A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
Academic freedom, question of: 95
Act of March 3, 1819, provisions of: 45
Adolphus, Gustavus: 92
Alabama-Coushattas, termination and: 64
Alger, Horatio: 191
American Broadcasting Corporation, Custer series and: 24
American Civil Liberties Union: 262
American Indian Development, Inc.: 19
American Indian Historical Society: 18
American Indians United: formation of, 250; future of, 261
American Revolution: 33, 40; Indians and, 31
Anthropologists: 78–79, 81, 91, 94, 207, 212, 225; blacks and, 93; folk theories of, 83–84; “Indianness” and, 265; pan-Indianism and, 246; “real” Indians and, 82; resistance to, 95; workshops and, 82–87
Apaches: 17, 37, 51, 128, 154, 206, 243–45, 262; education for, 84; problems of, 21–22.
Appalachicolas: 245
Archetypes: see Stereotypes
Area offices of government agencies: discretionary funds for, 141; function of, 129–30; location of, 127–30
Area Redevelopment Administration: 26, 131
Articles of Confederation: 44
Assiniboines: 22
Association on American Indian Affairs, future of: 261
Banyaca, Thomas: 119, 124; religion and, 113–14
Bennett, Robert: 135, 182; travels of, 138
Berger, Thomas: 16
BIA: See U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs
Biculturality, problems from: 80
Blackfeet: 11
Black Hawk, betrayal of: 201–202
Black Hills: 165
Black power: 84; Carmichael and, 180; Indians and, 182
Black River Falls, Wise.: 212
Blacks: 266; Civil Rights of, 168–71, 186; jokes about, 162–63; perceptions of, 171–74, 194–95; poverty and, 93; reservations for, 194; urban Indians and, 254, 256–57
Blood: See Indian blood
Board of Inquiry into Hunger and Malnutrition: 88
Book of the Hopi (Frank Waters): 114
Borland, Hal: 16
Boundaries, marking: 34
Boy Scouts, tribalism and: 231
Brown v. the Board of Education: 195
Buffalo, elimination of: 204
Buffalo Bill Cody: 209
“Buy Indian” Act: 259
Cabot, John: 30
Capital Conference on Poverty: 160
Capitalization, move toward: 184
Carmichael, Stokley: 180–82
Carter, Judge: 128
Cattle Indians, wealth of: 90
Cauhillas: 18
Chairmanship, tribal: concept of, 206–207; see also Leadership
Cherokees: 3, 11, 18, 24, 35, 129, 229, 245, 262, 263; Christianity and, 115; Eastern Band, 247; treaties with, 32, 34–35
Cherry Creek, S. Dak.: 212
Cheyenne River Sioux: 27, 206; agency, 156
Cheyennes: 17, 22, 90, 149, 198, 203
Chickasaws: 115
Chippewas: 3, 17, 22, 95, 127, 158, 163, 164, 206, 249, 262; Medicine Lodge religion and, 113; NCAI and, 21; treaties with, 32, 39, 40, 44–45
Choctaws: 35, 50, 111, 115, 128, 129, 247; betrayal of, 42–43; Interior Department and, 43; treaties with, 42
Christianity: 11, 47, 104, 107, 111, 112, 176, 199; Civil Rights and, 75, 107–108; death and, 119–20; dilemma for, 115–17; Indian religion and, 102–103, 105, 112–13, 124; as industry, 124; influence of, 30, 175–76; jokes about, 152;53; revitalization of, 122–23; role of, 119–20; social norms of, 109; See also Churches; Church franchises
Church, Frank, hearings by: 66–67, 70
Churches, Indian Affairs and: 260–61
Church franchises, competing for: 106
Citizenship Act of 1924, Indians and: 76
Civilian Conservation Corps Camps: 88, 236
Civil Rights: 174, 178, 184, 189, 220, 261; blacks and, 186; Christianity and, 75, 107–108; direction of, 180; and self-respect, 179; humor and, 146, 155, 161–63; importance of, 168–69; Indians and, 7, 8, 83, 168–70, 179–80, 186–87; leadership of, 197–98; legislation for, 226; Robert F. Kennedy and, 192–93
Civil Rights Act of 1968: 238; assumptions of, 173
Civil Rights Bill of 1966: 241
Civil Rights Commission, Indians and: 169
Civil Service, tribal employment as: 141–42
Civil Service Committee, U.S. Senate: 69; hearings of, 56
