As the Godfather Rises and Sets 

Your eyes shine as bright as two sunrises

in the old photo housed in its frame,

a picture of love from another time,

when innocence was not met with shame.

My mind travels into this charming scene

to embrace my cherished memories.


Your eyes shine as bright as two sunrises

as you fetch me from a night of dreams.

My young tongue trips over words as I cry

over night visions of beasts and fiends.

Wrapped up in your arms, I sleep as in bed;

creatures dare not creep into my head.


Your eyes shine as bright as two sunrises

in my mind as I try to hold on.

The image of you slips into the sky,

and time seems to roll back to the dawn.

The night returns, and I fall back asleep;

the beasts return to me—in my dreams.


Your eyes whisper farewell as two sunsets

ride into the opened arms of night.

My tongue trips over my words as I fret

over the loss of my own white knight.

Wrapped up in the distractions of strange men,

I wish I could see your face again.