Unbeknownst to Heimdall, the sentry who guarded the Bifrost, Loki traveled to Midgard, where his brother was banished. Loki had learned that he was adopted, but decided not to share that information until the time was right. Instead, the adopoted brother of the Mighty Thor would speak to his sibling, who was in captivity on Midgard.
Their father—Odin—was dead, Loki told Thor, lying. Thor’s banishment, the threat of a new war—these things were too much for him to bear. Odin had perished from the loss and disappointment, and the burden of the Asgardian throne had now fallen to Loki.
Thor, stunned and stricken with grief, asked if he could return home, and Loki spun more lies.
The truce with Jotunheim was conditional upon Thor’s exile, Loki told his brother. Frigga, Thor’s mother, had for-bidden her son’s return, Loki said, completing his deceitful tale.
With that, Loki bade his brother good-bye with a word of condolence.
Thor, with a heavy heart, said that he was the one who was sorry. He thanked his brother for coming to him to deliver the message, and, with a final farewell, the vision of Loki was gone.