The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find the corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the “search” function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.

accessibility, 8

accountability, 145

Aceituno, Carlos, 22

Adaway, Desiree, 146, 183–85, 220

adversity as a means of growth, 106–9

anonymity, 11–12

artists, 57, 71

avatars, 134, 135–36, 139–40


Ballesteros, Lauryn, 64

Barber, Casey, 176

Barr, Scott, 177

Batstone, David, 8, 35–37, 40–41, 167, 220

Beck, Martha, 61, 86, 92, 110, 147

beliefs, 23–24, 28–29, 32

Belsky, Scott, 79, 81

Biggs, Rafe Eric, 103–4, 109, 167, 220

Bird by Bird (Lamott), 123

blogs, 201–3

body of work, definition of, 7

boundaries, 86

Bowen, Mike, 76–77

bridge building, 8

Brown, Brené, 44, 170–71

Brown, Warren, 94

Bruny, Mike, 38–39

business models, 90


Campbell, Joseph, 191

Carson, Mike, 75–78, 168, 220

check-ins, 154–55

Clark, Brian, 89

Coelho, Paulo, 177

collaboration, 129–58

and asking for help, 148

and avatars, 134, 135–36, 139–40

building your support team, 147, 148

and connectional intelligence (CxQ), 132–34

and ecosystems, 134, 137–38, 139–40

and framework for success, 169

identifying a peer mentor circle, 157–58

and the inner circle, 154

managing a growing network, 153–57

and network roles, 141–44

prioritizing critical relationships, 155

value of, 144–46

and water holes, 134, 138–40

Collins, Jim, 61

comfort zone, expanding, 61–64

communication, 199–206

in blogs, 201–3

in e-mail, 204–6

and expectations management, 155

in presentations, 200–201

in sales copy, 203–4

as theme for body of work, 8

confederation members, 57

connectional intelligence (CxQ), 132–34

connectors, 141–43, 144, 153

content map for your body of work, 194–99

contingent workers, 55

contractors, 56

Cooper, Alan, 136

creation and innovation, 75–101

and framework for success, 168

importance of, 99–100

questions to consider, 79–80

skill of creating, 78–79

and the 20X Rule, 97–99

your creative process, 80–96

credibility, 208–12

crises, coping with, 116–18

Currie, Natalie, 177


Daring Greatly (Brown), 44

deconstruction, 86

designer and developer resources, 71

Dhawan, Erica, 132–34

Diné people, 85

doubts, 20

Duarte, Nancy, 8, 190–94, 214, 220

Dupé, Kai, 8

Durand, Kyle, 129–32, 139, 146, 169, 220


ecosystems, 134, 137–38, 139–40

e-mail, 204–6

employees, 56

expectations management, 153–54


assessing, 38, 40, 48

negative experiences, 42–44


families, 8

fans, number of, 153

fear, 103–27

coping with adversity, 106–9

coping with crises, 116–18

dealing with procrastination and distress, 118–24

diagnosing, 110–13

flipping on your winner switch, 124–27

and framework for success, 167

inevitability of experiencing, 105–6

perspective reset exercise, 114–15

Ferriss, Tim, 172

The Fight Within Us (2013), 26

Fiori, Kelly, 21, 87, 112

Frankl, Viktor, 26

freelance workers

Internet resources for, 70–71

skills of, 55–56

See also side hustles


Garver, Louise, 184–85, 186–87

Gilkey, Charlie, 46–48, 130, 142–43

Gladwell, Malcolm, 141, 144

Godin, Seth, 139, 148, 204

Goltz, Dan, 218

Google, 194

government contracts, 63

Gran, Benjamin, 175–76


help, asking for, 149–50

Hero’s Journey, 191

Horner, Chris, 176

human trafficking, 35–37, 41

Hyatt, Glenda Watson, 8, 175


identity, 38

If You Want to Write (Ueland), 202–3

independent producers, 57

ingredients, 35–50

building context around, 49

defining, 37–39

determining, 39–42, 48–49

and framework for success, 167

incorporating, 46–48

in a project-based world, 44–45

targeting new ingredients, 49–50

unattractive ingredients, 42–44

The Inmates Are Running the Asylum (Cooper), 136

inner circles, 154

Internet personalities, 57–58

Internet resources for freelance workers, 70–71


Jackson, Willie, 131

job descriptions, going beyond, 39

Joni, Saj-nicole, 133–34


Kalhorn, Renita, 114

Kawasaki, Guy, 139

Kelly, Kevin, 153

Kennealy, Philippa, 152

knowledge, 38

Kutscher, Ryan, 207–8


Lamott, Anne, 123

Lean In (Sandberg), 163–64

legacies, 7, 12

