QUAFF (kwahf) v to drink deeply

QUAIL (kwayl) v to shrink back in fear, lose courage

QUALIFY (KWAH li fy) v to limit

QUALMS (kwahm) n misgivings, reservations, causes for hesitancy

Match each word in the first column with its definition in the second column. Check your answers here.

  1.   pusillanimous a.  looking to the future
  2.   qualify b.  childish
  3.   provident c.  quarrelsome
  4.   putrefy d.  precise
  5.   puerile e.  authority
  6.   punctilious f.  having a strong smell
  7.   quail g.  cowardly
  8.   pugnacious h.  rot
  9.   pundit i.  drink deeply
 10.   pungent j.  lose courage
 11.   qualms k.  limit
 12.   quaff l.  reservations

QUERIES (KWE rees) n questions, inquiries, reservations

QUERULOUS (KWER yuh lus) adj prone to complaining or grumbling, quarrelsome

QUIESCENCE (kwy ES unts) n stillness, motionlessness, quality of being at rest.

Quiescent means inactive, latent, causing no trouble, being at rest.

QUOTIDIAN (kwoh TID ee un) adj occurring or recurring daily, commonplace