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Acheson, Dean
airplanes and air travel
around-the-world fliers
and broadcast media
Alameda (steamship)
Aldington, Richard
Allen, Doris
Allen, Dorothy
Allenby, Edmund
Amanullah Khan
American Broadcasting Company (ABC)
American Newsreel
American Society of Newspaper Editors
American Telephone & Telegraph Company (AT&T)
Amos ’n’ Andy (radio program)
Aqaba, Jordan
Arab Revolt
Armour and Company
Arnold, Henry (Hap)
Asia (magazine)
Bakal, Sid
Batchelor, Dan C.
Beach, Rex
Bennett, James Gordon, Sr.
Beranger, George
Bernstein, Burton
Berton, Joseph A.
Birth of a Nation (film)
Blan, Louis B.
Bohemian Club
Bolt, Robert
Brokaw, Tom
Bryan, William Jennings
Buchenwald concentration camp
Buddhism. See also Dalai Lama
Buffett, Warren
Buranelli, Prosper
Burke, Edmund W.
Burton, Percy
Bush, Barbara
Bush, George H. W.
Butler, Smedley D.
Capital Cities Television Corporation
Carnagey (Carnegie), Dale
Carnegie Hall
Carpenter, Cliff
Carter, Boake
Chamberlain, Paul
Chaplin, Charlie
Chase, Emma
Chase, Harry A.
in Australia, New Zealand and Afghanistan
as cameraman, editor and projectionist
in Europe
final years and death of
in India
and Lawrence
in Middle East
Chenery, William L.
Chiang Kai-shek
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago Daily Journal (newspaper)
Chicago Tribune (newspaper)
Churchill, Winston
cinéma vérité
Clark, George Rogers
Clemenceau, George
Clover Brook Farm (Quaker Hill)
Collier’s Weekly (magazine)
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
Literary Digest Topics in Brief
Lowell Thomas with/and the News
See It Now
Coolidge, Calvin
Cour, Gene
Coward, Noel
Crawford, Fred D.
Creel, George
“Cremation of Sam McGee, The” (Service)
Cripple Creek, Colorado
Cripple Creek Times (newspaper)
Crissey, Paul
Cronkite, Walter
Crowther, Bosley
Cuddihy, R. J.
Daily Mail (newspaper)
Daily Telegraph (newspaper)
Dalai Lama
13th Dalai Lama
14th Dalai Lama
Damascus, Syria
Darrow, Clarence
Das Kapital (Marx)
Davis, Richard Harding
Dawson City, Yukon
De Laurentiis, Dino
Dempsey, Jack
Denver Times (newspaper)
Denver University
Dewey, Thomas E.
Dickens, Charles
Dickler, Gerald
Dillinger, John
Donaghy, Anne Thomas (Lowell Jr.’s daughter)
Doolittle, Jimmy
Doubleday (publishing company)
Doubleday, F. N.
Douglas, Kirk
Doyle, Conan
Dulles, Allen
Dulles, John Foster
Dyea, Alaska
Ebert, Friedrich
Edward VIII
Edwards, Douglas
Edwards, Ralph
Eisner, Kurt
elephant rides
Ellis, Kimpton
Elmendorf, Dwight
Explorers Club
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.
Fairchild Publications
Farnsworth, Philo
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Feisal I bin Hussein
Finnegan, Richard J. (Dick)
Flaherty, Robert
Flynn, Errol
Ford, Gerald
Forster, E. M.
“Four Freedoms” (FDR)
Fox, Reginald
Fox, William
Fox Movietone News
Franco, Francisco
Franklin, Ben
French, Fred F., estate of
Freud, Sigmund
Friendly, Fred W.
Front Page, The (play)
Gable, Clark
General Motors
George V
Gibbons, Floyd
Goddard, Henry Herbert
gold mining
in Colorado
Klondike gold rush
mining strikes
Goldenson, Leonard
Goodwin, Doris Kearns
Gould, Jack
Graves, Robert
Great Alaska Earthquake
Great Depression
Greaves, Adrian
Griffith, D. W.
Gross, Ben
Gross, Perry Edward
Guerin, Sam
Guggenheim, Daniel
Hancock, George
Hearst, William Randolph
Hecht, Ben
Henderson, Loy
Henson, Matthew A.
