., Elinor Fettiplace’s Receipt Book (Viking Salamander 1986)
Star Chamber Dinner Accounts, The, Commentary by Andre L. Simon (The Wine and Food Society 1959)
Strong, Roy, The Story of Britain (Pimlico 1998)
Tansey, Geoff; Worsley, Tony, The Food System (Earthscan 1995)
Thick, Malcolm, The Neat House Gardens, early market gardening around London (Prospect Books 1998)
Thirsk, Joan, ed., The Agrarian History of England and Wales, Vol. IV, 1500-1640 (CUP 1967); Vol. VII Agrarian Change (CUP 1984). General ed. Finberg, H.P.R.; Thirsk, Joan
Trow-Smith, R. A., History of British Livestock Husbandry to 1700 (RKP 1959)
Tuchman, Barbara W., A Distant Mirror (Penguin Books 1979)
Verrall, William, Cookery Book 1759 (Southover Press 1988)
Webb, Diana, Pilgrimage in Medieval England (Hambledon & London 2000)
Wentworth, Josie A., Janey Ellice’s Recipes 1846-1859 (MacDonald and Jane’s 1974)
Whitelock, Dorothy ed., English Historical Documents c500-1042 (OUP 1979)
Whiting, Robert, The Blind Devotion of the People (CUP 1989)
Wilson, C. Anne, Food and Drink in Britain (Constable 1973)
Wilson, C. Anne, ed., Food in the Community (Edinburgh University Press 1991)
Wilson, C. Anne, ed., Banquetting Stuffe (Edinburgh University Press 1986)
Wilson, C. Anne, ed., Luncheon, Nuncheon and Related Meals (Sutton 1994)
Woodforde, James, The Diary of a Country Parson 1758-1802, ed. John Beresford (OUP 1978)
Woodham-Smith, Cecil, The Great Hunger (Harper 1962)
Woolgar C. M., Household Accounts from Medieval England, 2 vols (Oxford 1992-93)
Woolgar, C. M., The Great Household in Late Medieval England (Yale University Press 1999)
Wright, Clifford, A Mediterranean Feast (William Morrow & Co. 1999)
Youngs, Frederick A., The Proclamations of the Tudor Queens (CUP 1967)
Ziegler, Philip, The Black Death (Penguin 1969)