
THE FOLLOWING REFERENCES ARE just a subset of the literature we have relied on over the years and during the writing of this book. We have not attempted to provide a complete list of references, but rather a listing of sources that will serve as a starting point for those readers who wish to delve deeper into the questions raised by our book.

1. About Orgasms

What are orgasms?

Hyde, J. S. 2005. Biological Basis of Human Sexuality. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Kinsey, A., Pomeroy, W., Martin, C., image Gebhard, P. 1953. Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.

Komisaruk, B. R., Beyer-Flores, C., image Whipple, B. 2006. The Science of Orgasm. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Masters, W., image Johnson, V. 1966. Human Sexual Response. Boston: Little, Brown.

Money, J., Wainwright, G., image Hingburger, D. 1991. The Breathless Orgasm: A Lovemap Biography of Asphyxiophilia. New York: Prometheus Books.

Do men and women have the same sensations during an orgasm?

Mah, K., image Binik, Y. M. 2005. Are orgasms in the mind or the body? Psychosocial versus physiological correlates of orgasmic pleasure and satisfaction. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 31:187–200.

Vance, E. B., image Wagner, N. N. 1976. Written descriptions of orgasm: a study of sex differences. Archives of Sexual Behavior 5:87–98.

Why don’t all my orgasms feel the same?

Alzate, H., image Londoño, M. L. 1984. Vaginal erotic sensitivity. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 10:49–56.

Cutler, W. B., Zacker, M., McCoy, N., Genovese-Stone, E., image Friedman, E. 2000. Sexual response in women. Obstetrics and Gynecology 95(4, suppl. 1):S19.

Jacoby, S. 1999. Great sex: what’s age got to do with it? AARP/Modern Maturity.

Komisaruk, B. R., image Whipple, B. 2000. How does vaginal stimulation produce pleasure, pain and analgesia? In Sex, Gender and Pain, ed. R. B. Fillingim. Seattle: IASP Press.

Ladas, A. K., Whipple, B., image Perry, J. D. 2005. The G Spot and Other Discoveries about Human Sexuality. New York: Owl Books.

What are multiple orgasms?

Chia, M., image Abrams, R. C. 2005. The Multi-orgasmic Woman. New York: Rodale Press.

Chia, M., image Arava, D. A. 1996. The Multi-orgasmic Man. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco.

Hartman, W., image Fithian, M. 1984. Any Man Can: The Multiple Orgasmic Technique for Every Loving Man. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Shtarkshall, R. A., Anonymous, image Feldman B. S. 2008. A woman with a high capacity for multi-orgasms: a qualitative non-clinical case report. Sexual and Relationship Therapy 23(3):259–270.

Whipple, B., Myers, B., image Komisaruk, B. R. 1998. Male multiple ejaculatory orgasms: a case study. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy 23:157–162.

What is anorgasmia?

Basson, R., Leiblum, L., Brotto, L., Derogatis, L., Fourcroy, J., Fugl-Myer, K.,Graziottin, A., Heiman, J. R., Laan, E., Meston, C., Schover, L., van Lankfeld, J., image Weijmar Schultz, W. C. M. 2004. Revised definitions of women’s sexual dysfunction. Journal of Sexual Medicine 1:40–48.

Heiman, J. R. 2007. Orgasmic disorders in women. In Principles and Practice of Sex Therapy, 4th ed., ed. S. Leiblum. New York: Guilford Press.

Jones, K. P., Kingsberg, S., image Whipple, B. 2005. ARHP Clinical Proceedings:Women’s Sexual Health in Midlife and Beyond. Washington, DC: Association of Reproductive Health Professionals.

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Rosen, R. C. 2000. Prevalence and risk factors of sexual dysfunction in men and women. Current Psychiatry Reports 2:189–195.

At what age do orgasms begin?

Bancroft, J. 2005. The endocrinology of sexual arousal. Journal of Endocrinology 186:411–427.

Ford, C. S., image Beach, F. A. 1951. Patterns of Sexual Behavior. New York: Ace Books.

Kinsey, A. C., Pomeroy, W. B., image Martin, C. E. 1948. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.

Kinsey, A. C., Pomeroy, W. B., Martin, C. E., image Gebhard, P. 1953. Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.

Do orgasms end at a certain age?

Dennerstein, L., Lehert, P., Burger, H., image Dudley, E. 1999. Factors affecting sexual function of women in the mid-life years. Climacteric 2:254–262.

Hayes, R., image Dennerstein, L. 2005. The impact of aging on sexual function and sexual dysfunction in women: a review of population-based studies. Journal of Sexual Medicine 2:317–330.

Kingsberg, S. A. 2002. The impact of aging on sexual function in women and their partners. Archives of Sexual Behavior 31:431–437.

Schill, W. B. 2001. Fertility and sexual life of men after their forties and in older age. Asian Journal of Andrology 3:1–7.

Smith, L. J., Mulhall, J. P., Monogahn, N., image Reid, M. C. 2007. Sex after seventy: a pilot study of sexual function in older persons. Journal of Sexual Medicine 4:1547–1553.

How long does it take to reach orgasm?

Komisaruk, B. R., Beyer, C., image Whipple, B. 2008. Orgasm. Psychologist21:100–103.

Masters, W., image Johnson, V. 1966. Human Sexual Response. Boston: Little, Brown.