Clubs, growth of: 231
Coalition of American Indian Citizens: 18
Coalition of Indian Citizens: 183; influence of, 20–21
Collier, John: BIA and, 144; IRA and, 55; work of, 48
Columbus, Christopher: 79, 101, 109, 175; jokes about, 147–48
Colvilles: 247; IRA and, 76; termination and, 72–76
Commissioner of Indian Affairs, role of: 132–33
Common law: 238–39
Community Development Corporation: 230; provisions of, 227
Community Relations Service: 169
Community Self-Determination Act, provisions of: 227
Congressional Record: 25
Congress of American Indians: 2
Congress of Racial Equality: See CORE
Constitution, U.S.: 7, 172, 178, 237, 246; amendments to, 168
Cook, Charles: 110
Corporations: Indian, 228–30; revivalism and, 229–30; tribalism and, 227–30, 234–35
Costo, Rupert, work of: 18
Council on Indian Affairs: 160
Court of Claims: 65–66
Coushattas: 244
Crazy Horse: 89, 92, 193, 198, 216
Creeks: 115; confederacy, 203, 228
Crees: 22
Crow Dog: 9
Crows: 22, 150; religion of, 103
Cultural independence: 180
Culture, Indian definition of: 185–86; white, 188–89
Curtis, Thomas: 226
Cushman, Dan: 16
Custer, George Armstrong: 127, 198, 203; jokes about, 147–50, 152, 163; television series about, 24–25
Custer bumper sticker: 148
Da, Popovi: 166
Dam-building projects on Indian lands: 51
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR): 65
Dawes Allotment Act: See General Allotment Act
Death: Christianity and, 119–20; Indian religion and, 119–21
Deganawidah: 203
Delawares: 35; treaty with, 32, 33, 36, 39–42, 44–45
Democracy, and Indians: 12
Democratic Party, philosophy of: 191–92
Dependency, concept of: 32–33
Descartes, René: 59
De Smet, Father Pierre Jean: 110
Diamond, Tom: 243–44
Digger Indians: 96
Domesday survey of 1086: 60, 61
Ducheneaux, Frank: 206
Earhart, Amelia: 128
Economic Darwinism: 104, 176, 180
Economic Development Act: 236
Economic Development Administration: 131, 142; Indians and, 138
Economic Opportunity Act: 236
Education: 21–22, 134, 170–71; funds for, 71, 137–38; problems in, 84, 91, 239; reform of, 240–41
Eighty-third Congress, Indian Affairs and: 61–62
Eisenhower, Dwight D.: 191, 255
Emmons, Glenn: 158–59
Employment Act of 1946: 53
English common law and Indian common law: 238–39
Ericson, Leif: 89
European tribes: 175–76
Faith, Navajo definition of: 117
Falling Rocks, joke about: 155
Farb, Mr.: 96–99
Farmer, James: 197
Farming, conversion to: 45–46
FCC regulations, Custer series and: 24
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: 131
Federal Housing Authority: 131; Indians and, 138
Federal Reserve: 131
First Citizens for Humphrey-Muskie, formation of: 246
Fish and game departments: treaty violations by, 40–41; work of, 23
Fishing, importance of: 40
Fishing rights: 23–24, 51; Supreme Court and, 41; violations of, 23
Fish-ins: 23
Five Civilized Tribes: 49, 115; betrayal of, 42–43
Flatheads, termination and: 65
Folklore, European: 5–6
Folk theories, premise of: 83–84
Fort Berthold reservation: 17
Fort Laramie: 148
Fort Sisseton: 140
Fountain of Youth: 5
Fox Indians: 22, 201, 253; treaty with, 36, 38
French and Indian War: 6
“From Greenland’s Icy Mountains”: 108
Frump, Alfred: 82
Gagne, Alfred: 18
Gall (Sioux chief): 152–53
Gamble, James, termination and: 72–73
Garry, Joseph: 206; work of, 19–20
General Allotment Act: 58; church support for, 47; provisions of, 42–43, 46–47
Ghost Dance: 106
Gila River Pima Maricopas: 86
Goldwater, Barry: 155, 184–85, 192
Goodell, Charles: 226
Grant, Ulysses S.: 255
Grantsmanship: 26
Grass roots, poverty and: 211–12
Great Plains: 203
Great Society, programs of: 236–37
Great Spirit: 103, 109, 122, 221
Grignon, Mr., testimony of: 69–70
