They practically carried me to a tub that magically overflowed with hot, sudsy water that smelled like warm gingerbread and vanilla. The strains of Silent Night played gently in the background. They lowered me into the bath like a queen. Instantly Goldir appeared at my side with a tray of food. He slipped a delectable hors d’oeuvres between my lips that nearly made me sink fully into the water, it was so decadent and delicious. I didn’t realize how much of an appetite I’d worked up with Santa and his elves until my stomach rumbled. Goldir chuckled and fed me another tasty morsel.
Santa sat on a stool behind me and kneaded my shoulders. At the other end of the tub, Nestor rubbed one of my feet while Adasser massaged the other. It was heaven. Between the raucous rounds of sex, the bath, the food, and my three handsome masseuses, I was in serious danger of drifting off. But this fantasy was only for one night. There was no way I was going to sleep through any of it.
Goldir gave me a beautiful fruity drink to sip that seemed to have some kind of stimulant in it because before I knew it I felt reenergized. Or maybe it was the food. Or the hands that had drifted from my shoulder and feet to the rest of my body. Their fingers were sin and soon I was flushed from more than the warm, scented water.
It had been so long since I’d felt desired and desirable that I’d almost forgotten what it felt like. But these men made sure I didn’t doubt myself for even a second. There were some things that couldn’t be faked like the four rock hard cocks pointed at me from every direction. I couldn’t wait to see what they came up with next.
I was lifted out of the bath and stood still while the men toweled me off, paying extra attention to the parts of me they liked the best. Santa stood behind me, doing a bang up job of making sure my ass was good and dry. Goldir and Adasser stood on stools on either side of me, each making sure that my breasts were well and truly dry, which included a lot of sucking on my nipples, dabbing them dry, then repeating the process. Nestor rubbed the landing strip on my pussy until it gleamed and my cunt dripped.
I don’t know what they had in store for me next, but whatever it was, I was ready.
They led me to a different room. This one had pillows all over the padded floor. Everything was white. Even the walls were padded white. All except one. They positioned me so that I faced the blank wall. Santa sat behind me and I reclined against him. The elves arranged themselves around me and didn’t stop touching me. I parted my thighs and played with myself absently, swirling my fingers through my slickness. Nothing serious, but it felt good and I liked the way the men’s cocks got suddenly harder, leaking their sticky cum on my freshly scrubbed skin.
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer filtered in over the speakers as the blank wall turned clear, revealing scenery from the North Pole, complete with Santa’s house and the elves’ toy shop. A man dressed in a reindeer costume complete with a red nose was bent over Santa’s sleigh. Another male reindeer, Comet, with a massive, and I mean MASSIVE cock stood behind him, slapping his bare ass with the reins of the sleigh. Every time the leather lashed Rudolph’s skin, he cried out in ecstasy. Rudolph’s own dick was granite hard and dripping.
Seven more reindeer came into view, each one sporting an impressive hard-on, but Comet’s was by far the biggest. Dasher squirted Donner’s dick with lube, rubbing it up and down so that his shaft was thoroughly coated. Comet stopped thrashing Rudolph so Donner could push his cock into Rudolph’s ass. Next up was Blitzen, then Dancer, then Cupid. Vixen came next. Followed by Prancer, Dasher, and bringing up the rear (literally) was Comet. In unison they fucked each other. So these were reindeer games and this time Rudolph was getting to play.
Oh, boy.
The scene had a powerful effect over Santa and his elves. Their hands and mouths got very busy on my body. The music changed again to All I Want for Christmas Is You. I couldn’t even focus on the reindeer scene because what was happening to me was way more interesting.
I suddenly found myself on all fours. Nestor climbed under me and buried his face in my pussy. His wicked tongue worked me over while Santa plowed my ass with his fingers, filling me in the most interesting way. I’d always enjoyed ass play, but Santa took it to a whole other level. I could feel my orgasm building from what he alone was doing. The other two elves attached clamps to my nipples with weights hanging from them. The tension stretched my nipples to impossible lengths, sending a wave of desire coursing through me.
Santa replaced his fingers with his cock and it was game on. I backed into him, momentarily dislodging poor Nestor who quickly rebounded, coming at me with renewed effort. He sucked my clit so hard, stars exploded behind my eyes and I came all over his face. Behind me, Santa pounded into me. The weights swung back and forth, intensifying their effect. I chased a second orgasm, caught it and somehow managed a third. Santa pulled his dick out and shot his spunk across my back.
A second cock pushed into me seconds later, this time in my pussy. Fucking Goldir, with his fat cock rubbing that sacred spot inside me, sent me to my elbows. I gripped the pillow for purchase. I wanted to feel every inch of him. Nestor rapidly flicked his tongue across my clit like a human vibrator. My inner muscles clamped down on Goldir’s cock and I cried out, coming like a mother fucking freight train.
Goldir pulled out and pumped his hot cum on my ass, groaning so loud he drowned out the opening notes of White Christmas. And damned if I wasn’t having a white Christmas of my own. All that jizz and none of it to taste. As soon as I had the thought, Nestor appeared before me and helped me back up to my hands. I latched onto his cock like I needed it to breath, sucking him down deep. Adasser spread the cum on my back and ass, into my crack, mixing the two specimens together. I moaned in approval.
Nestor held my head as he pumped his dick in and out of my hungry mouth. Using the natural lube the others had left behind, Adasser drove deep into my pussy, making an unmistakable squelching sound. Nestor’s cock exploded in my mouth. I sucked him dry until he fell back onto the pillows, gasping for breath. The weights swung back and forth with Adasser’s thrusts. Santa reached under me and tightened them, making me shout for God just as Adasser hosed me with his hot cum.
I fell heavily onto the pillows, mashing the nipple clamps tighter. The reindeer shot their wads in unison, splashing it all over each other. Holy hell. I’d never seen anything like it and likely never would. My insatiable cunt pulsed at the sight. The curtain closed on the scene. I’d never hear the song Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer the same ever again.
I looked around at my men. I’d worn them out. They lay about, glancing from one to the other, then to me. Around and around this went. What in the world was going on? Had something gone wrong? I couldn’t fathom what it could be. I still tingled from their plowing and while their spunk had cooled, the feel of it coating my skin thrilled me.
I reached back and swirled my hand in it, then licked my hand clean. The men glanced from me to their cocks, which had taken notice of what I was doing and were rousing for another round. Each of my guys wore a look of utter disbelief and devotion. I rolled to my back and yanked the nipple clamps off. The scrape of the metal across my highly sensitized flesh made my hips flex. Never had I been so constantly and violently aroused.
Was it this house, these men or was it something that had been inside me all along? I’d enjoyed a fairly satisfying sex life—I had a stack of dead vibrator batteries to prove it—but I never dreamed in a million years that sex could be like this, that four insanely hot, virile men could be so into me or that I could fuck them into stunned devotion. The way they each looked at me left me a little breathless. A man had never looked at me the way the four of them gazed at me now.
One by one they moved toward me, backing me up against the padded wall of the room. They kissed me, one after the other. This adventure had taken a drastic and unforeseeable turn. I didn’t know them, had never met them before walking into this fantasy, but I had a feeling our little sexcapade would leave each and every one of us changed. I didn’t even know their real names. I held their faces as we kissed, letting each of them know how much our time together meant to me.
They lay down, surrounding me on all sides, caressing and kissing me. If I had to guesstimate, we still had a few hours left together. What would they come up with next?