Stubbs, K. R. 2004. Kama Sutra of Sensual Bathing: A Tantric Guide for Lovers. Tucson, AZ: Secret Garden Publishing.

Waldinger, M. D. 2005. Lifelong premature ejaculation: definition, serotonergic neurotransmission and drug treatment. World Journal of Urology 23:102–108.

Waldinger, M. D., image Schweitzer, D. H. 2005. Retarded ejaculation in men: an overview of psychobiological insights. World Journal of Urology 23:76–81.

How long do orgasms normally last?

Gil-Vernet, J. M. Jr., Alvarez-Vijande, R., image Gil-Vernet, A. 1994, Ejaculation in men: a dynamic endorectal ultrasonographical study. British Journal of Urology 73:442–448.

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How often do people experience orgasm?

Ellis, H. 1910. Studies in the Psychology of Sex. London: F. A. Davis.

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Frank, E., Anderson, C., image Rubenstein, D. 1978. Frequency of sexual dysfunction in normal couples. New England Journal of Medicine 299:111–115.

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Kinsey, A. C., Pomeroy, W. B., image Martin, C. E. 1948. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.

Does a person inherit the ability to have orgasms?

Dawood, K., Kirk, K. M., Bailey, J. M., Andrews, P. W., image Martin, N. G. 2005. Genetic and environmental influences on the frequency of orgasm in women.Twin Research and Human Genetics 8:27–33.

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Are there really “nongenital” orgasms?

Calleja, J., Carpizo, R., image Berciano, J. 1988. Orgasmic epilepsy. Epilepsia 29:635–639.

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Why do people sometimes look as if they are in pain at or near orgasm?

Bodnar, R. J., Commons, K., image Pfaff, D. W. 2002. Central Neural States Relating Sex and Pain. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

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2. Women’s Orgasms

What’s the difference between vaginal, cervical, and clitoral orgasms?

Alzate, H., image Londoño, M. L. 1984. Vaginal erotic sensitivity. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 10:49–56.

Cutler, W. B., Zacker, M., McCoy, N., Genovese-Stone, E., image Friedman, E. 2000. Sexual response in women. Obstetrics and Gynecology 95(4, suppl. 1):S19.

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Ladas, A. K., Whipple, B., image Perry, J. D. 1982. The G Spot and Other Recent Discoveries about Human Sexuality. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Does breast or nipple stimulation affect a woman’s orgasm?

Kayner, C. E., image Sager, J. A. 1983. Breast feeding and sexual response. Journal of Family Practice 17:69–73.

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Do Kegel exercises intensify female orgasms?

Barbach, L. G. 1975. For Yourself: The Fulfillment of Female Sexuality. New York:Doubleday.

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What fluids are produced before and during a woman’s orgasm?

Belzer, E. G., Whipple, B., image Moger, W. 1984. On female ejaculation. Journal of Sex Research 20:403–406.

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Why is the clitoris so sensitive after an orgasm?

Gruenwald, I., Lowenstein, L., Gartman, I., image Vardi, Y. 2007. Physiological changes in female genital sensation during sexual stimulation. Journal of Sexual Medicine 4:390–394.

Levin, R., image Riley, A. 2007. The physiology of human sexual function. Psychiatry 6:90–94.

Vardi, Y., Gruenwald, I., Sprecher, E., Gertman, I., image Yartnitsky, D. 2000. Normative values for female genital sensation. Urology 56:1035–1040.

Does body position during sex affect a woman’s orgasm?

Eichel, E. W., Eichel, J. D., image Kule, S. 1988. The technique of coital alignment and its relation to female orgasmic response and simultaneous orgasm. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 14:129–141.

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Whipple, B., image Welner, S. L. 2004. Sexuality issues. In Welner’s Guide to the Care of Women with Disabilities, ed. S. L. Welner image F. Hazeltine. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams image Wilkins.

Does penis size affect a woman’s orgasm?

Eisenman, R. 2001. Penis size: survey of female perceptions of sexual satisfaction.BMC Women’s Health 1:1.

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Tiefer, L., Pedersen, B., image Melman, A. 1988. Psychosocial follow-up of penile prosthesis implant patients and partners. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 14:184–201.

Are orgasms affected by the menstrual cycle?

Cutler, W. B., Friedmann, E., image McCoy, N. L. 1996. Coitus and menstruation in perimenopausal women. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 17:149–157.

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Is a woman more likely to become pregnant if she has an orgasm?

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Is it safe to have orgasms during pregnancy?

Chhabra, S., image Verma, P. 1991. Sexual activity and onset of preterm labour. Indian Journal of Maternal and Child Health 2:54–55.

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Does childbirth affect orgasm?

Barrett, G., Pendry, E., Peacock, J., Victor, C., Thakar, R., image Manyonda, I. 2000.Women’s sexual health after childbirth. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 107:186–195.

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von Sydow, K. 1999. Sexuality during pregnancy and after childbirth: a meta-content-analysis of 59 studies. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 47:27–49.

How do hormones affect women’s orgasms?

Abdallah, R. T., image Simon, J. A. 2007. Testosterone therapy in women: its role in the management of hypoactive sexual desire disorder. International Journal of Impotence Research 19:458–463.

Bancroft, J. 2005. The endocrinology of sexual arousal. Journal of Endocrinology 186:411–427.

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3. Men’s Orgasms

How does a penis become erect?

