HACKNEYED (HAK need) adj rendered trite or commonplace by frequent usage
Want to insult a writer? Then call her a hack, which is a writer for hire (and often carries the connotation of being worn out). The word comes from horses that were hired out to drive hackney carriages, or taxicabs.
HALCYON (HAL see un) adj calm and peaceful, prosperous
The halcyon was a legendary bird that was thought to be able to calm the waves so that it could nest on the sea.
HALLOW (HAL oh) v to set apart as holy
As an adjective, hallowed means consecrated, or highly venerated.
HAPPENSTANCE (HAP uhn stans) n a chance happening or event
HARANGUE (huh RANG) v to deliver a loud, pompous speech or tirade.
A harangue is what you deliver when you are haranguing someone.
HARBINGER (HAR bin jer) n anything that foreshadows a future event; an omen; a sign
HARROW (HAR oh) v to distress, create stress or torment
HEDONISM (HEE dun izm) n devotion to pleasurable pursuits, especially to the pleasures of the senses
Someone who embraces hedonism is called a hedonist. For an antonym to hedonist, see the entry for ascetic.
HEGEMONY (hi JEM uh nee) n the consistent dominance or influence of one group, state, or ideology over others
HERETICAL (huh RET i kul) adj violating accepted dogma or convention, unorthodox
A heresy is an idea that is heretical.
HERMETIC (hur MET ik) adj airtight, impervious to outside influence
Don’t confuse this with hermeneutic, which means explanatory or interpretive.
Match each word in the first column with its definition in the second column. Check your answers here.
1. hedonism | a. chance event |
2. heretical | b. trite from overuse |
3. hallow | c. calm |
4. hegemony | d. consecrate |
5. harangue | e. deliver a tirade |
6. happenstance | f. distress |
7. harrow | g. devotion to pleasure |
8. halcyon | h. dominance of one ideology over another |
9. hermetic | i. unorthodox |
10. hackneyed | j. airtight |
11. harbinger | k. omen |
HETERODOX (HET ur uh dahks) adj unorthodox, heretical, iconoclastic
A heterodoxy is an idea that departs from what is accepted.
HIDEBOUND (HAYD bound) adj narrow or rigid in opinion, inflexible; oriented toward or confined to the past; extremely conservative
HIRSUTE (HUR soot) adj hairy, shaggy
HOMILY (HAH muh lee) n a sermon or morally instructive lecture, a platitude
Homiletics is the art of preaching.
HOMOGENOUS (hu MAHJ un us) adj same throughout
Homogenous is a less common way of expressing the same idea; the current usage of homogenous probably came from the word homogenize, which is to process a liquid so that its particles do not separate.
HORTATORY (HAWR tuh tawr ee) adj Urging to some course of conduct or action; encouraging
HUBRIS (HYOO brus) n arrogant presumption or pride
Hubris is frequently used in describing classical and epic characters, such as humans who wish to be gods and kings who think they are infallible, but the word has just as many applications in the modern world.
HYPERBOLE (hy PUR buh lee) n an exaggerated statement, often used as a figure of speech
Something or someone that uses hyperbole is hyperbolic.