Slavery is legal in some parts of the United States.
The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 is passed. This act makes it illegal to help runaway slaves.
At about this year, Harriet Tubman is born. She becomes one of the best known Underground Railroad conductors.
Levi Coffin and his wife move to Indiana. They become very active on the Underground Railroad at this time. Levi Coffin later becomes known as the president of the Underground Railroad.
Elijah Lovejoy’s fourth printing press arrives. It triggers a mob attack in which Lovejoy is killed.
Ship Captain Daniel Drayton begins a large-scale slave escape that fails.
The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 is passed. It strengthens the earlier Fugitive Slave Act.
Levi Coffin goes to Canada for a meeting. Hundreds of former Underground Railroad passengers come out to greet and thank him.
The North wins the Civil War. Slavery is banned, ending the need for an Underground Railroad.