2 to
2gether together
4 for
4eva forever
any1 anyone
awk awkward
BFF best friends forever
BFFAE best friends forever and ever
b-room bathroom
b/t between
c see
caf cafeteria
comm committee
comp computer
DEK don’t even know
deets details
def definitely
diff different
disc discussion
emo emotional
every1 everyone
fab fabulous
fabolicious extra fabulous
fac faculty
fave favorite
Fla Florida
fone phone
fyi for your information
gtg gotta go
gn good night
gnight good night
gr8 great
hw homework
ICB I can’t believe
IDC I don’t care
IDEK I don’t even know
IDK I don’t know
IHNC I have no clue
IK I know
ILY I love you
ILYSM I love you so much
JK just kidding
K okay
L8r later
LMK let me know
lol laugh out loud
luv love
n e way anyway
NM nothing much
nvm never mind
nums numbers
obv obviously
obvi obviously
obvs obviously
OMG oh my God
ooc out of control
peeps people
perf perfect
pgs pages
plzzzz please
pos possibly
q question
r are
ridic ridiculous
rlly really
RN right now
sci science
sec second
sem semester
scheds schedules
some1 someone
SWAK sealed with a kiss
TBH to be honest
thx thanks
TMI too much information
tm tomorrow
tmrw tomorrow
tomrw tomorrow
tomw tomorrow
totes totally
u you
ur your
vv very, very
w/ with
wb write back
w/o without
WIGO what is going on
whatev whatever
wknd weekend
WTH what the heck
wut what
wuzzzz what’s
Y why