Argiolas, A., image Melis, M. R. 2005. Central control of penile erection: role of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. Progress in Neurobiology 76:1–21.

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Steers, W. D. 2000. Neural pathways and central sites involved in penile erection: neuroanatomy and clinical implications. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 24:507–516.

How do men ejaculate?

Coolen, L. M., Allard, J., Truitt, W. A., image McKenna, K. E. 2004. Central regulation of ejaculation. Physiology and Behavior 83:203–215.

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Steers, W. D. 2000. Neural pathways and central sites involved in penile erection: neuroanatomy and clinical implications. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 24:507–516.

Does a penis need to be hard to have an orgasm?

Brindley, G. S. 1983. Physiology of erection and management of paraplegic infertility. In Male Infertility, ed. T. B. Hargreave. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Why is the penis so sensitive after an orgasm?

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Can a man have an orgasm without stimulation of his penis?

Kinsey, A., Pomeroy, W., image Martin, C. 1948. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.

Can men experience ejaculation without orgasm, or orgasm without ejaculation?

Csoka, A., Bahrick, A., image Mehtonen, O. P. 2008. Persistent sexual dysfunction after discontinuation of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Journal of Sexual Medicine 5:227–233.

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Tamam, Y., Tamam, L., Akil, E., Yasan, A., image Tamam, B. 2008. Post-stroke sexual functioning in first stroke patients. European Journal of Neurology 15:660–666.

Why do some men become so sleepy after an orgasm?

Argiolas, A., image Melis, M. R. 2003. The neurophysiology of the sexual cycle. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 26(suppl.):20–22.

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Xue-Rui, T., Ying, L., Da-Zhong, Y., image Xiao-Jun, C. 2008. Changes of blood pressure and heart rate during sexual activity in healthy adults. Blood Pressure Monitoring 13:211–217.

What is the clear fluid that comes out of the penis before ejaculation?

Chughtal, B., Sawas, A., O’Malley, R., Nahik, R. R., Ali Kan, S., image Pentyala, S. 2005. A neglected gland: a review of Cowper’s gland. International Journal of Andrology 28:745–777.

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What is the difference between semen and sperm?

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Why does semen change from opaque to transparent?

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What causes differences in the amount and characteristics of semen ejaculated?

Filippi, S., Vignozzi, L., Vannelli, G. B., Ledda, F., Forti, G., image Maggi, M. 2003. Role of oxytocin in the ejaculatory process. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 26:82–86.

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Shafik, A., image El-Sibai, O. 2000. Mechanism of ejection during ejaculation: identification of a urethrocavernosus reflex. Archives of Andrology 44:77–83.

How do hormones affect men’s orgasms?

Beyer, C., Morali, G., Larsson, K., image Sodersten, P. 1976. Steroid regulation of sexual behavior. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 7:1171–1176.

Komisaruk, B. R., Beyer, C., image Whipple, B. 2006. The Science of Orgasm. Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press.

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4. Hows and Whys of Orgasm

How do legal and illegal drugs affect orgasm?

Baldwin, D. S. 2004. Sexual dysfunction associated with antidepressant drugs. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety 3:457–470.

Basson, R. 2001. Female sexual response: the role of drugs in the management of sexual dysfunction. Obstetrics and Gynecology 98:350–353.

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Shen, W. W., image Soto, L. S. 1990. Inhibited female orgasm resulting from psycho-tropic drugs: a five year updated clinical review. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 35:11–14.

Why do people sometimes experience orgasms while asleep?

Brissette, S., Montplaisir, J., Godbout, R., image Lavoisier, P. 1985. Sexual activity and sleep in humans. Biological Psychiatry 20:758–763.

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Money, J. 1960. Phantom orgasm in the dreams of paraplegic men and women. Archives of General Psychiatry 3:373–382.

Why do people say that orgasms happen in the brain?

Georgiadis, J. R., Kortekaas, R., Kuipers, R., Nieuwenburg, A., Pruim, J.,Reinders, A. A., image Holstege, G. 2006. Regional cerebral blood flow changes associated with clitorally induced orgasm in healthy women. European Journal of Neuroscience 24:3305–3316.

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Komisaruk, B., Whipple, B., Crawford, A., Grimes, S., Liu, W.-C., Kalnin, A., image Mosier, K. 2004. Brain activation during vaginocervical self-stimulation and orgasm in women with complete spinal cord injury. Brain Research 1024:77–88.

How does “sex-change” (“transsexual”) surgery affect orgasms?

Christopher, A. N., image Ralph, D. J. 2008. Total phallic reconstruction. In Textbook of Reconstructive Urologic Surgery, ed. D. Montague, I. Gill, K. Angermeier, image J. H. Ross. New York: Taylor image Francis.

Jarolim, L. 2000. Surgical conversion of genitalia in transsexual patients. BJU International 85:851–856.

Kim, S. K., Park, J. H., Lee, K. C., Park, J. M., Kim, J. T., image Kim, M. C. 2003. Long-term results in patients after rectosigmoid vaginoplasty. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 112:143–151.

Krege, S., Bex, A., Lummen, G., image Rubben, H. 2001. Male-to-female transsexualism: a technique, results and long-term follow-up in 66 patients. BJU International 88:396–402.

How do machines and devices stimulate orgasms?