Hersey, John
Hewitt, Don
Heyder, Augusta
Hibbard, George W.
Hibben, John G.
Hickok, Wild Bill
Hilton, James
Hitler, Adolf
Hogate, K. C.
Holmes, Burton
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Hoover, Herbert
Houghton Mifflin Company
How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie)
Howey, Walter
Hudson Betts, Carleton
Hudson Valley Broadcasting
Hussein, King of Jordan
Hussein bin Ali
Hutchens, Martin J.
Javits, Jacob
Jazz Singer, The (film)
Johnson, Clay
Johnson, Lyndon
Jolson, Al
Joseph and His Brethren (Handel)
and accuracy
audience size
“Code of Ethics or Canons of Journalism”
and competition
and fabrication
newscasts, first network
“golden age” of
and legacy of Thomas
and McCarthyism
and technology
television, first newscasts
and trust
where-to-get-the-news problem
yellow journalism
Kaltenborn, H. V.
Keith, Claire
Kelley, William V.
Kennedy, Arthur
Kennedy, John F.
King, Clifford C.
Kipling, Rudyard
Kitchener, Lord
Korda, Alexander
Korda, Michael
Korean War
Kraft, Karl
Krickenbarger, Harold, Sr.
Krickenbarger, Marianna Munn. See Thomas, Marianna Munn Krickenbarger
Lamont, Ted
Lampart, Nelson
Lane, Franklin K.
Lane, Rose Wilder
Lankler, Ralph Conover
Lansing, Robert
Lardner, John
Lawrence, T. E.
and Arab Revolt
biographies of
birth and early years of
death of
education of
physical description of
Revolt in the Desert (memoir)
Seven Pillars of Wisdom (book)
Thomas and
Thomas’s magazine articles on
With Allenby in Palestine and Lawrence in Arabia (Thomas’s travelogue)
With Lawrence in Arabia (Thomas’s book)
Lawrence in Arabia (Anderson)
Lawrence of Arabia (film)
Lawson, John Howard
Lean, David
Lee, Mabel Barbee
Leister, Max
Leslie’s Weekly (news magazine)
Liddell Hart, Basil
Life (magazine)
Lilley, James
Lindbergh, Charles
Lippmann, Walter
Literary Digest (magazine)
Literary Digest Prohibition Poll (radio program)
Literary Digest Topics in Brief (radio program)
Lloyd George, David
London, Jack
Lost Horizon (Hilton)
Lowell Thomas Museum (Victor, Colorado)
Luckner, Felix von
Luxemburg, Rosa
MacArthur, Charles
Mack, John E.
Mailer, Norman
Mallon, Dan
Mao Zedong
Marconi, Guglielmo
Marx, Karl
Marxism. See also Communism
Max von Baden
Mary of Teck, Queen
Massey, W. T.
McCarthy, Joseph R.
McClure, S. S.
McClure’s Magazine
McCord, Jack
McIntyre, Marvin
McKinley, William
Mencken, H. L.
Mills, Enos
Minneapolis Tribune (newspaper)
Mitchel, John Purroy
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.
Moritz-Rabson, Daniel
Morrison, James
Moulton, Richard
Mousa, Suleimann
Movietone. See also Fox Movietone News
Murphy, Charles E.
Murphy, Thomas
Murrow, Edward R.
Mussolini, Benito
Nanook of the North (documentary)
in motion-picture newsreels
in travelogues and expedition films
Nash, Ogden
National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
Blue Network
Red Network
National Parks
New Deal
New York Times (newspaper)
on Buchenwald concentration camp
Cinerama review
Harriet Thomas obituary
on Lowell Thomas
Lowell Thomas obituary
on Pew
Prosper Buranelli obituary
and radio news program listings
New Yorker (magazine)
Newman, E. M.
Nicks, Electra Ward
Nicks, Gene
Nixon, Richard
North Pole expedition
Oakley, Annie
Oliver, Gertrude
O’Toole, Peter
Paley, William
Panama-Pacific International Exposition
Pawling, New York. See Quaker Hill
Payne-Townshend, Charlotte Frances
Peale, Norman Vincent
Peary, Robert E.
Pegler, Westbrook
Pennybacker, Ruth
Peterson, Jennifer Lynn
Pew, J. Howard
Pew, Joseph Newton, Jr.