legal structures for your business, 68

Legend, John, 159–61, 220

Lift Off Retreat, 130–31,

LinkedIn, 151–52

Llewellyn, Rhiannon,

loathing scale, 59–61


MacLeod, Hugh, 178

Mahtabfar, Nader, 176

Making Ideas Happen (Belsky), 80

Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 26

Marbles, Jenna, 57–58

markets, expanding, 63–64

Martell, Dan, 43

Martinez, Ivan, 72, 210

Mask, Clate, 210

mastery mind-set, 84–89

materials, sources of, 85–86

mavens, 141–43, 144

meaning, searching for, 26

money, 20

Moore, Demi, 171–72

motivation, 19, 25, 30. See also roots

multipotentialites, 59–60


Navajos, 85

Nemko, Marty, 162


managing a growing network, 153–57

networking stories, 216

roles in, 141–44

value of, 144–46

See also collaboration

Newsome, Kelly, 72

nonprofit organizations, 57, 63

Not For Sale, 35–37, 41

Nouwen, Henri J. M., 178


Oprah, 170–71

organizations, 7


parents and children, 8

Park, Jane, 160–61

patience, 85

peer mentor circle, identifying, 157–58

Pels, Andy, 146

perspective reset exercise, 114–15

persuasive story pattern, 190–94

population, target, 24

Port Costa School restoration project, 1–2, 116, 217

practicing the basics, 85

presentations, 200–201

Presentation Zen (Sutton), 139

Pressfield, Steven, 120

pride, swallowing, 87

prioritizing critical relationships, 155

problem solving, 8, 24–25, 34

procrastination, dealing with, 118–24

Proulx, Erik, 21


quality of life, 168


Raymond, Lianne, 137–38

relationships, 169. See also collaboration

resistance, 120

resources for freelance workers, 70–71

Reynolds, Garr, 139, 201

Risoff, Shari, 177

Rodgers, Rachel, 172, 210

roles, 39, 48

roots, 17–34

and beliefs, 23–24, 28–29, 32

and framework for success, 167

identifying your roots, 20–26

and problem solving, 24–25, 34

and target population, 24, 29–30, 33

and values, 22–23, 28, 30–31


sales copy, 203–4

salesmen, 141–43, 144

Sandberg, Sheryl, 163–64

Saunders, Barbara, 145–46

scars, 40, 49

Scott-Waters, Marilyn, 8,

self-limiting beliefs, 20

self-rejection, 178

selling your business, 63

Sethi, Ramit, 89, 211

shame, releasing, 44

sharing your story, 183–216

and audience connection, 213–16

communicating clearly, 199–206

content map for, 194–99

credibility in, 208–12

dramatic effect in, 206–8

Google’s story of you, 194

honing your narrative, 186–87

the persuasive story pattern, 190–94

the story you tell others, 189–90

the story you tell yourself, 188–89

side hustles, 65–72

characteristics of, 66–67

launching, 68–69

potential dangers, 69

preparing for, 68

Sierra, Kathy, 139


assessing, 38, 39, 48

skill development, 10–11

and work modes, 55–56

Slim, Carlos, 171

small-business owners, 56

social entrepreneurs, 56

social media, 91, 133, 138, 196–97

sources of materials, 85–86

South by Southwest Interactive Festival, 138–39

stability in the work world, absence of, 72

Stanier, Michael Bungay,

startup founders with funding, 56

statistics on market reach, 64

Steering by Starlight (Beck), 110

Stephens, John, 159–61

strengths, 38, 39, 48

struggles, 40, 49

success, 159–81

definition of, 162–67, 170, 173–77

framework for, 167–69

reflection on, 178–81

and self-rejection, 178

standards for, 164–66

success dysmorphia, 170–73

support team, building, 147

Sutton, Bob, 139


target population, 29–30, 33

technology, 156

Tefft, Mike, 176

testing projects, 89–95

themes in bodies of work, 8

The Tipping Point (Gladwell), 141, 144

transformation, pattern for, 191

20X Rule, 97–99

Twitter, 151, 156


Ueland, Brenda, 202–3


values, 22, 28, 30–31, 40, 49

virtual assistant resources, 70–71

voice, cultivating, 87


Wang, Amanda, 26, 109, 167, 220

Wapnick, Emilie, 58, 168

water holes, 134, 138–40

webinars, 152

Williams, Crystal, 131

Wood, Antrese, 112

Woodward, Michele, 62,

work modes, 51–73

changing work modes, 59–61, 65

expanding your comfort zone, 61–64

and framework for success, 168

and the loathing scale, 59–61

in the new world of work, 55–59

side hustles, 65–72

variety of, 56–58

work space, 86

writing resources, 71


Yaeger, Karen, 131