Dear Reader,

I hope you enjoyed Audrey’s unexpected adventure with Lee. I do try to do hands-on research as much as possible but often it’s simply not possible. While I earned my solo pilot’s license at a young age, most people don’t know that the moment after I earned it, I never flew again. I loved flying with an instructor by my side. But once I was alone, flying over Iowa skies and required to perform touch-and-go landings, I stepped out of the plane barely able to walk before I about lost my lunch. I think I’d be just as terrified if piloting a hot-air balloon alone, though I do have wonderful memories of soaring in one over Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve.

Often news stories inspire me, as well. While this is entirely a work of fiction, I marveled at the FBI’s takedown of Phantom Secure, an encrypted communication service utilized by international organized crime. I’ve also had a story about separated twins percolating for years. I’m thrilled the story ideas meshed together so well, and I can’t wait for you to read Kendra’s story, Covert Christmas Twin, next month.


Heather Woodhaven