THE NEXT DAY, Meg smiled at Gavin Aronson. She’d had the expression frozen on her face all day, but it felt so brittle that she knew it would shatter with one well-placed tap.

She was cold all over, a thin film of ice separating her from reality. And inside, she was empty. Lights were on but no one was home—and it was better this way, because as soon as she let herself feel again, she was in for a world of hurt.

And now was not the time to be thinking about any of this, not when she’d decided that the only possible outcome for this meeting was success—hers.

She’d elected to stay here, with her business and her family. She was damn well going to make it worth it.

Quickly swiping beneath her eyes, she adjusted her apron as Gavin crossed the room, all sleek confidence that made her skin crawl.

That morning, she’d considered wearing something with full coverage, and insisting that Jada did as well, just so that Gavin’s attention remained where it was supposed to be—on the food. Then she’d decided that that was bullshit.

A woman wearing what she wanted wasn’t an invitation to anything, so she’d chosen a dress again this time, one she would have worn to any business meeting. It showed a hint of cleavage, just like the last one, but the mood she was in, she just dared him to look.

“Gavin,” she said, extending an arm as Jada removed trays of food from the fridge. Even though she reserved the right to wear what she wanted, there was safety in numbers, so both women were there, and Meg had told Jada to be wary. She wanted this deal, but if Gavin touched her inappropriately again, or made a move on Jada, Meg was going to stab him in the eye with a fork. “It’s so nice to see you again.”

It wasn’t, but it was a welcome distraction, at least.

“The pleasure is always mine,” he said, bringing her hand to his mouth for a lingering kiss. She pulled away and resisted the urge to wipe his saliva on her apron. She caught Jada’s glance and simply gave her a nod, and Jada went back to arranging an array of sweets onto the trays.

“I’ve been working on your menu. I think you’ll be impressed.” Her gaze narrowed when she saw that he wasn’t paying attention, instead looking around the large kitchen.

“First I have a selection of amuse-bouche options,” she started, presenting the large plate on which she’d artfully arranged several small bites that she’d slaved to create. “We have a seared foie gras with Drambuie and mango, a black caviar tart with cauliflower and avocado, and a lamb bite with gin, sumac and grapefruit.”

“Is John not joining us today?”

She resisted the urge to expel a frustrated growl and pulled a polite response from down deep. “Why would John being joining us?”

“How close are the two of you?” he asked, stepping an inch closer.

“I fail to see what that has to do with this tasting menu,” she said, swallowing down the lump determined to push into her throat.

She did not want to talk about John. She especially did not want to hear his name on this other man’s lips.

She set the plate down and briefly shut her eyes, working to dispel the images from last night, the way John had touched her...made love to her.

He made love to me?

The sex had been different, beautiful and tender, and while she loved his dominant side, there was something so deeply profound in what they’d shared.

Stop thinking about him.

“Anyway, so the menu—” She hoped to put Gavin’s focus back on what he was doing here, although she was beginning to wonder if she was wrong about that, considering he seemed more interested in John than the menu she’d spent hours working up for him.

“The thing is, Meg,” he said, pursing his lips and bracing his palms on the stainless steel counter, “I have this new start-up that’s launching and could use John’s help. He’s very good at what he does, and his price tag reflects that, but I was thinking we could work together here.”

“I think I’ve done quite a lot of work here already, on my own.” She could see her dreams of landing this contract flying out the window.

She could use a win today.

“You know. You scratch my back,” he said, his fingers toying with the edge of her printed-out menu as he gave it a quick glance. “And I’ll scratch yours, too.”

“Excuse me?” she bit out.

He rolled one shoulder and gave her a smile that was likely meant to put her at ease when what it really did was infuriate her. Her blood boiled, and she cast a glance sideways to see the wide-eyed look Jada was giving her.

She would do a lot of things for her business. A lot. But using John to further her career was not on today’s menu. She opened her mouth, about to tell Gavin that, when he cut her off.

“How does being the sole event caterer for my next five events sound?” Gavin cocked his head, smirking. “There’s the mayoral award ceremony we’ve discussed, of course. A music award ceremony after-party. Maybe even a celebrity wedding.”

The images danced in front of her face before shattering like a mirror and falling to her feet.

He didn’t give a shit what her food tasted like. Hell, he’d probably stumbled across some reference to John’s connection to her family before he’d ever called her—it was probably why he’d called her in the first place.

He might have called her after tasting her food, but she wasn’t fool enough to think John wasn’t the reason Gavin was back in her kitchen.

Meg is smart, talented and the best woman I know. She makes good choices.

As John’s words bounced around her brain like a pinball, she stared at the cocky man before her—a man used to getting his way. Honest to God, if this wasn’t the time to make a good choice, she had no idea what was. She could feel Jada staring at her, waiting to see what she was going to do next.

Well, Jada, watch me now.

“How about this,” she began, standing up for all the girls who felt they had no voice, for Jada as she watched this unravel and for the man she loved. “You hire me for your next five events because I’m the best goddamn outfit in Boston. My food speaks for itself and I’m damn good at my job. In fact, if you don’t make your booking today, there’s a good chance my schedule will fill up.”

Gavin’s head reared back, but she was far from done.

“John is an expert in his field, and I suggest if you want his input on your start-up, you can pay the price.” She stood straight as she ripped a sheet of paper from her planning notebook and held it out to him. “Speaking of prices, these are mine.”

Gavin’s nostrils flared, and little blotches of red dotted his face as she stood her ground. With Jada in the background, they all stared at each other, like they were in a goddamn Western standoff. Meg wanted the job, sure, but she wasn’t going let this man walk all over her, and more important, she was going to protect John.

And why is that, Meg?

Because she damn well loved him.

“Take it or leave it, Gavin.”

His gaze finally lowered, and his expression was undetectable as he looked over her quote, which she wasn’t going to be budging on.

Without words, he pulled a contract from inside his suit pocket and slapped it down onto the counter.

“Courier it over once it’s signed,” he said, spinning on the toes of his leather shoes and storming for the door.

The second he left, Meg gasped, and Jada’s arms were around her.

“Will you be my mommy?” Jada bounced up and down on her toes. “Or marry me? Be my Facebook BFF? I’ll take what I can get. That was amazing.”

“I cannot believe I did that.” She swallowed thickly, sitting heavily on a stool. “Holy shit.”

“You showed him,” Jada said. “How dare he think he can use you to get to John, and for free? What a douche.”

Meg laughed, feeling a bit lighter, as her thoughts went to John. He’d have been proud of her, standing up for herself like that. She wished he’d been here to see it.

“Speaking of John,” Jada began, eyeing Meg from beneath her fake lashes, “you should go tell him what you just did. Let him take you out for champagne to celebrate.”

“He’s leaving,” Meg blurted out. She glanced down at the Gavin menu to hide the tears suddenly pricking her eyes.

“What do you mean?” Jada blinked, confused. “Where’s he going?”

“On to the next job.” Meg laughed, and the sound held no humor. “He’s a nomad, you know? He’s off to the next job.”

“But...” Jada tilted her head. “Why?”

“I just told you.” Meg frowned at her assistant. “He’s done this job. He’s going to the next one. We had a fling, and now it is over.”

“Bullshit. I saw how you two are with each other.” Jada rolled her eyes as Meg looked at her with surprise. “I just witnessed you fighting for what you want, Meg. If you love John, why aren’t you fighting for him, too?”

As the room spun before her eyes, she gripped the counter. Jada was right. She was a woman who fought for what she wanted, and what she wanted was John in her life—one way or the other.

So...what are you going to do about it?