Gros Ventres: 22
Haliwas: 245
Handsome Lake, leadership of: 106
Harder, Mr.: 68
Hare, William H.: 47
Haulapi tribe: 219
Health, subsidies for: 71
Hippies, tribalism and: 232–34
Hoarded wealth, notion of, among Indians: 87–88
Holy Communion: 113
Homeland, concept of: 178
Hopewell Treaty: 34
Hopis: 113–14, 192, 246; religion of, 113–14
House Concurrent Resolution 108: 63, 66, 75, 76, 180; Harrison and, 62
House Resolution 2828: 67
Houston, Sam: 64
Hovis, James: 24
Humor: black, Civil Rights, 162–63; Indian problem, 158–59; military, 150–51; missionary, 152–54; political, 146–48, 155–61; religious, 152–54; significance of, 166–67; tourist, 164–65; see also Jokes
Hunting, importance of: 40, 203–204, 230; rights, 51
Incompetency, declaration of: 33; definition of, 31
Indian Affairs: 13, 18, 43, 135–36; anthropologists and, 78–83; churches and, 260–61; and Civil Rights, 179–80; future of, 267; humor in, 146–47; Indian religion and, 114; investigation of, 60–61; minorities and, 182; redefinition of, 257–58; revivalism and, 247; task forces and, 159; trade and, 46; tribal unity and, 219–20; urban Indians and, 257–58; see also U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs
Indian Arts and Crafts Board: 259
Indian blood: 202; claims of, 3–5
Indian Bureau: 55; church franchises and, 106; work of, 48
Indian centers: future of, 262; opening of, 248–50
Indian Claims Commission: 52–53
Indian common law, call for: 238–39
Indian congregations: establishing, 109–10; mission status for, 110, 112
Indian Council Fire, work of: 19
“Indian experts”: 10
Indian-grandmother complex, nature of: 3–4
Indian Health Service: 126
Indian nationalism, 124, 241; future of, 195–96, 266–67; urban Indi-anism and, 248–52
“Indianness,” fallacy of: 265
“Indian problem”: 189; jokes about, 158–59; solutions to, 14
Indian religion: 114, 120–21; Christianity and, 102–103, 105, 124; death and, 119–21; forbidding, 106–107; return to, 112–13; revival of, 105–106, 115, 124; role of, 119–20
Indian Reorganization Act: 12, 26, 48, 52, 76, 127, 139, 144, 227, 264; Collier and, 55; provisions of, 16–17, 48
Indian Rights Association: 261
Indians: black power and, 180; books about, 16; Civil Rights and, 168–69; democracy and, 12; European folklore and, 5–6; perceptions of, 1–2, 4–13, 171–74, 195–96; “plight” of, 1–2
Indian Subcommittee (Senate): 62, 66–67, 72
Indian Trade and Intercourse Act of June 30, 1834: 46–47
Indian vote: 7
Innis, Roy: 226
Institutionalized rebellion: 98–99
Insular Affairs Committee (House): 132
Insular Affairs Committee (Senate): 132
Interior Committee (House): 61, 66, 87, 132; Indian Affairs and, 55, 59–60; termination and, 73
Interior Committee (Senate): 61, 62, 87, 132; Indian Affairs and, 55; termination and, 62–63, 72, 74
Interstate Commerce Clause: 178
Iowa Indians: 22
IRA: See Indian Reorganization Act
Iroquois: 114, 129, 246; confederacy, 203, 228; league, 230; treaty with, 29
Jackson, Andrew: 42
Jackson, Henry: 62; termination and, 72–73
Jackson, James: 206
Jicarilla Apaches: 21–22; education for, 84
Johnson, Lyndon B.: 28, 155, 184–85, 192, 236, 244, 257
Joint Subcommittee: 66; work of, 62, 64–65
Jokes: Columbus, 147–48; Custer, 147–50; missionary, 154; political, 155–61; significance of, 166–67; tourist, 164–65. See also Humor
Joseph (Nez Perce chief): 198, 203, 216
Kachina dolls: 192
Kansas Indians Case, impact of: 39
Kaskaskias, treaty with: 36–37, 40
Kaws: 90
Kennedy, John F.: 29, 99, 191–93, 223, 240, 257
Kennedy, Robert F.: 240; Civil Rights and, 192–93; Indians and, 193
Keokuk Indians: 201
King, Martin Luther: 180, 188, 197, 241; People’s Campaign of, 182–
Kinzua Dam, land for: 74
Klamaths: 57; plans for, 58; termination and, 63–64
