hapter 8: Fifteen Easy Steps to Control Sugar Cravings
The human mind and body are programmed to take pleasure and sugar is such a pleasurable substance. Seeking pleasure for fun or a relief to stress has always been the pattern of man. When indulging in pleasure we rarely question the safety or morality of the practice. It rarely occurs to us that it might actually turn out to be dangerous and life threatening. Finally, when realization dawns upon us it is already too late to control it. This does not go to say that addiction cannot be cured. It can be curbed and you can go back to normal with some willpower and dedication. It is the natural instinct of man to intake sugar and sugary substances whenever those sweet and delicious foods appear before them. They can’t control themselves in this situation and ultimately it turns into an addiction, which can be tragic. If you are someone who can’t stop devouring sugar once you started and are plagued with sweet cravings, then it is essential for you to take control. It is because sugar addiction is harmful not only for your body but also for your mental and psychological
growth. Seeking professional help or assistance from friends and family is nothing to be ashamed of. The first step to recovery is all about accepting that you have a problem. Even though not very professional, there are some things you could try at home if you are skeptical about seeking professional guidance. Here are some easy steps to control sugar cravings for you and all these steps are tried and tested.
Ensure self satisfaction and inner peace: You can minimize the sugar cravings by ensuring self satisfaction and inner peace. Whenever sugary foods appear before you, you can pacify yourself by thinking that you are completely self satisfied and you don’t need this type of food. Besides, if you are addicted to sugar, and you manage to resist, you have a good reason to feel great. Moreover, meditation and several yogic practices can be very helpful at this stage. This might seem hokey or strange to people whom have never done it, but meditation and yoga is great ways to explore your internal strength and to build up the inner part of your mind and soul. An addiction is only as good as the purpose it is supposed to serve. In an addict’s life, an addiction is used to fill the void created by stress or boredom. If you were to convince yourself that you are in no need of an addiction to keep you busy, half the problem melts away. The argument between your desires and your conscience is only as strong as the reason behind it. So once you eliminate the reason you can logically convince yourself that there is no possible reason under the sun for you to continue degrading yourself.
Lead a disciplined and balanced life: By leading a disciplined and balanced life, you can decrease the
intensity of sugar cravings. Military men are always looked up to for being punctual and strong willed. We know as well as everyone else that not every military man was born that way. Therefore, it had to do with the way they were being trained. It can be argued that a strict and disciplined life was integral in shaping up a military man. Everything from his physique to his emotional status is always calm and collected with no room for confusion. You are more likely to stuff yourself on a sugar addiction when you are confused and unsure of what to do in a stressful environment. It would not be a bad idea to incorporate some of that military discipline into your real life as far as a sugar addiction is concerned. Maintain a routine and follow it religiously and you might be surprised at how it could work wonders for you. You will feel more at ease while trying to get a grip on your cravings. Always stop yourself from eating sugar and sugary foods. Make a chart of your food menu and erase all sweet substances from that menu. Ensure a balanced food diet and eat a lot of vegetables and fruits instead of sugar. Remember, you want a lifestyle that is sustainable and is worth your time. This is going to be the template by which you eat the rest of the meals in your life.
Sleep at least 7-8 hours per day and you will crave less: Sleeping is a perfect medicine for your sugar addiction. When you sleep, you will forget all cravings. Balancing the hormones Ghrelin, leptin and insulin is the key to stop sugar cravings in their tracks. Get these hormones working in harmony and sleep at least 7-8 hours a day and you will be able to minimize the sugar cravings. Sleep deprivation makes these
hormones imbalanced and makes sugary foods more appealing and lower your capacity to resist them. Sleep is the remedy that so many people are looking for in their life and you have a chance to revolutionize the way you live by incorporating more sleep in your schedule. So get some shuteye. Immediately after starting the treatment to addiction, you are sure to encounter sleepless nights where you might seem dead tired but unable to get any sleep. This is most likely due to malfunctioning levels of dopamine. It is vital that you bear with this discomfort and wait for your body to settle into normal rhythm. Once it does, make sure to engage a minimum of seven hours in sleep. This helps you balance out any action caused by the dopamine by releasing controlled secretions of leptin, Ghrelin and insulin.
Eat regular meals and healthy food to satisfy your hunger: If you eat three regular meals and healthy food to satisfy your hunger, you will be able to control sugar cravings. But you have to ensure that you will refrain from eating sugary foods in your regular meals. Avoid all types of junk foods and try to concentrate wholly on the homemade and more balanced foods. Watching what you eat will do you great favors in the long run. This advice holds good for everyone and not just fitness enthusiasts. A disciplined diet plan consisting of three good meals per day is enough to solve most of your problems. The catch here is that you have to be particularly careful about not engaging yourself in junk foods or other sugar rich foods even on a cheat day. The slightest reminder of the lifestyle you are abandoning might be
enough to cause the whole thing to come rushing back at you.
