I am very grateful to the staff at Robert Hale who saw the potential in this book and took on an unpublished author, and to the staff at Crowood who saw the book through to publication.
I would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to my good friend Mandy Moshi, who checked the epilepsy section for me. Also to Emma Maffre who checked the EHCP section, both areas not in my expertise.
I am also hugely grateful to a new-found friend, Evie Pindsle, who has guided me through the publishing process without an agent. I owe you lunch!
There are many people who have helped us but in particular, there are some friends I wish to thank who have offered me their unfailing support for many years, often on the other end of a telephone when I was in despair and I don’t know how I would have coped without them. With so much love and thanks to Sue Toombs, Mary Parr, Sally Perry and Sharon La Ronde. They are pretty awesome Godmothers too!
Over the years, we have had many wonderful ABA tutors and other carers for the boys who have made such a huge difference to our boys’ lives. Some of them have become like extended family and we will always be thankful for their presence in all our lives.
But of course, the person to whom I owe the most love and thanks is my husband, Jonathan. My unfailing and uncomplaining right and left hand man. Thank you for being the best father my boys could have wished for.