Chapter 4

I unfold the copy of Zelda’s character trait sheet I’ve been carrying around in my pocket, hoping for additional insight into her psyche.

Name: Zelda

Trope: Manic Pixie Dream Girl (Sub-type: Geek Chic)

Age: 18

Birthday: December 6, Sagittarius

General physical description: Trim hourglass figure. High cheekbones. Hazel eyes. Dark hair. Basically, hot—but in a non-threatening way.

Clothing style: Chunky glasses, T-shirts with science- and comics-related graphics, cardigans, skirts, tights, clunky boots. Loves hair accessories and the color yellow.

Hobbies: Playing pool, badminton, and croquet. Reading graphic novels and classic literature. Birdwatching.

Talents: Rollerblading backwards. Sarcasm. Tying a cherry stem with tongue.

Strongest positive personality traits: Generous, honest, and adventurous.

Strongest negative personality traits: Can be harsh and careless. Inconsistent.

Ambitions: Live authentically.

Life philosophy: Make the most of every minute.

Favorite foods: Tea, egg salad and watercress sandwiches. Scones. Tropical fruit. Pizza.

Phobias: Globophobia (fear of balloons popping).