A bar, though what we see can hardly be dignified with that title. The customers are all Indians, ‘integrados’, drinking from bottles, dressed in shabby cast-offs. Some are lying senseless in the familiar attitudes of Skid Row. Others have that lost, remote, melancholy expression of the Indian for whom nothing has replaced the tribal organization from which he has been divorced. They swig morosely at their bottles.
American voice Take a gamble in the Mato Grosso!
For as little as twelve dollars an acre, you can join Prince Rainier of Monaco, several famous Hollywood stars and a host of international celebrities as the owner of a fabulous Amazon Adventure Estate in Brazil’s most mysterious and exotic region.
You may find yourself the possessor of one of Brazil’s fabled diamond mines, an oil baron or a manganese king – anything may happen as you stake yourself out a share in the inexhaustible resources of this hitherto virtually unexplored nation within a nation.
Brazil’s new progressive government, friendly to the U.S., has accorded top priority to the development of these vast jungle territories – and its new roadbuilding program will open up the area as never before.
In the next few years the development of Brazil’s interior is going to be very big business indeed – and we want you to have a piece of the action.
Don’t forget, too, that labor is plentiful and can cost as little as seven U.S. cents per unit per hour.
We all of us have just a little bit of the Frontier Spirit in our bones, don’t we?
Yours should be telling you now to invest in the land of the future and find your own personal El Dorado.
Huge profits are to be made!