Billups, K., Berman, J., Berman, L., Metz, M., Glennon, M., image Goldstein, I. 2001. A new non-pharmacological vacuum therapy for female sexual dysfunction. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 27:435–441.

Blank, J. 1994. Toys: sex toys. In Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia, ed. V. L. Bullough image B. Bullough. New York: Garland.

Wilson, S., Delk, J., image Billups, K. 2001. Treating symptoms of female sexual arousal disorder with the “Eros-Clitoral Therapy Device.” Journal of Gender Specific Medicine 4:54–58.

How can scientists tell whether animals have orgasms?

Dixson, A. F. 1998. Primate Sexuality: Comparative Studies of the Prosimians, Monkeys, Apes and Human Beings. New York: Oxford University Press.

Fox, C. A., image Fox, B. 1971. A comparative study of coital physiology, with special reference to the sexual climax. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 24:319–336.

Marson, G. A., Nappi, R. P., Pfaus, J., Traish, A. M., Vardi, Y., image Goldstein, I.2004. Physiology of female sexual function: animal models. Journal of Sexual Medicine 1:237–253.

5. Orgasms and Health

Are orgasms good for our health?

Abramov, L. A. 1976. Sexual life and sexual frigidity among women developing acute myocardial infarction. Psychosomatic Medicine 386:418–425.

Charnetski, C. J., image Brennan, F. X. 2001. Feeling Good Is Good for You: How Pleasure Can Boost Your Immune System and Lengthen Your Life. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press.

Komisaruk, B. R., Beyer-Flores, C., image Whipple, B. 2006. The Science of Orgasm. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Leitzmann, M. F., Platz, E. A., Stampfer, M. J., Willett, W. C., image Giovannucci, E. 2004. Ejaculation frequency and subsequent risk of prostate cancer. Journal of the American Medical Association 291:1578–1586.

Whipple, B., Koch, P. B., Moglia, R. F., image Samuels, H. 2007. The health benefits of sexual expression. sexual-expression-6358.html.

Do orgasms reduce stress?

Brody, S., image Krüger, T. H. 2006. The post-orgasmic prolactin increase following intercourse is greater than following masturbation and suggests greater satiety. Biological Psychology 713:312–315.

Charnetski, C. J., image Brennan, F. X. 2001. Feeling Good Is Good for You: How Pleasure Can Boost Your Immune System and Lengthen Your Life. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press.

Komisaruk, B. R., image Whipple, B. 1998. Love as sensory stimulation: physiological effects of its deprivation and expression. Psychoneuroendocrinology 23:927–944.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America. 2007. The Health Benefits of Sexual Expression. White paper published in cooperation with the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. New York: Katharine Dexter McCormick Library.

Sanderson, C. 2006. Counselling Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Can an orgasm cause a heart attack?

Fairchild, K. A., image Whipple, B. 2001. Addressing sexual concerns of women with heart disease. Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality 1:35–39.

Feldman, H. A., Johannes, C. B., McKinlay J. B., image Longcope, C. 1998. Low dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and heart disease in middle-aged men: cross-sectional results from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. Annals of Epidemiology 8:217–228.

Garner, W. E., image Allen, H. A. 1989. Sexual rehabilitation and heart disease. Journal of Rehabilitation 55:69–73

Green, A. W. 1975. Sexual activity and the postmyocardial infarction patient.American Heart Journal 89:246–252.

Safi, A. M., image Stein, R. A. 2001. Cardiovascular risks of sexual activity. Current Psychiatry Reports 3:209–214.

Can orgasms cause headaches?

Evans, R. W., image Couch, J. R. 2001. Orgasm and migraine. Headache 41:512–514.

Frese, A., Gantenbein, A., Marziniak, M., Husstedt, I. W., Goadsby, P. J., image Evers, S. 2006. Triptans in orgasmic headache. Cephalalgia: An International Journal of Headache 26:1458–1461.

Paulson, G. W., image Klawans, H. L. 1974. Benign orgasmic cephalgia. Headache 13:181–187.

Valenca, M. M., Valenca, L. P. A. A., Bordini, C. A., Farias da Silva, W., Leite, J. P., Antunes-Rodrigues, J., image Speciali, J. G. 2004. Cerebral vasospasm and headache during sexual intercourse and masturbatory orgasms. Headache 44:244–248.

What causes “blue balls”?

Chalett, J. M., image Nerenberg, L. T. 2000. “Blue balls”: a diagnostic consideration in testiculoscrotal pain in young adults. A case report and discussion. Pediatrics 106:843.

Chalett, J. M., image Nerenberg, L. T. 2001. In reply. Pediatrics 108:1234–1235.

Ludovici, L. N., image Arndt, J. 2005. The true cause of blue balls. http://pediatrics.

Rockney, R., image Alario, A. J. 2001. Blue balls. Pediatrics 108:1233–1234.

Weinzimer, S. A., image Thornton, P. S. 2001. To the editor. Pediatrics 108:1234.

What is the effect of cancer and its treatment on orgasm?

Beckjord, E., image Campas, B. E. 2007. Sexual quality of life in women with newly diagnosed breast cancer. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology 25:19–36.

Chorost, M. I., Weber, T. K., Lee, R. J., Rodriguez-Biqas, M. A., image Petrelli, N. J. 2000. Sexual dysfunction, informed consent and multimodality therapy for rectal cancer. American Journal of Surgery 179:271–274.