Keep sugar and sugary products out of your reach: You have to keep sugar and sugary products out of your house so that you can’t reach out for them easily. This includes white and brown sugar, all types of sweets, corn syrup and maple syrup. Go through the house and initiate a purge on anything that is sweet that you could be tempted to eat. Temptation lasts for a second. The moment you start hunting for something to eat and you can’t find anything, you’ll give up on it. The best way to avoid something is to minimize contact with it as much as possible. This is best achieved by keeping it out of sight and out of reach. In a recovery period it is only human to crave for the things you cannot have. So keeping them far away from yourself seems like a very logical and practical thing to do.
Stabilize your blood sugar and don’t focus on weight loss: when you leave your addiction to sugar and sugar based foods you are sure to experience a sudden drop in blood sugar and you are likely to experience drastic weight loss. The weight loss is not a serious problem and you have nothing to be worried about unless you happen to be dropping into the underweight category. Even then it cannot be considered as an excuse to go back to your sugar intensive diet. By eating foods that are rich in protein and fiber, you can stabilize your blood sugar. After quitting sugar, you may lose some of your normal weight. But don’t focus on weight loss, try to eat healthy foods and drink a lot of water
Treat yourself like you are in detox: Sugar abstinence can be very uncomfortable for the first two weeks but try to treat yourself like you are in detox. Be lenient and kind to yourself because you can’t overcome this habit overnight. Take your time and ask others to support you. Spend your time in prayers and meditations. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Spend your time pursuing fruitful interests rather than idling around. Take up a hobby or something that will distract you from the addiction scenario. Socialize more; get to know a lot of people. Be part of a group activity. It is strictly recommended against being alone at this juncture. It is not shameful to seek help. Be open-minded and approach friends or family for help and moral support. They are people who know you very well and they can guide you through the whole thing. Professional help is also highly recommended. Although, that part depends on the individual’s comfort level.
Identify the enemy: The key to curbing your sugar addiction is to eliminate your sugar intake. In order to do this, first you have to identify the sugary products from your diet. Making a note of the number of calories and the frequency of having that particular food will help. A little homework will pay off. After identifying the sugar and sugary products, you have to replace those foods with something that gives you satisfaction.
Cease and desist: At the end of the week, look over your foods and identify which type of food is responsible for sugar intake. After identifying the sugary foods, try to eliminate them slowly. You may
find that you get enough sugar from fruit anyway without looking for more.
Stay hydrated: Try to drink as much water as you can if your sweet tooth is on overdrive. Dehydration can spike the cravings dramatically for sugar and junk food. Stay hydrated and cool all the time.
Cut back on caffeine, alcohol and processed foods: Caffeine and alcohol are responsible for dehydrating the body and ultimately lead to mineral deficiencies. On the other hand, processed foods contain high sugar and salt. Try to cut back on caffeine, alcohol and processed foods to control sugar cravings.
Exercise regularly: We have the natural tendency to take sugary foods when we are tired. Exercising regularly is a good form to curb this tendency. Besides, you can boost your energy levels and reduce stress by exercising. This will obviously assist you to reduce sugar cravings.
Manage stress and emotions: If you can manage stresses and emotions, you can minimize the intake of sugar. Besides, stresses are not created by external factors but by the way we perceive situations in life. Stresses and emotions are the likely cause of sugar addiction. It is common knowledge that stress cannot be eliminated completely but it can be efficiently managed to a point where it does not cause us much trouble.
Reward yourself with healthier foods: Rewarding is a good practice to remove sugar addiction. Budget your time and try to avoid taking sugary foods within this span of time. There are healthy foods that are
delicious but expensive. If you become victorious, reward yourself with healthier foods. Rewarding is a motivational act without any doubt.
Forgive yourself: To end the struggle with sugar, you can take the taste of sugar sometimes. But try to focus on a healthier diet. If you eat sugary substances without being aware of it, forgive yourself and build the habit from the next moment onwards. The best sugar substitute is self-acceptance. Once you stop feeling sorry for yourself most of the problem has already been resolved. The only thing that governs the success or failure of the treatment is you. Whatever you believe will most likely be the outcome. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to maintain an optimistic approach towards the whole thing. In times of uncertainty and doubt, this optimistic point of view is what’s going to guide you through the whole thing.