Foreword, by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Introduction to the Revised Edition
1. In the Mirror of Death
2. Impermanence
3. Reflection and Change
4. The Nature of Mind
5. Bringing the Mind Home
6. Evolution, Karma, and Rebirth
7. Bardos and Other Realities
8. This Life: The Natural Bardo
9. The Spiritual Path
10. The Innermost Essence
11. Heart Advice on Helping the Dying
12. Compassion: The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel
13. Spiritual Help for the Dying
14. The Practices for Dying
15. The Process of Dying
16. The Ground
17. Intrinsic Radiance
18. The Bardo of Becoming
19. Helping After Death
20. The Near-Death Experience: A Staircase to Heaven?
21. The Universal Process
22. Servants of Peace
Appendix 2: Questions About Death