Ganz, P. A., Greendale, G. A., Petersen, L., Zibecchi, L., Kahn, B., image Belin, T. R. 2000. Managing menopausal symptoms in breast cancer survivors: results of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 92:1054–1064.

Schover, L. R. 1997. Sexuality and Fertility after Cancer. New York: John Wiley image Sons.

Does hysterectomy affect orgasms?

Farrell, S. A., image Kieser, K. 2000. Sexuality after hysterectomy. Obstetrics and Gynecology 95:1045–1050.

Goetsch, M. F. 2005. The effect of total hysterectomy on specific sexual sensations. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 192:1922–1927.

Maas, C. P., Weijenborg, P. T., image ter Kuile, M. M. 2003. The effect of hysterectomy on sexual functioning. Annual Review of Sex Research 14:83–113.

Mokate, T., Wright, C., image Mander, T. 2006. Hysterectomy and sexual function. Journal of the British Menopause Society 12:153–157.

Besides hysterectomy, do other female genital surgeries affect orgasms?

Jensen, P. T., Groenvold, M., Klee, M. C., Thranov, I., Petersen, M. A., image Machin, D. 2004. Early-stage cervical carcinoma, radical hysterectomy, and sexual function. Cancer 100:97–106.

Rogers, R. G., Kammerer-Doak, D., Darrow, A., Murray, K., Olsen, A., Barber, M., image Qualls, C. 2004. Sexual function after surgery for stress urinary incontinence and/or pelvic organ prolapse: a multicenter prospective study. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 191:206–210.

Schmidt, C. E., Bestmann, B., Kuchler, T., Longo, W. E., image Kremer, B. 2005.Ten-year historic cohort of quality of life and sexuality in patients with rectal cancer. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 48:483–492.

Does prostate surgery affect orgasms?

Koeman, M., van Driel, M. F., Weijmar Schultz, W. C. M., image Mensink, H. J. A.1996. Orgasm after radical prostatectomy. British Journal of Urology 77:861–864.

Miranda-Sousa, A. J., Davila, H. H., Lockhart, J. L., Ordorica, R. C., image Carrion, R. E. 2006. Sexual function after surgery for prostate or bladder cancer. Cancer Control 13:179–187.

Nehra, A., Grantmyre, J., Nadel, A., Thibonnier, M., image Brock, G. 2005. Vardenafil improved patient satisfaction with erectile hardness, orgasmic function and sexual experience in men with erectile dysfunction following nerve sparing radical prostatectomy. Journal of Urology 173:2067–2071.

Schover, L. R. 2005. Sexuality and fertility after cancer. Hematology: American Society of Hematology Education Program, 523–527.

Besides prostate surgery, do other male genital surgeries affect orgasms?

Feldman, H. A., Goldstein, I., Hatzichristou, D. G., Krane, R. J., image McKinlay, J. B. 1994. Impotence and its medical and psychological correlates: results of the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. Journal of Urology 151:54–61.

Gandhi, N., Purandare, N., image Lock, M. 1993. Surgical castration for sex offenders: boundaries between surgery and mutilation are blurred. British Medical Bulletin 307:1141.

Hendren, S., O’Connor, B., Liu, M., Asano, T., Cohen, Z., Swallow, C., MacRae, H., Gryfe, R., image McLeod, R. 2005. Prevalence of male and female sexual dysfunction is high following surgery for rectal cancer. Annals of Surgery 242:212–223.

Are there surgeries that can improve a man’s chance of experiencing orgasm?

Lue, T. F. 2000. Erectile dysfunction. New England Journal of Medicine 342:1802–1813.

Ringert, R. H., Hermanns, M., image Zoeller, G. 1999. Outcome after repair of congenital penile malformations. Andrologia 31(suppl. 1):21–26.

Smith, J. F., Walsh, T. J., image Turek, P. J. 2008. Ejaculatory duct obstruction. Urology Clinics of North America 35:221–227.

How do brain injuries or spinal cord injuries affect orgasms?

Chapelle, P. A., Durand, J., image Lacert, P. 1980. Penile erection following complete spinal cord injury in man. British Journal of Urology 52:216–219.

Komisaruk, B. R., Gerdes, C. A., image Whipple, B. 1997. “Complete” spinal cord injury does not block perceptual responses to genital self-stimulation in women. Archives of Neurology54:1513–1520.

Komisaruk, B., image Whipple, B. 2006. Neurological impairment of sexuality in men and women. In Sexual Health, ed. M. Tepper and A. Owens, vol. 2. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Sipski, M. L., Alexander, C. J., image Rosen, R. 2001. Sexual arousal and orgasm in women: effects of spinal cord injury. Annals of Neurology 49:35–44.

Whipple, B., image Komisaruk, B. R. 1997. Sexuality and women with complete spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 35:136–138.

What treatments are there for erectile dysfunction?

Claes, H., image Baert, L. 1993. Pelvic floor exercise versus surgery in the treatment of impotence. British Journal of Urology 711:52–57.

Ito, T., Kawahara, K., Das, A., image Strudwick, W. 1998. The effects of ArginMax, a natural dietary supplement for enhancement of male sexual function. Hawaii Medical Journal 57:741–744.

Lue, T. F. 2000. Erectile dysfunction. New England Journal of Medicine 342:1802–1813.

