LABILE (LAY byl) adj readily open to change, unstable

LACHRYMOSE (LAK ri mohs) adj causing tears, tearful, showing sorrow

LACONIC (luh KAHN ik) adj using few words; terse

Need an antonym? Garrulous and loquacious are both opposites to laconic.

LASSITUDE (LAS uh tood) n listlessness, languor, weariness

LAUD (lahd) v to praise highly

LAVISH (LAV ish) adj extravagant

As a verb, to lavish is to bestow something in great quantities, or to cover liberally.

LETHARGIC (luh THAR jik) adj characterized by lethargy or sluggishness

The noun form of lethargic is lethargy.

LIBERTINE (LIB ur teen) n someone unrestrained by morality or convention or leading a dissolute life

Libertine can also be an adjective, as in his libertine disregard for the moral conventions of the day.

Match each word in the first column with its definition in the second column. Check your answers here.

  1.   lassitude a.  travel around
  2.   jejune b.  immature
  3.   laud c.  agree with
  4.   labile d.  joking
  5.   jocose e.  open to change
  6.   laconic f.  tearful
  7.   itinerate g.  lively
  8.   lavish h.  listlessness
  9.   libertine i.  praise highly
 10.   jibe j.  unrestrained by morality
 11.   lethargic k.  sluggish
 12.   lachrymose l.  extravagant
 13.   kinetic m.  terse

LIMN (lim) v to draw, outline in detail

LIMPID (LIM pud) adj transparent, serene, clear and simple in style, untroubled

LIONIZE (LAHY uh nahyz) v to treat something as an object of great interest or importance; to treat a person as a celebrity

LIST (list) v to tilt or lean to one side

LOQUACIOUS (loh KWAY shus) adj extremely talkative

LUCID (LOO sud) adj intelligible, sound, clear

LUMBER (LUM bur) v to move heavily and clumsily or with a rumbling sound

LUMINOUS (LOO muh nus) adj characterized by brightness and the emission of light, enlightened, clear

Many words having to do with light have the same root, such as illuminate and even luster. Just remember Lumiere, the candle from the animated Beauty and the Beast, and you have your word association.