Chapter 7


to convince River to take a nap today, and once I knew she was asleep, I went outside to the barn to call my mom and stepdad. I've been texting them here and there, but I told them I would call them as soon as I was able.

"Is everything okay? I was beginning to think you weren't going to call," my mom asks. Then she switches the phone over to speakerphone so my stepdad can hear the conversation as well.

I recap what's happened over the last week since we've been back in Whiskey River, her doctor's appointments, and needing to take it easy. Then I dropped the bomb that I've been keeping from them.

"I need a favor," I say, preparing them for what's about to come next.

"Anything you need, just tell us," Mom says.

"Whatever you need, son. All you have to do is ask," my stepdad says.

"Right before we left Virginia, River was served with paperwork from Jason's parents ordering a DNA test to prove the baby was his. Jason hadn't had contact with his parents other than a few odd letters he sent to update them on what was going on. When he joined the military and married River, they disowned him. They've never replied or reached out to him. River knew all this but still sent them a letter to let them know that their son had died and that she was pregnant. But they didn't even attend the funeral."

"Did she do the DNA test?" my stepdad asks.

"Yes, she went in and took care of it. We left town early the next day and I haven't heard anything. But Jason’s parents don't have my address. Actually, the only forwarding address I left was for Jack's shop in town. But he hasn't said there's been anything from them either."

"By now, they would have the results. More than likely, if anything's going to come out of this, you'll hear something in the next few weeks. But I think it's best you get her set up with a Montana driver's license and start getting her residency set here as soon as possible. Montana doesn't do well with grandparents' rights," my stepdad says.

My stepdad is a judge and a pretty high-ranking one here in the state of Montana. Before that, he was a lawyer, and he has some of the best connections that I could ask for.

When I was four, my dad died. My mom married my stepdad when I was eight. He felt it was important to sit down and talk to me about whether I wanted him to legally adopt me. When I told him my decision to keep my father’s name, he was completely understanding.

Despite not being legally adopted, he's always treated me like his own son. Both he and my mom have been patient and understand that I needed space after I came out of the military. Since I was injured, I think they were just happy to have me home alive.

"I will take her down and switch everything over and get her set up here at my address. She's agreed to stay with me at least until after the baby's born, and she gets the all clear from the doctor, if not longer. I have a feeling that she's going to be pretty overwhelmed once the baby gets here," I say.

"I agree, sweetheart. Whatever you guys need, you let us know," Mom says.

"And if you hear anything from Jason's parents, you call me and let me know. I'll reach out to a couple of lawyers that handle this sort of thing and see which one can take on this case if anything were to arise," my stepdad says.

"Thank you for everything. I promise it won't be so long before I call you again."

Going inside, I peek in on River to make sure she's okay. She is sleeping peacefully with her hair spread out over her pillow. The sight of her so relaxed and sleeping catches me off guard. The way the sunlight is hitting her hair just right, and the slight flush on her cheeks makes for a beautiful picture. For the first time, I notice how absolutely stunning she is.

She looks absolutely tranquil like this. Knowing that I was able to give her a safe place, a place that she can relax and enjoy this pregnancy, does something funny to my heart.

Standing there, I watch her sleep for longer than I should. Finally, I go to the living room and sit in the recliner with one of the pregnancy books she brought with her.

I've been reading, so I know what to expect with everything that she's going through. Like the fact that morning sickness can happen throughout the entire pregnancy and not just in the morning. Now I know that her throwing up isn't as alarming as I first thought it was. But if I hadn't been reading the book, and she started throwing up, I would have panicked and dragged her to the emergency room.

It’s helpful to know what she's going through, so I know the best way to help her. Things like her lower back is going to be sore. Or to make sure to watch that her ankles don't swell up, which means that she's spending too much time on her feet, and I should make sure that she sits down. That's not a problem now because the doctor has her pretty much off her feet, but something to keep in mind later on.

"What are you reading?" she giggles.

Her laughter startles me, and I look up to find her standing just in front of the hallway. Her hair is a mess from sleeping and there’s a flush still on her cheeks.

