Also out West, at a small and secluded airport, the military jet that has whisked Jesse, Carl, the cabinet member and the deep operative to the desert sits idle, its landing parachute still hanging from the tail. Nearby are several civilian light airplanes and a fuel truck. Parked prominently next to them is an Air Force fighter jet. Civilian and military folks work and walk around, while inside a large hanger a strategy session is taking place.
Jesse is addressing a team of Army and Air Force officers and staff, including the base’s commanding officer. In the back of the hanger sits a Lear-type jet, but its size is only about two-thirds normal. Several men are working on it.
“As you know, Major,” says Jesse to the C. O., “we have instructed the F.B.I. not to say publicly that who these guys really have kidnapped is Dewitt. We don’t know if they know that yet, although it would seem likely. We need to find out, one, who they are and, two, what their demands might be.”
The Major nods his head.
“Yeah,” says the Major, “it’s probably a bunch of sophisticated foreign intelligence officers.”
Jesse continues, saying, “And, I believe we’re all agreed that we’ll use ‘The Bird’ over there,” nodding toward the small jet, “to scour the area and compare what’s out there now with what your computers say has been out there.”
Jesse nods toward a bank of blinking computer modules.
“That’s right, Colonel Houston,” agrees the Major, as he looks around the group with confidential pride. “Essentially, if a mare foals out there, we can just about tell you if she’s borne a he or a she, if you know what I mean. The trouble is, I know your brother’s note mentioned a ranch, but, Colonel, there are a lot of ranches out there and a lot of range to ride.”
Carl purses his lips, adding, “Yeah. It sure would help if we could narrow the search more.”
“Well, you have our thanks,” says Jesse. “Let’s just start looking.”
The Major replies, “We’re just glad to be of help.”
The subordinates, too, acknowledge their willingness.
Now Jesse glances over at Traveler before again addressing the Major and the group.
“One more thing, though, Major. None of us wants to jeopardize out ‘Empty Can’ operation. Please make sure ‘The Bird’ has a real-looking pilot and navigator. We don’t need the locals or reporters or certainly these bad guys to know we got pilot-less capability.”
“Roger, that, Colonel,” nods the Major. “I’ll have my technicians use the models of me and my wing commander. We normally only use ‘us’ when we want to slip away from our wives for a little golf.”
Everyone laughs a little nervous laugh.
“Orderly!” barks the Major. “Get these gentlemen some lunch. – And more coffee!”