The author has made every effort to locate and contact all the holders of copy written material reproduced in this book, and expresses grateful acknowledgment for permission to reproduce from the following previously published material:

Lévesque, René. Memoirs (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart), 1986.

Pelletier, Gérard. Years of Impatience, 1950–1960, trans. Alan Brown
(Toronto: Methuen), 1984.

Pelletier, Gérard. Years of Choice, 1960–1968, trans. Alan Brown (Toronto:
Methuen), 1987.

Saywell, John and Donald Foster, eds. Canadian Annual Review for 1968
(University of Toronto Press, Toronto), 1969.

Scott, F.R. The Collected Poems of F.R. Scott (Toronto: McClelland &
Stewart), 1981.

Trudeau, Pierre Elliott. Against the Current: Selected Writings, 1939–1996,
trans. G. Tombs (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart), 1996.

Trudeau, Pierre Elliott and Jacques Hébert. Two Innocents in Red China
(Toronto: Oxford University Press), 1968.