‘I’VE GOT IT! It’s Bunny’s hand care products!’ cried Twoface, copying exackeely what I’d just said. ‘That’s what scared the Nom Nom off this morning!’
‘Hey, that was my idea!’ I said, but Jamjar just ignored me.
‘Nice idea, Twoface,’ said Jamjar as the door to X BURGER started to whoosh upwards. ‘But it doesn’t quite add up.’
‘Yeah, nice try, Twoface!’ I said, pretending it wasn’t my idea after all.
‘How do you mean “doesn’t quite add up”?’ said Twoface, pulling out his ray gun and pointing it in the direction of the door, even though it was empty.
Jamjar held up her Harry’s Handy Hand Shop carrier bag with Bunny’s hand cream, nail varnish and soap inside. ‘We tried all these out in the shop, remember? And it’s not like the Nom Noms haven’t been trying to bite us!’
Twoface stomped his foot on the floor. ‘GAAAHHH!!! What WAS it then?’ he cried.
The door had fully whooshed open now, even though I was pressing every button I could reach to make it close.
‘Ah, hello again, gang!’ smiled Dr Smell, turning around in his seat.
Wheelie, who was wiping down a table, stopped wiping it down and twizzled round on his wheels. ‘INVADERS!’ he bleeped, his lid flapping up and down.
‘I tell you what, kids, this cardboard flavour soda is the bee’s knees!’ grinned Dr Smell, holding up his drink cup and taking a slurp, and I gasped.
‘OK, this time I really HAVE cracked it!’ I cried.