No female was impervious to Sawyer Buchanon.
Except Jade. Even if he had a kind side, and he did, and even if she found him attractive—and who wouldn’t?—he was a Buchanon. And her maiden name was on his father’s naughty list.
He spotted her inside the dim room with the baby and raised both palms in a comical, supplicating gesture.
“What’s this? You’ve ditched me for a younger man?”
“His toothless grin was irresistible.”
Sawyer paused for one second as if her banter caught him off guard. She knew he considered her humorless and cold, which was for the best, but she wasn’t always that way.
Crossing the room, Sawyer swooped Ashton into his arms. “You ready? Where’s the squirt’s bag?”
She reached for the backpack but Sawyer beat her to it, swung it over his opposite shoulder, and they headed out for the day.
The sight of the man with a baby in his tanned, muscled arms tugged at Jade’s insides. He was a puzzle she couldn’t fit into her tidy mental box.