QUAFF (kwahf) v to drink deeply
QUAIL (kwayl) v to shrink back in fear, lose courage
QUALIFY (KWAH li fy) v to limit
QUALMS (kwahm) n misgivings, reservations, causes for hesitancy
Match each word in the first column with its definition in the second column. Check your answers here.
1. pusillanimous | a. looking to the future |
2. qualify | b. childish |
3. provident | c. quarrelsome |
4. putrefy | d. precise |
5. puerile | e. authority |
6. punctilious | f. having a strong smell |
7. quail | g. cowardly |
8. pugnacious | h. rot |
9. pundit | i. drink deeply |
10. pungent | j. lose courage |
11. qualms | k. limit |
12. quaff | l. reservations |
QUERIES (KWE rees) n questions, inquiries, reservations
QUERULOUS (KWER yuh lus) adj prone to complaining or grumbling, quarrelsome
QUIESCENCE (kwy ES unts) n stillness, motionlessness, quality of being at rest.
Quiescent means inactive, latent, causing no trouble, being at rest.
QUOTIDIAN (kwoh TID ee un) adj occurring or recurring daily, commonplace