‘Honestly, Kar, I’d forgotten how fantastic good sex makes you feel,’ Star said as the two of them started their second lap of power walking around the perimeter path of Duck Pond Park. ‘I’ve gone from wanting Skye to always be around me, to now loving it when she says she is staying out at Tegan’s, so she doesn’t know what I’m up to. What sort of mother have I become?’
‘A horny one by the sound of it,’ Kara replied. ‘What a difference a year makes, eh? Me finding love with Billy and you … well, I guess it’s not love yet, but getting it on with the handsome Irishman.’
‘I can’t believe how quickly it all happened.’
‘I’m just so pleased that you’ve moved on from Jack.’ There was a silence, which Kara broke. ‘You have, haven’t you?’
‘Jack was different. I can’t … well, look, Conor is such a laugh. We have so much fun together. He can cook too, which is a bonus, so I quite often go round to your flat next door for food. I feel like I’m getting so fat.’
‘Nonsense, and it won’t do you any harm if you are putting on a pound or two. What’s Skye said about it all?’
‘I think she’s just loving the fact that I’m not constantly chasing to find out where she is and moaning if she’s late home, to be honest.’
Kara checked her Fitbit. ‘Surely nearly two miles of power walking equates to a cake of some sort.’
‘That’s not bad for a lunch break. What’s the time, anyway? I put Back in 1 hour on the shop door and I want to have a quick wash before I start again.’
‘We can finish the lap,’ Kara said breathlessly. ‘Conor’s doing well with Billy too. Daz is not pulling his weight at the moment, so thank God Conor came along when he did.’
‘He came in like a wrecking ball.’ Star suddenly started singing.
‘I’m not sure I can get used to you being this happy.’
‘Do you not sometimes spontaneously sing, and the words are kind of relevant to what’s happening in your life?’
‘I’ve never really thought about it, but I’m going to from now on, obviously. A wrecking ball though?’
Star laughed. ‘Anyway, it’s about time I felt like this. Even though I’ve got this new person in my life now, weirdly I feel so much freer.’
‘And long may it continue, I say.’
‘I never really ask you about Billy, just assume you are still love’s young dream.’
Kara was puffing hard now. ‘Yes, in fact it’s the nearest thing to perfect I think I’ll ever find.’ And as two swans swam up to the side of the pond next to them, she panted, ‘Aw, we love our swans. Wasn’t it you who told me they mate for life?’
‘Yes. They are also a symbol of motherhood,’ Star added.
It was Kara’s turn to go quiet.
‘Oh my God, Kar, you’re not, are you?’
‘Not yet.’
‘Which means you’re trying?’
‘Practising, we like to call it, but don’t say a word to anyone.’
‘I’m so excited.’ Star made a little screeching sound. ‘I’ve always wanted to be an auntie like you are to my Skye! So, you’re not planning to get married first then?’
‘I was thirty-four in September; I need to get a move on.’ Kara sighed. ‘I think I’m nearly in the older mother category already.’
‘Oh stop, you’re still a spring chicken.’
‘Pearl, you know she’s a nurse, well, she told me that the medical term for a pregnant woman aged thirty-five and over is senile gravida.’
‘Oh. Well, you’re not over thirty-five, so just keep practising, I say. And you can still get married. I love a wedding! The last one we both went to was Clara Southgate’s, wasn’t it? How on earth did she bag someone so bloody handsome? At school I don’t even remember her having one decent boyfriend.’
‘I think she only invited us to the evening do to show off and also to inform us that he was almost as rich as Richard Branson.’
‘Yeah, you’re right. I refuse to attend an evening do ever again after that one. I’m nobody’s afterthought. There should be an addition to evening invitations stating: You weren’t good enough to come to the main event. I just needed to up the numbers to make us look even more popular and interesting.’
‘What are you like?’ Kara stopped walking and looked at her Fitbit. ‘Anyway, let’s see, eh? I don’t want to upstage Dad and Pearl.’
‘Blimey, so much news.’
‘He hasn’t asked her yet, so that’s between us for now.’
‘I’d so love another baby one day,’ Star said wistfully.
‘Play your cards right with Mr Ireland and maybe you will.’
‘I don’t think he’s the settling down kind. He’s already said he couldn’t promise me anything.’
‘Oh. Right.’ Kara was suddenly serious. ‘Joking aside, be careful, won’t you, Star? With Conor, I mean.’
‘I’m not stupid, mate.’
‘I didn’t say you were. But he’s a Brady. He will be clever.’
‘Clever at what?’ Star asked. ‘The only thing I’ve got worth stealing is my heart, if that’s what you mean.’
Kara grabbed her friend’s arm. ‘I don’t know what I meant. Come on. We’d better get back to the market so that daughter of yours can have a lunch break.’