
Chapter 4

My father had already gone to work when I got up the next morning. As I poured cereal into my bowl, I wondered how the story of Bahram and the Snake Prince would end. As a writer, I saw nothing but trouble ahead.

My mother put on her red cape and started to pack my lunch. Sometimes she does things backward like that. My father says she is eccentric, which means she doesn’t do things the way most people do.

On the way to school, my mother hummed a song under her breath. She always hums when she is worried. My feet felt like they were locked into a pair of big lead boots.

School did nothing to cheer me up. Oprah flashed me a smile, but then she started talking to Zain like she’d forgotten all about me. I took my new seat right under the teacher’s nose, kept my head down and poured all my thoughts into my journal. Sometimes my journal is my best friend.

It was that way the whole week before my father went away. Each day I got up, ate my breakfast and walked to school alone. I didn’t run into any of my friends in the apartment building elevator—not Mr. Singh, or Auntie Graves. My mother was helping at a recreation center on the other side of town and had to go on the streetcar earlier than usual, and my father was either sleeping or working.

I waited all week for my father to finish the story, but it seemed like he’d forgotten all about it.

“He’s working lots of extra shifts,” my mother explained when I complained to her. “He wants to make as much money as he can before he goes away. Now, don’t mope. In one month, everything will be back to normal.”

The night before my father went away, I came home from school and my mother was polishing the silver samovar. She picked up a clean cloth and handed it to me. “You can polish the lid.”

“Tell me the story of the samovar again,” I asked.

She rubbed her cloth over the base. The silver glowed like a soft summer moon. “A very old Iranian man who knew your father as a boy gave it to us on our wedding day.”

“Where were you married?” I asked.

“Colette,” my mother said, “you have heard this story a hundred times!”

“I know,” I said, “but it is my favorite story.”

“All right,” my mother said. “But first we must have a cup of tea!” She went to the stove and put on the kettle. While the tea brewed, I rubbed and rubbed, thinking that, if only this was a magic samovar, I could make a genie come to life and get three wishes. My mother brought the tea to the table. “I am polishing the samovar to use tonight,” she said. “Tomorrow your father is going away, and we must make tonight a celebration.”

“Why should we celebrate something that is sad?” I asked.

“It is only sad for today,” my mother answered. “In one month he will be back, and it will be the beginning of a new life. We must celebrate his return.”

“That seems like bad luck,” I said.

“Don’t be so negative,” Mom said. “When the samovar was given to your father and me, the old man who gave it to us said that we would have a long and happy married life and drink many cups of tea with our large family.”

Well, he was wrong about that, I thought. It didn’t look like I was ever going to have a brother or a sister. It didn’t even look as if I was ever going to know my own grandparents. My mother must have been thinking the same thing, because a cloud of sadness covered her eyes. She stopped polishing for a minute, then shook her head and smiled.

“I have invited a few of our friends from the building to join us after supper,” she said. “Go do your homework and then come and help me make some treats for our guests.”

I put my backpack on my bed and pulled out my journal. I wrote: My father leaves tomorrow for Iran. He is going to ask his parents to help him become a teacher. I stopped and looked up at the posters, then started to write again. I wish I could go with him, but I need to watch over my mother. Ever since the lady read our tea leaves, I have been thinking he should not go. I don’t think my mother wants him to go either. But I can’t tell him this. And neither can she.

I heard the door to our apartment open, then my mother’s excited voice calling out, “Hamid!” My father was home.

I stuffed my journal under my pillow. My mother was right. It was wrong to think bad thoughts.

After dinner, my father put on Iranian music. As my mother lit the flame under the samovar and put out a tray of desserts, people began to arrive. There were pastries filled with nuts called baagh-lava and my favorite, a sweet made from rosewater, pistachios and saffron called halva. Mr. Singh and his wife brought some sweets called boondi ke laddoo. Auntie Graves brought bananas fried in butter and covered in brown syrup, which she said was how they ate bananas back in Louisiana, where she had grown up.

I poured endless cups of tea.

“Your parents are very lucky to have so much happiness,” said Mr. Singh. He handed me his cup.

I nodded.

“If you and your mother need anything at all while your father is away, you must come to us,” he said.

Mr. Singh always made me feel as relaxed as a sleeping cat. It was good to know that he was just down the hall.

By nine o’clock, everyone had put their teacups in the sink and said their goodbyes. I stood between my mother and father at the door and shook our guests’ hands as they left.

“Off to bed now,” my father said as he closed the door behind Auntie Graves. “We all have an important day tomorrow.”

I crawled into bed and waited for my father to come and tell me good night. It wasn’t until I was almost asleep that I felt his weight on the side of my bed.

“Sleep well, Colette,” he said in his softest voice.

I opened my eyes. He was excited to be going, but he looked tired too. I wanted to ask him to tell me the rest of the story of Bahram and the Snake Prince, but he gave a giant yawn, then leaned forward to whisper in my ear.

“I will see you very soon. And while I’m gone, you must be very helpful to your mother.”

“Will you tell me the rest of the story of Bahram when you come back?” I asked.

“Of course,” he said. “It will be the very first thing I do.”

He pulled up the covers and tucked them around me. An airplane flew by my window, and he pointed at it. “I will wave to you from the sky tomorrow,” he said.

I hugged him tight around the neck. “I will miss you.”

“And I will miss you. But I am carrying many pictures of you with me, so I will have your face to look at all the time. And I will introduce you to my parents.”

“Wake me up tomorrow before you go,” I told him.

“Yes,” he said.


“I promise.”

When he was gone, I turned on my side and stared at my posters. I wanted to fall asleep and dream about the beautiful mosque.