Bare stage. In the centre, five or six blazing torches inclined towards each other to form a pyramid with a single head of flame. The theatre is entirely lit by this. Indian music, flutes, drums, chanting. Shadowy forms.

After a time, West appears. As he speaks, Indians enter, one by one, from the wings, through the auditorium. Each takes a torch and returns with it the way he came.


Origin of fire.

In the old days men ate raw flesh

And had no knowledge of fire.

Also they had no weapons

And hunted the game with their bare hands.


A boy went hunting one day with his brother-in-law.

They saw a macaw’s nest up perched on a cliff-ledge.

They built a ladder and the boy climbed up to the ledge.

In the nest were two eggs.

The boy took them and threw them down to his brother-in-law

But in the air they turned into jagged stones

Which as he went to catch them cut his hands.

He was very angry.

He thought the boy was trying to kill him.

He took the ladder down broke it and went away.


The boy was on the ledge for many days and nights

Dying slowly of hunger

Eating his own excrement

Until one day the jaguar passed by

With his bow and arrows

And seeing a shadow cast ahead of him on the ground

Looked up and saw the boy.

The jaguar mended the ladder helped the boy down

Took him back to his home and revived him

Feeding him cooked meat.

The jaguar loved the boy and treated him as his son

Calling him the foundling

But the jaguar’s wife was very jealous of him

And when the jaguar was away she never missed a chance

To scratch him or to knock him over.

The boy complained to the jaguar that he was always frightened

So the jaguar gave him a bow and arrow

And taught him how to use them.

The next time the jaguar’s wife attacked him

He shot an arrow at her and killed her.

The boy was terrified by what he had done.

He took his bow and a large piece of cooked meat

And escaped into the jungle.

After many days wandering he reached his own village

And told his people all the things that had happened to him

Showing them the meat and the bow.

The men were very excited by his discoveries

And they set off on an expedition to the jaguar’s home

To steal his weapons

And to steal his fire.

What you take from people

They will never find again.

Now the jaguar has no weapons

Except his hatred for man.

He eats no cooked meat

But swallows the raw flesh of his victims.

And only the reflection and the memory of fire

Burn in his eyes.