Amen Clinics are virtually unique in our focus on the brain as the source of many of our patients’ problems. We always begin by addressing the brain’s physical function and then move on to how it is programmed. It’s absolutely necessary to do both. Sadly, many people forget the brain —or try to tame it with drugs, a temporary fix that will wear off sooner or later, causing symptoms to return. These next four chapters will give you brain-based strategies to gain control over anxiety, worry, sadness, stress, and anger.
In chapter 1 we’ll look at quick, practical strategies that will help you feel better fast and pave the way for longer-term change, whether you’re trying to rescue a bad day or dealing with an issue such as chronic anxiety or depression. Think of this as a toolbox you can put to immediate use. Then in chapters 2 through 4, we’ll consider the brain’s hardware, looking at specific areas of the brain that control different aspects of our mental processes. I’ll give you lots of ideas for how you can help your brain function better.