Kootenais: 17
La Farge, Oliver: 209; manipulation by, 207–208
Land: Indian wars for, 51; race relations and, 178; theft of, 30; treating for, 204–205
League of Nations, Pan American Indians: 18
Leave-us-alone agreement, need for: 27
Lee, Mr., testimony of: 66–67, 71
Little Big Horn, battle of: 150
Little Big Man (Thomas Berger): 16
Little Shell (Chippewa chief): 127
Lone Ranger: 200–201
Lone Wolf: 37
Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, impact of: 96–97, 99–100
Lower Brule Indians: 253
Lumbee Indians: 246
Manpower Conference, Kansas City, 1967: 159
March on Washington, 1963: 179–80, 219
Mason v. Sams: 24
Massasoit (Wampanoag chief): 201
Medicine Lodge religion: 113
Medicine men, missionaries and: 105, 198
Menominees: 57; Advisory Council, 69; enterprises, 71; plans for, 58; termination and, 65–71; tuberculosis and, 71
Meriam Report of 1928: 55, 139
Mescalero Apaches: 21–22, 243–44; education and, 84
Mexicans: 192, 193; and black power, 180; perceptions of, 171
Miami Indians, treaty with: 40–42
Miccosukees: 247
Military, fascination with: 256
Minnesota Wars: 150
Missionaries: 111, 118, 225; acceptance of, 119; Depression, 110–11; exploitation by, 102; jokes about, 152–54; medicine men and, 105, 199; problems with, 101–102; turnover of, 117–18
Mission programs, money for: 115–18
Mohawks: 3
Mohicans: 12
Montauks: 251
Morality, determining: 104
Mundt, Karl: Indian Affairs and, 55; Indian Claims Commission Bill and, 52
NAACP: 220
Narragansetts: 251
Nash, Philleo: 137, 159; resignation of, 181
Natchez Indians: 12; confederacy, 203
National Aborigine Conference: 18, 114
National Congress of American Indians: See NCAI
National Council of Churches: 148
National Indian Youth Council: See NIYC
National Parks: 259
Native American Church: 119; membership of, 113; Pine Ridge reservation and, 113
Navajo: 40, 116, 117, 123, 128; education and, 137
NCAI: 20–21, 245; BIA and, 181; capitalization and, 184; conventions of, 21, 213, 243, 248; criticism of, 212; Custer TV series and, 24–25; future of, 261; leadership of, 216–17; membership of, 19–20; Omnibus Bill and, 222; organization of, 17–18; Point Four Development Program of, 180–81, 208; Poor People’s March and, 184; proposed legislation of, 181; termination and, 75, 136; tribal unity and, 219–20
Negotiations, methods of: 204–205
Nevada Indians: 137
New Deal: 236; Indians and, 48, 55, 56
The Nez Perce Indians and the Opening of the Northwest (Alvin Josephy): 49
Nixon, Richard M.: 28, 191, 240
NIYC: 166; influence of, 20–21; organization of, 17–18
Northwest Affiliated Tribes: 17
Northwest Ordinance, contents of: 44–45
Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO): 26, 139; Indians and, 138
Oglala Sioux: 92, 112, 127, 198, 199; anthropologists and, 91; history of, 89–90
Ojibways: 263
Old Testament: 6, 103, 178, 235
Olympic Games, rebellion at: 173
Omahas: 253
Omnibus Bill: 97; Interior and, 181; NCAI and, 222
One Great Hour of Sharing: 122
Onondagas: 230
Operation Bootstrap: 208
Orientals, perceptions of: 171
Original Cherokee Community Organization: 18
The Other America (Michael Harrington): 12
Otoes: 22
Ottawas, treaty with: 36, 39, 40
Our Feathered Friends (Alfred Frump): 82
Paiutes: 17, 25, 97, 203, 259; termination and, 62–63
Pamunkeys: 245
Pan-Indianism, anthropologists and: 246
Paternalism: 13, 131; task force reports and, 14–15
Pawnees: 22
Payson Band: 245
Penobscots, war against: 6
Peoplehood, exploration of: 180
Philip, King (Wampanoag): 201
Pickering Treaty of 1794: 29, 38, 74; breaking of, 192; provisions of, 29
Pilgrims: 172, 177, 201; Indians and, 2
Pine Ridge Reservation: 90, 92, 198; Native American Church and, 113
