
Chapter 1

Samson Brown loved exactly two things in this world: his…

Chapter 2

In her negotiations with the City of Bladenham, Max Biedelman…

Chapter 3

Neva Wilson prided herself on both her nerve and durability.

Chapter 4

When Sam arrived at work the next day he saw…

Chapter 5

For Winslow’s eleventh birthday Truman Levy had agreed to get…

Chapter 6

On Monday morning, Sam found a note taped to his…

Chapter 7

By Tuesday morning Harriet had almost finished assembling her kit.

Chapter 8

Next morning, Harriet set aside two hours to get ready…

Chapter 9

When Neva got out of her car at home that…

Chapter 10

Hey, baby,” Rayette greeted Sam at Dunkin’ Donuts. “This is…

Chapter 11

Sometime in the early morning—he would never be able to…

Chapter 12

Max Biedelman and Sam had fallen into a routine after…

Chapter 13

Neva was outside hosing down the elephant when Truman and…

Chapter 14

As the fall of 1957 deepened into winter, it was…

Chapter 15

Sam sat on a hassock in his living room, gently…

Chapter 16

Martin Choi had a plan, and that plan did not…

Chapter 17

Miles was dancing with excitement when Truman came home from…

Chapter 18

After work that day—the day before Thanksgiving—Truman found a message…

Chapter 19

With a freshly minted, bylined, front-page, above-the-fold story to his…

Chapter 20

Harriet closed herself in her office with a pounding headache.

Chapter 21

People lined the streets of Bladenham two and three deep…


About the Author


Other Books by Diane Hammond


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