Pew family
Pike’s Peak
Power of Positive Thinking, The (Peale)
Press-Radio Bureau
Procter & Gamble
Pryor, Mary Taylor. See Thomas, Mary “Tay” Pryor
Pryor, Samuel F., Jr.
Pulitzer, Joseph
Pulitzer Prize
Pyle, Ernie
Quaker Hill (Pawling, New York).
early news efforts
first network newscast
reporting for
Radio Act of 1927
railroads and rail travel
Reed, N. H.
Reeves, Hazard
Richardson, Hugh E.
Rickenbacker, Eddie
Riley, James Whitcomb
Roberson, Frank R.
Roberts, John
Rockefeller, John D.
Rockefeller, Nelson
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin
Roosevelt, Franklin, Jr.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Roosevelt, Theodore, III
Royal Albert Hall (London)
Royal Opera House (London)
Russell, William Howard
Ruth, Babe
Ryan, Eunice
Ryan, Frances. See Thomas, Frances Ryan (Lowell’s wife)
Salkeld, Elizabeth (Betty)
Salkeld, Joseph D.
Sarazen, Gene
Schechter, Abe A.
Schell, Orville
Seattle, Washington
Service, Robert W.
Sevareid, Eric
Seven Pillars of Wisdom (Lawrence)
Shakabpa, Tsepon W. D.
Shaw, George Bernard
Shepard, Richard F.
Sherwin, Louis
Shultz, Tom
Skagway, Alaska
Smith, Clement Lawrence
Smith, Frank
Smith, Richard Norton
Smith, Ross
Snead, Sam
space program
Spellman, Francis
Spiegel, Sam
Standard Oil Company
Stanton, Frank
Stark, Freya
Steffens, Lincoln
Strand Magazine
Strauss, Lewis
Strawn, Silas
Sun Oil Company
Swift and Company
Symington, Stuart
Taft, Horace Dutton
Taft, Robert A.
Taft, William Howard
Taku Glacier
Tarbell, Ida
air travel
communication and journalism
rail travel
remote broadcasting
first newscasts
High Adventure with Lowell Thomas
This Is Your Life, Thomas appearance
Tennyson, Alfred
Thalhammer, Christl
Thalhammer, Hilde
Thalhammer, Kurt
Thomas. Anne. See Donaghy, Anne Thomas (Lowell Jr.’s daughter)
Thomas, Carl (Lowell’s brother)
Thomas, David Lowell (Lowell Jr.’s son)
Thomas, Frances Ryan (Lowell’s wife)
birth of Lowell Jr.
courtship of
death of
diaries of
on Eleanor Roosevelt
entertaining of
final years of
health of
on Lowell
marriage of
meeting of Thomas at Denver University
move to Hampshire House (Central Park South)
move to Quaker Hill
move to the Waldorf Hotel
and parenting
as pianist
travel to Australia
travel to Bahamas
travel to Europe
travel to India
Thomas, Harriet Wagner (Lowell’s mother)
ambitions of
birth of Lowell
death of
on Lowell
and parenting
religion of
travels of
Thomas, Harry George (Lowell’s father)
at American University in Beirut
birth of Lowell
Century Club established by
death of
early married years of
education and early career of
financial difficulties of
on Lowell
medical profession of
purchase of cattle ranch
religion of
struggle with depression of
temperament of
travels of
visit to Princeton
in World War I
Thomas, Ira (Lowell’s uncle)
Thomas, Lowell
ancestors of
creation of Army Air Forces Convalescence Center
birth of
broken leg in Tibet
and Capital Cities Television Corporation
childhood years
at Clover Brook Farm (Quaker Hill)
death of
donation of Hammersley Hill mansion to Denver University
editor of Victor Record
education of
entrepreneurism of
extroversion of
faculty member at Princeton
fame of
final years
German excursion (post-WWI)
and golf
and “History of Civilization Fireplace”
host of High Adventure with Lowell Thomas
host of Literary Digest Topics in Brief
host of Lowell Thomas with/and the News
host of The World of Lowell Thomas
and Hudson Betts exposé
marriage to Fran
marriage to Marianna
and Morton story
move to Hampshire House (Central Park South)
move to Quaker Hill
move to the Waldorf Hotel
move to Wimbledon Common
narrator of motion-picture newsreels
narrator of travelogues and expedition films
and parenting
personality of
physical description of
and politics
purchase of television station
and religion and culture
report of being shot in Germany
reporter for Chicago Daily Journal
reporter for Denver Times
reporter for Rocky Mountain News
reporter for Victor Daily News
reporter for Victor Record
and skiing
“So long until tomorrow,” sendoff line of
and softball
student at Chicago-Kent School of Law
student at Denver University
student at Princeton
student at Valparaiso University
teacher at Brooklyn College of Law
This Is Your Life appearance
voice of
at W2XBS
YMCA lectures
as war correspondent (WWI)
as war reporter (WWII)
Thomas, Lowell: travels
around the world
Australia and New Zealand
Germany, after World War I
Middle East
New Guinea
West Coast
Thomas, Lowell: works
“Alaska: Uncle Sam’s Polar Paradise” (lecture)
Beyond Khyber Pass (book)
Blonde Speaks, The (documentary screenplay)
Count Luckner, the Sea Devil (book)
European Skyways (book)
Famous First Flights That Changed History (book, with Lowell Jr.)