Plains Indians: 99, 202; Christianity and, 107; conditions for, 86
Plessy v. Ferguson: 195
Point Four Development Program: NCAI and, 180–81, 208
Political patterns, Indian: 205–207
Politics, jokes about: 147–48, 155–61
Poncas: 22
Poor People’s Campaign: 218–19, 226; criticism of, 186–87; Interior and, 183; Martin Luther King and, 182–83
Poor People’s March: 18, 50, 254, 256; criticism of, 186–87; NCAI and, 184
Potawatomis: 17, 22; termination and, 64; treaty with, 32, 36, 39, 40
Power, Indian concepts of: 205
Public Health Service: Indians and, 138; jokes about, 156
Pueblos: 21, 128, 244; revolt of, 243
Pure research: 99–100; versus applied research, 80–81
Pyramid Lake Paiutes: 86, 97, 259
Race relations: Indians and, 168–70, 186; land and, 178; understanding, 174–75
“Real” Indians: 1–2, 86; anthropologists and, 82; search for, 212–13
Rebellion, institutionalized: 98–99
Red Cloud: 89, 92, 148, 198, 199
Red Lake Chippewas: 22, 95, 206
Reformation, Protestant: 11, 104, 110, 116, 176, 192
Relocation program, jokes about: 157
Republican Party, philosophy of: 190–91
Reservations: church franchises on, 106; future of, 27; improvements for, 139; termination pressure on, 252–53; urban Indians and, 254–56
Responsibility for Indians: 143–45
Rogers, Will: 201; popularity of, 200
Roman Catholics: 106, 108, 119, 121, 122
Roosevelt, Franklin D.: 55, 237, 244
Rosebud Sioux: 26, 112, 127; reservation, 158
Rustin, Bayard: 197
Sac Indians: 22, 201, 253; treaty with, 36, 38
Salish Indians: 17
San Carlos Apaches: 21–22, 206; education and, 84
Scholarships, Indian: 134; see also Education
Schools, construction of: 137–38; see also Education
Self-helpism, fallacy of: 209–11
Selma March: 180
Seminoles: 115, 129, 247; termination and, 65
Senecas: 76; flooding of reservation of, 29; nation of, 74; support for, 75; termination and, 74; treaty with, 29, 39, 41–42
“Separate but Equal” concept: 195
Service, Elman R.: 96
Seven Major Crimes Act: 9
Seymour v. Superintendent: 24
Shawnees, treaty with: 39–42
Shinnecocks, Christianity and: 112
Sioux: 3, 17, 22–23, 87, 89, 92, 112, 113, 127, 149, 150, 158, 163, 165, 199, 202, 203, 206, 229, 249, 253, 262; Christianity and, 107; conditions for, 86; NCAI and, 20; treaty with, 32, 148; war against, 51, 198
Sioux City Indian Center: 253
Sitting Bull: 99, 198; leadership of, 106
Sitting Crow, Louie: 165
Smallpox, blankets infected with: 54
Smith, John: 202
Social relations, Indian: 185–86
Social responsibility and poverty: 211
Social Security: 131
Social services: 94, 125, 138–40, 189; dependency on, 136
Sociologists: 212; “Indianness” and, 265
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC): 226, 241
Spotted Tail: 9
Squanto: 201
Squire v. Capoeman: 24
Standing Rock: agency, 156; reservation, 152
Stay Away Joe (Dan Cushman): 16
Stereotypes, Indian: 200–202
Stewardship, definition of: 122
Supreme Court: 42; black rights and, 173, 195; Indian rights and, 24–25, 34, 37, 39, 41, 50
Survivors of American Indians, Inc., work of: 18
Takes Gun, Frank: 119
Task force reports: 13–14; Interior, 221; paternalism and, 14–15
Task forces: 159; criticism of, 27; Interior, 192
Teamwork, concept of: 214
Tecumseh: 203; leadership of, 106
Termination: 54–55, 62–64, 135–36, 180; pressure of, 252–53; significance of, 74–77; subsidies and, 71
Texas Rangers: 64
Thanksgiving: 172
Thorpe, Jim: 199–201
Tiguas: 128, 246; history of, 243–45
Tonto, stereotype of: 200–201
Tower of Babel Improvement Association: 213
