When you light a candle, you also cast a shadow.
After I got hitched at the hippie hot springs, it was like a Red rocket had launched. Within two weeks of my return, my agent called to say my book proposal for The Red Book of Spiritual Superpowers (which I had sent her B.M.) was wanted by several top publishers. A famous movie star asked me to cowrite a book with her. An esteemed audio company invited me to do a Red audio program. A popular sex-toy company hired me to create a Redvolution sex-toy kit. The filmmaker moved to San Francisco so we could finish shooting the Redvolution film. I resurrected my social life and went out to parties and professional events. Dennis even contacted me, saying his feelings for that other woman weren’t real, and he was ready to start a serious relationship with me. And last but not least, the New York Times called for an interview — I and three of my friends were featured on the cover of the “Sunday Style Section” as new role models for our generation. (Yikes.)
Although I was a tad suspicious of this sudden blast off, I didn’t think the Universe would be blessing me with all this awesomeness if I hadn’t somehow healed what needed to be healed. So, I did what I’ve done my whole life — I trotted down the well-lit path it seemed the Universe had laid out for me. I signed a book deal with a major publisher, set up film interviews, started new creative projects, and got back together with Dennis.
“Coincidentally,” the “Book Review” in the very same New York Times issue where my interview appeared was on Jung’s soon-to-be released The Red Book. And when the issue hit the stands, I was attending a Spirituality and Shadow conference.
The Universe has a sick sense of humor.