I wish to thank all of the people whose childhoods were blighted by clergy abuse who agreed to speak to me for this book. I shall be eternally grateful to them. To the families who have lost sons and daughters before their time, for whom every single day is a struggle. To the families of the living, who continue to pick up the pieces. To the good people of Ballarat who have given me endless hours of your time—Andrew, Peter, Deb, to name but three. Your commitment to righting the wrongs constantly inspires me. To the good priests who have shown me what Christianity is all about. To the excellent CCC Guys. To the good lawyers and the good cops who are trying so hard to get justice. To the victims’ advocates, who have been so helpful to me and have such tireless dedication. To all the staff at the Royal Commission. To Andy Burns for your tenacity and your kind heart. To Sarah Curnow, Jo Puccini and Bruce Belsham at ABC TV for believing in this one and for your utter professionalism. To the fantastic team at MUP. To Mum for your listening ear and your support, and Dad for all those hours you put in. To my darling Nick and my beautiful children for enduring this for the past year or so of our lives. I love you to pieces.