Treaties: definition of, 34–35; violation of, 28–29, 40–41, 50; September 17, 1778, 33–34; with the Wiandot, Delaware, Ottawa, etc., January 9, 1789, 36–37; 1791, 34–35; August 3, 1795, with the Wyandots, Delawares, Shawanoes, etc., 40; August 13, 1802, 36–37; United Sac and Fox Tribe, November 3, 1804, 38; with the Wyandots, Delawares, Shawanese, etc., July 22, 1814, 41–42; September 29, 1817, with the Wyandot, Seneca, Delaware, etc., 39; with the Weas, October 2, 1818, 36–37; January 20, 1825, 42; August 5, 1826, 44–45; Dancing Rabbit Creek, 42; with the Sioux, 1868, 148
Tribal leadership: betrayal by, 202–203; dependence on, 216; focus of, 197–98; lack of, 223–24; national scene and, 207–208; NCAI and, 216–17; search for, 213–16; self-helpism and, 209–11; tactics of, 221; tribal unity and, 218
Tribalism: 240; American, 230–34, 237–38; corporate, 227–30, 234–35; hippies, 232–34; impact of, 245–47, 263–67
Tribal Land Rights Association, Custer TV series and: 24–25
Tribal names, translation of: 103
Tribal unity: 213–16, 219–20; leadership and, 218; nature of, 222–23; NCAI and, 219–20
Trusteeship, definition of: 31
Tuberculosis, Menominee and: 71
Tunicas: 245
Turtle Mountain Chippewas, relocation of: 65
Twin Cities Chippewa Council: 249
U.S. Army: 54, 106; Cavalry, 22; jokes about, 150–51; treaty role of, 37
U.S. Articles of Confederation: 44
U.S. Bill of Rights: 238
U.S. Bureau of Indians Affairs: 13, 18, 56, 76, 84, 126, 130–31, 133, 135–36, 143–45, 205, 244, 252; area offices of, 127–30; Civil Rights and, 169; demonstrations against, 250; future of, 143–45, 262–63; Indian Bureau and, 48; jokes about, 147–48, 156–59; makeup of, 126–27; NCAI and, 181; paternalism and, 14–15; political view of, 131–32; reorganization of, 125–26, 140–45; termination and, 66, 74, 136
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation: 258
U.S. Commerce Department: 142
U.S. Corps of Army Engineers: 41
U.S. Department of Agriculture: 142
U.S. Department of Defense: 126
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: 71, 126, 142, 159, 160
U.S. Department of the Interior: 13, 37, 43, 46, 58, 98, 126, 132, 143, 145, 159, 160, 232, 257, 258; assessment of, 259–60; jokes about, 156; Omnibus Bill and, 97, 181; paternalism and, 14–15; Poor People’s Campaign and, 183; task force reports of, 221
U.S. Department of Labor: 15; Indians and, 138
U.S. Forest Service: 65
Udall, Stewart: 96, 97, 138, 139, 159, 181, 182, 222; assessment of 259
United Fund: 234–35
United Scholarship Service: 133–34
Urban Indianism, Indian nationalism and: 248–52
Urban Indians: 248–52; blacks and, 254, 256–57; future of, 261–62; Indian Affairs and, 257–58; termination and, 252–53
Vice President’s Council on Indian Opportunity, formation of: 250, 258
Vietnam: 28, 29, 50, 52, 77, 104, 155, 255
VISTA: 231
Walker, Tillie: 134
War Chief complex: 215–17, 229
War on Poverty: 70, 72, 160–61, 211, 235, 236
Warrior, Clyde: 164, 166; capitalization and, 184
Warriorism: 92
Washakie (Shoshone chief), betrayal by: 202
Water rights: 30
Watkins, Arthur: plans of, 65; termination and, 62–63, 66–69
Waupochick, Antoine: 69; testimony of, 68
Welfare system: white economics and, 189–90
Western Washington Inter-tribal Coordinating Council: 17
When Legends Die (Hal Borland): 16
White culture, destructiveness of: 188–89
White Mountain Apaches: 21–22, 26; education and, 84
Whitman, Marcus: 110; work of, 114–15
Wind River reservation: 121
Winnebagos: 253; Medicine Lodge religion and, 113
Worcester v. Georgia: 34
Workshops: content of, 84–87; tragedy of, 82–83
Wounded Knee, S. Dak.: 212
WPA projects: 236
Wyandots, treaty with: 36, 39–42
Yakimas: 24, 115; fishing rights and, 23; war against, 51, 203
Yankton Sioux: 253
Yavapai Apaches: 245
Yellow Peril: 189
YMCA, tribalism and: 231
Young, Whitney: 197
Zimmerman, William: 63, 69, 72, 76; plans of, 57–59; testimony of, 56–57