the Sea
Faith read the sign and couldn't believe she had actually arrived in the small coastal town of Somewhere. She drove past the sign onto Main Street, curious to see if the town resembled the photo she'd been studying for years. About a quarter of a mile from the sign she entered the town proper and inhaled sharply; it was even better than the photo. It was colorful and inviting, with vibrant flags decorating both sides of the street and the word "WELCOME" written in different languages on each one. Pedestrians strolled the sidewalks and entered brightly painted businesses of red, yellow, blue, green, and orange.
Faith was so caught up in what should have been a Norman Rockwell painting, that she didn't see the signal light turn green. A horn tooted behind her and she absentmindedly murmured apologies, even though the driver couldn't hear her. Slowly, she drove through town until she reached another light. After two more lights she came to a stop sign at the end of Main Street, which was intersected by a road that only turned south—Ocean Boulevard. On her right was the beautiful Victorian Bed and Breakfast from her picture book, but before checking in she decided to drive along Ocean Boulevard. She turned left at the stop sign to follow the shoreline and marveled at the azure sea mimicking the color of the sky. After passing a public beach and parking lot she reached a stretch of stunning homes on both sides of the boulevard, and then a marina. Tears stung her eyes as she said softly, "Hammond and Charlie, I'm here."
Gabby Evangeline Hope frowned at her son and replied to his remark, "Baxter, do you really think I don't know the plumbing needs updating?" She blew a wisp of hair off her forehead and smoothed her hands down her 1970s' style peasant blouse and tie-dye hippie skirt. At the age of fifty-seven she was several pounds overweight, but not concerned about it since she'd never been prone to vanity. She rarely wore makeup, or even visited Betty B. Breverton's Beauty Boutique. Her once brunette hair still reached her waist, but was now a lovely shade of silver. She supposed that by the time she was seventy, it would be pure white, and looked forward to that day.
Baxter said with exasperation, "Mom, why are you so stubborn? You know I have the funds to completely renovate this home." His voice rose in volume. "And if you don't do something soon you won't have a bed and breakfast."
Gabby's frown turned into a grin and she reached to cup her son's cheek. "It's not as bad as that, and you know it. You're a good man, Baxter, and I appreciate your concern, but you know I'd never take money from family members, especially my son. I've seen too many families torn apart by finances."
Baxter opened his mouth to counteract her, but Gabby continued, "Besides, I had a dream recently that things are about to change around here. I'm not sure if it's for the better or worse, but change is a comin'. However, if the plumbing fails, which it won't, I can always borrow money from the bank. Mr. Swift was telling me just yesterday that money is available if I need it."
Baxter puffed a breath. "Mom, the guy would give you the money. Why don't you just date him and put him out of his misery. He falls all over himself whenever you're around."
Gabby huffed, "Son, I can't believe you just said that. You know your father was the only man for me. He and I were polar opposites but never was a marriage more stable than ours. Why, we–"
"He's been dead for six years, Mom, and you deserve more than just this home–"
"I love this home! After your father inherited it from his father, he and I worked side-by-side to make it so successful. Why, people come from all over the country, and even the world, to spend time here and on our private beach, we–"
"You're talking to the choir, Mother. All I'm saying is having a man in your life might be exciting."
"And who are you to talk? Where's the woman in your life? Where's the excitement?"
Baxter lifted his hands in surrender. "Point taken. But at least I date occasionally."
Gabby lifted her shoulders and stood as tall as her 5'5" frame allowed. "This conversation is over. Your room is ready for you and the account books are on the desk in the sitting room." She glared at her son. "You're staying the entire summer, aren't you?"
Suddenly, Baxter grinned and hugged his mother. "I always do. Besides, you know how much I love trying to untangle your accounting."
Gabby chuckled and returned his hug. "You realize, don't you, that we have a verbal sparring match every summer."
Baxter stepped back and held his mother's shoulders. "Looks like this one will be no different. It's going to be a long, argumentative one, Mom."
Gabby grinned. "I'm looking forward to it."