‘WHERE?’ I cried, peering through the window of X BURGER, looking for my bin.

‘THERE!’ said Jamjar, pointing to the back of the little restaurant, and I spotted a wheelie bin wearing a white shirt, a black jacket and a bow tie. It had two plastic tube-arms with washing up gloves stuck on the end of them.

‘That’s not my bin!’ I said. ‘Mine was green, and it didn’t look like some sort of robot waiter!’

‘That must be why I’ve been having so much trouble locating it,’ said Jamjar, tapping her plastic triangle. ‘Not only did Mr X’s lasers discombobulate the bin’s internal metrics, it seems he confused my Triangulator’s homing modules with some kind of cloaking device as well.’

said Twoface.

‘Mr X dressed Ratboy’s bin up in a suit to stop my Triangulator finding it!’ said Jamjar.

‘What I don’t get is why Mr X would want to open a BURGER SHOP,’ said Splorg and he licked his lips, his eyes fixed on Dr Smell’s X BURGER.

‘YE-AH!’ said Twoface. ‘Isn’t he sposed to be an evil mastermind or something?’

Not Bird fluttered over to Splorg and sat on his head. ‘Maybe he’s had enough of being a baddy and fancied running a little restaurant instead?’ said Splorg, and I rolled my eyes.

‘As IF Mr X has had enough of being a baddy!’ I said. ‘Baddies don’t EVER have enough of being bad! They just get older and grumpier and even more BADDIER!’

‘So what IS he up to then, Ratboy?’ said Twoface, and I scratched my full-stop nose-blob.

‘I don’t know,’ I said. ‘But I’m gonna get my bin back!’