


Further Reading

A Note on the Texts


On Albina

Forget Me Not


Hope in Grief

On the Death of a Cat


Heart’s Chill Between

Death’s Chill Between

Lines/given with a Penwiper

A Pause of Thought

Song [‘She sat and sang alway’]

Song [‘When I am dead, my dearest’]

Some ladies dress in muslin full and white

On Keats

Song [‘Oh roses for the flush of youth’]

Have you forgotten?

Sweet Death

An End



Three Nuns


‘Consider the Lilies of the Field’ [‘Flowers preach to us if we will hear’]

The P.R.B.

The Bourne

The World

From the Antique

Three Stages


My Dream


Shut Out


The Hour and the Ghost

The Lowest Room

A Triad

Love from the North

In an Artist’s Studio

A Better Resurrection

‘Whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive’

‘The heart knoweth its own bitterness’ [‘When all the over-work of life’]

A Birthday

An Apple-Gathering

Winter: My Secret

Maude Clare

At Home


The Convent Threshold

‘What good shall my life do me?’ [‘Have dead men long to wait?’]

Winter Rain


Goblin Market

‘No, Thank You, John’

‘Out of the Deep’

The Queen of Hearts


The Lowest Place

Beauty is Vain

What Would I Give?

Who Shall Deliver Me?


Jessie Cameron

The Prince’s Progress


Amor Mundi

‘The Iniquity of the Fathers Upon the Children’

A Daughter of Eve

A Smile and a Sigh

Autumn Violets

‘They Desire a Better Country’

A Christmas Carol

Love me, – I love you

A city plum is not a plum

A baby’s cradle with no baby in it

Hope is like a harebell trembling from its birth

A linnet in a gilded cage

If all were rain and never sun

If I were a Queen

What are heavy? sea-sand and sorrow

Brown and furry

A toadstool comes up in a night

If a pig wore a wig

How many seconds in a minute?

What is pink? a rose is pink

A pin has a head, but has no hair

When fishes set umbrellas up

The peacock has a score of eyes

The wind has such a rainy sound

Who has seen the wind?

When a mounting skylark sings

An emerald is as green as grass

What does the bee do?

I caught a little ladybird

Baby lies so fast asleep


‘Yet a little while’

Monna Innominata

Sonnets are full of love, and this my tome

The Key-Note

He and She

De Profundis

‘Hollow-Sounding and Mysterious’

At Last


Passing and Glassing

The Thread of Life

Touching ‘Never’

An Old-World Thicket

Later Life: A Double Sonnet of Sonnets

‘Judge nothing before the time’

Joy is but sorrow

‘Redeeming the Time’

‘Doeth well… doeth better’

A Castle-Builder’s World

Piteous my rhyme is

If love is not worth loving, then life is not worth living

Roses on a brier

‘Called to be Saints’

Of each sad word which is more sorrowful

Our heaven must be within ourselves

‘A Helpmeet for Him’

O ye who love today

Lord, I am feeble and of mean account

What is the beginning? Love. What the course? Love still

As froth on the face of the deep

Patience must dwell with Love, for Love and Sorrow

Hope is the counterpoise of fear

‘Subject to like Passions as we are’

Experience bows a sweet contented face

‘Charity never Faileth’

Safe where I cannot lie yet

How great is little man!

‘The Greatest of these is Charity’

‘O Lucifer, Son of the Morning!’

Time seems not short

‘Judge not according to the appearance’

St Peter

‘Sit down in the lowest room’

‘Consider the Lilies of the Field’ [‘Solomon most glorious in array’]

Our Mothers, lovely women pitiful

Babylon the Great

‘Do this, and he doeth it’

‘Standing afar off for the fear of her torment’

Vigil of St Bartholomew

‘Who hath despised the day of small things?’

Tune me, O Lord, into one harmony


Index of Titles

Index of First Lines