She's wearing cotton shorts with some classic rock and roll band T-shirt. Even dressed so casually and just up from a nap, she looks absolutely beautiful. For a moment, I can't do anything but sit there and stare at her as the blush on her face deepens.

Finally, I remember she asked me a question, and I hold up the book and shrug my shoulders.

"I think it's a good thing to know what is going on with you and what to expect. Things like morning sickness doesn't just happen in the mornings, and learning about Braxton Hicks contractions as you move into your third trimester." I say, marking my place and setting the book down.

"Well, thank you," she says shyly.

"I was going to take the dogs back to their room and do some training with them. Would you like to join us? There's a window seat that you can sit on and enjoy the sun and watch us if you'd like."

"I'd like that," she says. Standing, she picks up the baby book I had put down and follows me back to the room.

When I let out a loud whistle, all the dogs come into the room. Though only a few come running, most of the others act like I just woke them up in the middle of the night for something.

River sits at the window seat and one of the pregnant females goes and lies on the floor beside her. Then she looks at me like she's daring me to try to pull her away.

"I guess Daisy is on guard duty and will be sitting out training today while she watches over you."

"Every night she's been in my room. When I get up in the middle of the night, she's the one that follows me to the bathroom,” River says, reaching down to pet Daisy.

Seeing her love my dogs is almost the equivalent of a parent watching someone pour love and attention into their children.

I enjoy having her in the room as I work on some of the training with the dogs. It’s funny how they want to show off for her. It’s obvious that her presence is making the dogs do a lot better than they normally do.

When it's time for dinner, she insists on helping me because she wants to get up and stretch her legs. I know it has to happen since she's been very good at keeping off her feet all day.

As we prepare the lasagna, she has a bowl of cherries sitting on the counter that she eats every so often. She's still craving them, and we are almost out, so a trip into town to stock up will be a must in the next few days.

While we’re preparing dinner and moving around the kitchen, I could almost swear she's flirting with me. Maybe if it was anybody but River, I'd flirt back. But I'm pretty sure I'm just misreading this as her being nice. We've been in each other's space constantly, and I think I'm just overreacting to things.

We work together in the kitchen really well, and I find myself looking forward to many more nights of making dinner together just like this.

"I think I want to take a bath, is that okay?" she asks after dinner, and we're done with the dishes.

"Of course it is. Why don't you use my bathroom? There's a big claw foot tub in there, and I think you'll be more comfortable," I tell her. At my words I’m fascinated with the way her eyes light up.

"I'm going to take you up on that. Thank you."

"Here, let me help you get it set up. The girls sent some fancy bath salts and oils that they thought you might like. I put them in the closet so I’ll pull them out for you. Why don’t you can pick what you'd like to use in your bath? “I follow her into the bathroom.

After grabbing some towels for her, I get the water running so it can warm up. Then I get the basket of items from the closet and set it on the counter for her. While I’m doing all this, she comes in with clothes that she sets on top of the towels.

Turning back to the tub, I test the water, and then plug the drain so it can start filling for her. When I turn to look at her, she's watching me. Suddenly, the bathroom feels tiny with her standing there. I know I need to get out and let her have her bath in peace.

"Well... umm... just... call me if you need anything," I say, starting to move towards the door. But I freeze when she places a hand on my arm.

"Thank you, Storm, I really appreciate it," she says, smiling.

Nodding my head, I bolt out the door, closing it behind me. I don't stop until I'm across the house, enclosing myself into the laundry room. It’s then I finally take a deep breath.

I'm trying to do everything I can to not imagine her taking a bath in my bathroom. With her naked body sliding into my large claw foot tub, her hair pinned up and the bubbles on top of the water all around her. Hell, even the slight bump of her baby belly when she's standing there naked turns me on.

This is my best friend's wife. I shouldn't be this hard from just a few minutes together in the bathroom. I need to get it together because I'm sure River would be horrified to walk in and see me hard as nails from the thought of her using my bathtub.

Somehow, I get the feeling Jason is going to find a way to make me pay for this from beyond the grave.