First World Flight, The (book)
Good Evening Everybody (memoir)
Hero of Vincennes, The (book)
India: Land of the Black Pagoda (book)
Kabluk of the Eskimo (book)
Lauterbach of the China Sea (book)
Mussolini Speaks (documentary screenplay)
Raiders of the Deep (book)
Rolling Stone: The Life and Adventures of Arthur Ra (book)
Sea Devil’s Foc’s’le, The (book)
Search for Paradise (Cinerama film)
Seven Wonders of the World (Cinerama film)
So Long Until Tomorrow (memoir)
Tall Stories (book)
This Is Cinerama (Cinerama film)
This Side of Hell: Dan Edwards, Adventurer (book)
Through Romantic India (travelogue)
“Typical Development at Mount Rainier” (lecture)
With Allenby in Palestine and Lawrence in Arabia (travelogue)
With Lawrence in Arabia (book)
Woodfill of the Regulars (book)
Wreck of the Dumaru, The (book)
Thomas, Lowell, Jr. (Sonny)
in Alaska
birth of
early years
education of
enlistment in Army Air Forces
Famous First Flights That Changed History (with Lowell Sr.)
and Lowell Sr., funeral
and Lowell Sr.’s marriage to Marianna
marriage to Tay
military travels
Our Flight to Adventure (book with Tay)
Out of This World (book)
political career and controversy
travel to Tibet with Lowell Sr.
Thomas, Marianna Munn Krickenbarger
Thomas, Mary “Tay” Pryor
Thomas, Norman
Thomas, Pherbia (Lowell’s sister)
Thomas Travelogues Inc.
Thompson, Dorothy
Thornburg, Raymond (Pinky)
Out of This World (book)
Out of This World (film)
Thomases in
Todd, Mike
Tolstoy, Ilya Andreyevich
Townsend, Dallas
and Burton Holmes
and Cinerama
clichés of
as “expedition films”
and Frank R. Roberson
See also Thomas, Lowell: works; Thomas Travelogues Inc.
Truman, Harry
Trumbo, Dalton
Tugwell, Rexford G.
Tunney, Gene
Twentieth Century-Fox. See also Fox Movietone News
Valentino, Rudolph
Valparaiso University
Victor, Colorado
Victor Daily News (newspaper)
Victor Record (newspaper)
Vietnam War
Vinacke, Harold “Nook”
“Voice of God”
Waldron, Webb
Waller, Fred
war correspondents
Washington, George
Washington Post (newspaper)
Wayne, John
White, Paul W.
White Pass and Yukon Route railroad
White Pass Trail
Whitehorse, Yukon
Wilhelm II
William, Prince of Sweden
Wilson, Jeremy
Wilson, Michael
Wilson, Woodrow
Winchell, Walter
Winning of the West, The (Roosevelt)
Wolfe, Tom
World War I
Arab Revolt
capture of Aqaba
capture of Damascus
capture of Jerusalem
sinking of Lusitania
Thomas as war correspondent
U.S. declaration of war
World War II
Battle of the Bulge
Berlin burning
bombing of Hiroshima
Lowell’s reporting on
Pearl Harbor attack
U.S. declaration of war
Wright brothers
Yard, Robert Sterling
Yost, Casper S.
Zalewski, Ruth