Lue, T. F., Giuliano, F., Montorsi, F., Rosen, R., Andersson, K. E., Althof, S., Christ, G., Hatzichristou, D., Hirsch, M., Kimoto, Y., Lewis, R., McKenna, K., McMahon, C., Morales, A., Mucahy, J., Padma-Nathan, H., Pryor, J., Saenz de Tejada, I., Shabsigh, R., image Wagner, G. 2004. Summary of the recommendations on sexual dysfunction in men. Journal of Sexual Medicine 1:6–23.

Rosen, R. C. 2000. Medical and psychological interventions for erectile dysfunction: toward a combined treatment approach. In Principles and Practice of Sex Therapy, ed. S. R. Leiblum and R. C. Rosen. New York: Guilford Press.

Does Viagra help women experience orgasm?

Caruso, S., Intelisano, G., Farina, M., Di Mari, L., image Agnello, C. 2003. The function of sildenafil on female sexual pathways: a double blind, cross-over, placebo-controlled study. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology 110:201–206.

Komisaruk, B. R., Beyer-Flores, C., image Whipple, B. 2006. The Science of Orgasm. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Sipski, M. L., Rosen, R. C., Alexander, C. J., image Hamer, R. M. 2000. Sildenafil effects on sexual and cardiovascular responses in women with spinal cord injury. Urology 55:812–815.

Does vaginal dryness affect orgasms?

Bachmann, G. A. 1995. Influence of menopause on sexuality. International Journal of Fertility and Menopausal Studies 40(suppl.):16–22.

Ito, T. Y., Polan, M. L., Whipple, B., image Trant, A. S. 2006. The enhancement of female sexual function with ArginMax, a nutritional supplement, among women differing in menopausal status. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy32:369–378.

Van der Laak, J. A. W. M., de Bie, L. M. T., de Leeuw, H., de Wilde, P. C. M., imageHansellar, A. G. J. M. 2002. The effect of Replens® on vaginal cytology in the treatment of postmenopausal atrophy: cytomorphology versus computerized cytometry. Journal of Clinical Pathology 556:446–451.

What causes premature ejaculation?

Rowland, D. L., Haensel, S. M., Blom, J. H. M., image Slob, K. 1993. Penile sensitivity in men with premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 19:189–197.

Waldinger, M. D. 2005. Lifelong premature ejaculation: definition, serotonergic neurotransmission and drug treatment. World Journal of Urology 23:102–108.

Wang, W. F.,Wang, Y., Minhas, S., image Ralph, D. J. 2007. Can sildenafil treat primary premature ejaculation? A prospective clinical study. International Journal of Urology 14:331–335.

How do I have an orgasm while practicing safer sex?

Khan, S. I, Hudson-Rodd, N., Saggers, S., Bhuiyan, M. I., image Bhuiya, A. 2004. Safer sex or pleasurable sex? Rethinking condom use in the AIDS era. Sexual Health 14:217–225.

Randolph, M. E., Pinkerton, S. D., Bogart, L. M., Cecil, H., image Abramson, P. R.2007. Sexual pleasure and condom use. Archives of Sexual Behavior 36:844–848.

Sanders, S. A., Graham, C. A., Yarber, W. L., Crosby, R. A., Dodge, B., imageMilhausen, R. R. 2006. Women who put condoms on male partners: correlates of condom application. American Journal of Health Behavior 305:460–466.

Whipple, B., image Ogden, G. 1989. Safe Encounters: How Women Can Say Yes to Pleasure and No to Unsafe Sex. New York: McGraw-Hill / Pocket Books.

Can I get HIV/AIDS and other STIs from oral sex?

Dillon, B., Hecht, F. M., Swanson, M., Goupil-Sormany, I., Grant, R. M.,Chesney, M. A., image Kahn, J. O. 2000. Primary HIV infections associated with oral transmission. Paper presented at Seventh Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, San Francisco, January 30–February 2. Abstract 473.

Gerbert, B., Herzig, K., Volberding, P., image Stansell, J. 1999. Perceptions of health care professionals and patients about the risk of HIV transmission through oral sex: a qualitative study. Patient Education and Counseling 381:49–60.

Keet, I. P., Albrecht van Lent, N., Sandfort, T. G., Coutinho, R. A., image van Griensven, G. J. 1992. Orogenital sex and the transmission of HIV among homosexual men. AIDS 62:223–226.

Public Health Agency of Canada. 2004. Oral sex and the risk of HIV transmission. HIV/AIDS Epi Update. May.

Robinson, E. K., image Evans, B. G. 1999. Oral sex and HIV transmission. AIDS 13:737–738.

Does diet affect orgasms?

Cohen, A. J., image Bartlik, B. 1998. Ginkgo biloba for antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 24:139–143.

Ito, T., Kawahara, K., Das, A., image Strudwick, W. 1998. The effects of ArginMax, a natural dietary supplement for enhancement of male sexual function. Hawaii Medical Journal 57:741–744.

Rowland, D. L., image Tai, W. 2003. A review of plant derived and herbal approaches to the treatment of sexual dysfunction. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 29:185–205.

Spinella, M. 2001. The Psychopharmacology of Herbal Medicines. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

6. The Geography of the Female Orgasm

What is the clitoris?

