Little Girl ran into the arms of the old balloon-maker and his wife. Everyone was patting her on the back. The postman gave her a big beaming smile.
‘That was fun!’ said Crow.
‘A wee bit scary, if you ask me,’ added Balloon.
The principal looked as if he were about to faint. ‘A talking crow? And, a talking balloon?’ he asked incredulously. When no one looked surprised, he said, ‘Amazing! I think I need a vacation!’
‘It’s the mind,’ advised Crow wisely, ‘let it roam.’
The magic flute lay on the rock. Little Girl picked it up. ‘So much,’ she said, ‘has happened. It is like a dream.’
She took a deep breath as she inhaled the heady scent of the blue jasmines.
They looked at the sky, which was now filled with innumerable stars, some a little away from one another, others in small clusters. Glittering like countless diamonds, they looked magical. It seemed as if the stars were dancing in celebration. Two stars, however, remained steadfast.
‘They must be your parents,’ said Crow. ‘Your journey is done. You came to see them and you have. You came to hold on to them and you learnt to let them go!’
Balloon smiled shyly at the other balloons. Star Balloon nodded at her and said, ‘You did us balloons proud! Will you forgive us?’
‘With all my heart!’ said Balloon.
‘Will you please tell us of your adventures?’ asked the Baby Balloons excitedly.
Balloon couldn’t believe the words! She was now one of them! It made her so happy. With tears in her eyes, she nodded.
The balloon-maker and his wife put their arms around Little Girl.
By now, the first rays of the sun had started coming out. Little Girl took out the bicycle pump and said to the villagers, ‘Come dear friends, let us go home!’
‘Spoken well,’ said Crow and as his stomach rumbled, he asked innocently, ‘is Magic around, by any chance?’
Balloon hit him on the head.