
So if you don’t mind, Jenni, with your permission, I would like to marry your sister. I know we originally thought I was going to marry you, but it didn’t work out that way.” Geoff held his breath, waiting for either tears or an argument.

Jenni looked up at him, her eyes wide. “That’s okay. I been talking to Bradley, and he says you’re too old for me. But Bradley says you’d make a good big brother.”

Geoff let go a relieved sigh. “Bradley sounds like a smart person. Who is Bradley?”

Jenni grinned ear to ear. “Bradley is in my class at school. He’s very smart. I think one day I’m going to marry Bradley! I was too ’fraid to tell you because I didn’t want to make you sad. But you’re going to marry Rissa, so that’s okay.”

Geoff tried to hold back a groan as Jenni skipped off.

Clarissa’s fingers intertwined with his. “She wouldn’t have been like this six months ago. God really did put you with us to protect Jenni’s heart.”

Geoff nodded. “I guess. But now who is going to protect the world from Jenni?”

Before Clarissa could answer, Jenni reappeared. “Do I gets to be flower girl again?”

Geoff hunkered down to be at eye level with her. “Yes, I guess you do.”

She clapped her hands. “Yippee! Then Spot can carry the rings like Cody did for Stan and Abby! And this time, I’ll catch the bouquet all by myself!”

Geoff and Clarissa looked at each other. “Uh-oh…”