O’Connell, H. E., Eizenberg, N., Rahman, M., image Cleeve, J. 2008. The anatomy of the distal vagina: towards unity. Journal of Sexual Medicine 5:1883–1891.

O’Connell, H. E., Sanjeevan, K. V., image Hutson, J. M. 2005. Anatomy of the clitoris.

Journal of Urology 174:1189–1195.

What is the cervix?

Komisaruk, B. R., Beyer-Flores, C., image Whipple, B. 2006. The Science of Orgasm. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Komisaruk, B., Whipple, B., Crawford, A., Grimes, S., Liu, W.-C., Kalnin, A., image Mosier, K. 2004. Brain activation during vaginocervical self-stimulation and orgasm in women with complete spinal cord injury. Brain Research 1024:77–88.

What is the G spot?

Gravina, G. L., Brandetti, F., Martini, P., Caros, E., DiStasi, S. M., Morano, S., Lenzi, A., image Jannini, E. A. 2008. Measurement of the thickness of the urethrovaginal space in women with or without vaginal orgasm. Journal of Sexual Medicine 5:610–618.

Ladas, A. K., Whipple, B., image Perry, J. D. 1982/2005. The G Spot and Other Discoveries about Human Sexuality. New York: Holt.

Whipple, B. 2000. Ernst Gräfenberg: from Berlin to New York. Scandinavian Journal of Sexology 32:43–49.

Whipple, B., image Komisaruk, B. R. 1991 The G spot, vaginal orgasm and female ejaculation: a review of research and literature. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Orgasm, ed. P. Kothari and R. Patel. Bombay: VRP Publishers.

Zaviacic, M. 1999. The Human Female Prostate: From Vestigial Skene’s Paraurethral Gland and Ducts to Woman’s Functional Prostate. Bratislava, Slovakia: Slovak Academic Press.

What is the U spot?

Morris, D. 2004. The Naked Woman: A Study of the Female Body. London: Jonathan Cape.

What is the A spot?

Chua Chee, A. 1993. The AFE Zone-G Spot Stimulation Technique: a new method for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction. In Proceedings of the XI World Congress of Sexology, ed. I. Charam image G. Lopes. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Chua Chee, A. 1997. A proposal for a radical new sex therapy technique for the management of vasocongestive and orgasmic dysfunction in women: the AFE Zone Stimulation Technique. British Journal of Sexual and Marital Therapy 124:357–370.

What are the vaginal fornices?

Alzate, H., image Londoño, M. L. 1984. Vaginal erotic sensitivity. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 10:49–56.

Kobayashi, A., image Behringer, R. R. 2003. Developmental genetics of the female reproductive tract in mammals. Nature Reviews Genetics 4:969–980.

7. Orgasms and Relationships

How can I stimulate or intensify orgasms in myself or my partner?

Dodson, B. 2002. Orgasms for Two: The Joy of Partner Sex. New York: Harmony Books.

Ladas, A. K., Whipple, B., image Perry, J. D. 1982/2005. The G Spot and Other Discoveries about Human Sexuality. New York: Holt.

Margolis, J. 2004. O: The Intimate History of the Orgasm. New York: Grove/AtlanticSmart Sex Films.

How can I tell whether my partner is faking an orgasm?

Basson, R. 2003. Biopsychosocial models of women’s sexual response: applications to management of desire disorders. Sex and Relationship Therapy 18:107–115.

Masters, W., image Johnson, V. 1966. Human Sexual Response. Boston: Little, Brown.

Sand, M., image Fisher, W. A. 2007. Women’s endorsement of models of female sexual response: the nurses’ sexuality study. Journal of Sexual Medicine4:708–719.

How can my partner and I have simultaneous orgasms?

Basson, R. 2000. The female sexual response: a different model. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 26:51–65.

Dodson, B. 2002. Orgasms for Two: The Joy of Partnersex. New York: Harmony Books.

Kuriansky, J. 2001. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tantric Sex. Indianapolis: Alpha Books, Penguin Group U.S.A.

Ladas, A. K., Whipple, B., image Perry, J. D. 1982/2005. The G Spot and Other Discoveries about Human Sexuality. New York: Holt.

Why does my partner use a vibrator to have an orgasm?

Cutler, W. B., Zacker, M., McCoy, N., Genovese-Stone, E., image Friedman, E. 2000. Sexual response in women. Obstetrics and Gynecology 95(4, suppl. I):S19.

What can I do if my partner says he can’t have an orgasm because my vagina is not tight enough?

Braun, V., image Kitzinger, C. 2001. The perfectible vagina: size matters. Culture, Health and Sexuality 3:263–277.

Ladas, A. K., Whipple, B., image Perry, J. D. 1982/2005. The G Spot and Other Discoveries about Human Sexuality. New York: Holt.

Meston, C. M., Hull, E., Levin, R. J., image Sipski, M. 2004. Disorders of orgasm in women. Journal of Sexual Medicine 11:66–68.

Pardo, J. S., Solà, V. D., Ricci, P. A., Guiloff, E. F., image Freundlich, O. K. 2006. Colpoperineoplasty in women with a sensation of a wide vagina. Acta Obstetrica Gynecologica Scandinavica 859:1125–1127.

What can I do if my partner says she isn’t having orgasms because my penis is too small?

Son, H., Lee, H., Huh, J. S., Kim, S. W., image Paick, J. S. 2003. Studies on self-esteem of penile size in young Korean military men. Asian Journal of Andrology 5:185–189.

