This book, like my first, was a true team effort. Sheila Sanders, thank you for being an amazing partner. Your patience, care, and professionalism allowed me the space to write when I needed to write. To Steve, Cheyn, Mathias, and Kavin, thank you for being generous enough to share your wife and mom with me. To my dear friend and marketing partner Tim Grahl, I appreciate both the person that you are and the care with which you do your work. To your team at Out:think, Joseph Hinton and Lauren Baker, thanks for keeping my business running and making us all look good. To Kyle Durand and Cynthia Durand, your love for business systems is only outmatched by your kindness. Thank you for your expert guidance and fierce friendship.

To Jill Murphy, Andre Blackman, Abe Cajudo, Willie Jackson, Ericka Hines, and Mike Ambassador Bruny, thank you for our wonderful e-mail chains and shared laments and celebrations. I am proud and honored to be your friend.

To my collaborative partners and peer mentors Jonathan Fields, Ramit Sethi, Michele Woodward, and Chris Guillebeau, thank you for always challenging my thinking and pushing me to excel in life and business. To Charlie Gilkey and Angela Wheeler, thank you for your powerful friendship and amazing coaching. I am so proud of the body of work we created together in our Lift Off community. To my partner in prose, Betsy Rapoport, your mastery of the craft of writing is inspirational. To my favorite Canadian, Michael Bungay-Stanier, thank you for stepping in to support me and this book right when I needed it. I will never forget your personal care and expert coaching. This book would not have gotten written without you.

To Dan Pink and Nancy Duarte, thank you for giving feedback on the early ideas for this book and providing support and encouragement. You are both my heroes, and I can only hope that my body of work has the impact and reach that yours has had in the world.

To Seth Godin, Guy Kawasaki and Martha Beck, thank you for being my steady council of wise advice, support, and encouragement.

To the 350 members of the Body of Work Advisory Board, I appreciate your willingness to receive random e-mails from me about a whole range of unrelated topics. You input and insight were so valuable!

To my clients, you are the soul and heartbeat of this book. Our intense, inspiring, sometimes tough and emotional conversations pushed me to want to create something that will allow you to continually grow and develop, through your businesses and beyond them. Thank you for trusting me with your confidence, and for investing in me and my family.

To my agent, Joelle Delbourgo, thank you for not only believing in me but for being passionate about this book. You inspired me to make it happen. To my kind, talented, and patient editor, Emily Angell, thank you for providing just the right blend of encouragement and firm nudges. To Adrian Zackheim, Will Weiser, Margot Stamas, and the entire Portfolio team, thank you for believing in this book. To Emily Rapoport, who edited my first book, thank you for taking this book proposal to heart. I will never forget that you were the one who found me among a sea of business bloggers and started my professional writing career.

To my best friend, Desiree Adaway, thank you for always being there for everything.

To Master Fiori, thank you for your expert instruction, guidance, and friendship. I am so proud to be your black belt student. To my martial arts family, thank you for pushing me to grow mentally, physically, and spiritually.

To my family, thank you for your never-ending support and encouragement. I am so proud to be related to you!

To the Singers and the Dardens, thank you for your kinship and prayers. Our family is strong because your families are strong. Ahéhee’.

To my neighbors, who always look out for my family and make our community a beautiful and safe place to live. I love you all.

Finally, I want to say a special extra thank you to Abe Cajudo for reminding me on a daily basis of my deepest root—that everyone on earth has gifts and talents that are meant to be heard, no matter how long it may take the world to hear them. I believe in your mission, your heart, and your work. Keep fighting.