Stulhofer, A. 2006. How unimportant is penis size for women with heterosexual experience? Archives of Sexual Behavior 35:5–6.

Wessells, H., Lue, T. F., image McAninch, J. W. 1996. Penile length in the flaccid and erect states: guidelines for penile augmentation. Journal of Urology 156:995–997.

Wylie, K. R., image Eardley, I. 2007. Penile size and the “small penis syndrome.” BJU International 99:1449–1455.

Why does my partner want to have an orgasm through anal sex?

Anal sex. 2006. (accessed August 30,2008).

Baldwin, J. I., image Baldwin, J. D. 2000. Heterosexual anal intercourse: an understudied, high-risk sexual behavior. Archives of Sexual Behavior294:357–373.

Mah, K., image Binik, Y. M. 2001. The nature of human orgasm: a critical review of major trends. Clinical Psychology Review 21:823–856.

Morin, J. 1998. Anal Pleasure and Health: A Guide for Men and Women. San Francisco:Down There Press.

Why does my partner need me to “talk dirty” in order to have an orgasm?

Adelman, M. B. 1992. Sustaining passion: eroticism and safe-sex talk. Archives of Sexual Behavior 21:481–494.

What can we do if my partner or I can’t experience orgasms?

American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists.

Dodson, B. 1987. Sex for One: The Joy of Self-Loving. New York: Crown Books.

Heiman, J. R., image LoPiccolo, J. 1999. Becoming Orgasmic: A Sexual and Personal Growth Programme for Women. London: Piatkus.

Schoen, M. A Heterosexual Couple Guide to Sexual Pleasure. A self-help DVD. Produced and directed by Mark Schoen.

Zilbergeld, B. 1999. The New Male Sexuality. New York: Bantam Books.

8. Orgasms and Culture

Do different cultures view orgasms differently?

Ali, K. 2006. Sexual Ethics and Islam: Feminist Reflections on Qur’an, Hadith and Jurisprudence. Oxford: Oneworld Publications.

Alpert, R. 2003. Sex in Jewish law and culture. In Sexuality and the World’s Religions, ed. D. W. Machacek image M. M. Wilcox. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Flaherty, A., Gaviria, F. M., Pathak, D., Mitchell, T., Wintrob, R., Richman, J., imageBirz, S. 1988. Developing instruments for cross-cultural psychiatric research.Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 176:257–263.

Hidayatullah, A. 2003. Islamic conceptions of sexuality. In Sexuality and the World’s Religions, ed. D. W. Machacek image M. M. Wilcox. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Janssen, D. F. 2007. First stirrings: cultural notes on orgasm, ejaculation, and wet dreams. Journal of Sex Research 44:122–134.

Levin, R. J. 2008. Female orgasm: correlation of objective physical recordings with subjective experience. Archives of Sexual Behavior 37:855.

Lidke, J. S. 2003. A union of fire and water: sexuality and spirituality in Hinduism. In Sexuality and the World’s Religions, ed. D. W. Machacek image M. M. Wilcox. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Does female genital cutting affect orgasms?

Ali, K. 2006. Sexual Ethics and Islam, chap. 6. Oxford: Oneworld Publications.

Baasher, T. 1979. Psychological aspects of female circumcision. In Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children. WHO/EMRO Technical Publication No. 2. Alexandria, Egypt: World Health Organization.

Baron, E. M., image Denmark, F. L. 2006. An explanation of female genital mutilation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1087:339–355.

Catania, L., Abdulcadir, O., Puppo, V., Verde, J. B., Abdulcadir, J., image Abdulcadir, D. 2007. Pleasure and orgasm in women with female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). Journal of Sexual Medicine 4:1666–1678.

el-Defrawi, M. H., Lotfy, G., Dandash, K. F., Refaat, A. H., image Eyada, M. 2001.Female genital mutilation and its psychosexual impact. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 27:465–473.

World Health Organization. 2008. Female Genital Mutilation. Fact Sheet No. 241.

Does male circumcision affect orgasms?

Bleustein, C. B., Fogarty, J. D., Eckholdt, H., Arezzo, J. C., image Melman, A. 2005. Effect of neonatal circumcision on penile neurologic sensation. Urology 65:773–777.

O’Hara, K., image O’Hara, J. 1999. The effect of male circumcision on the sexual enjoyment of the female partner. BJU International 83(suppl. 1):79–84.

Sorrells, M. L., Snyder, J. L., Reiss, M. D., Eden, C., Milos, M. F., Wilcox, N., imageVan Howe, R. S. 2007. Fine-touch pressure thresholds in the adult penis. BJU International 99:864–869.

Woodward, L. T. 1963. The History of Surgery, p. 8. Derby, CT: Monarch.

Does piercing affect orgasms?

Anderson, W. R., Summerton, D. J., Sharma, D. M., image Holmes, S. A. 2003. The urologist’s guide to genital piercing. BJU International 91:245–251.

Miller, L., image Edenholm, M. 1999. Genital piercing to enhance sexual satisfaction.Obstetrics and Gynecology 93:837.

Millner, V. S., Eichold, B. H. II, Sharpe, T. H., image Sherwood, C. L. Jr. 2005. First glimpse of the functional benefits of clitoral hood piercings. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 193:675–676.

Does “dry sex” affect orgasms?

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