Chapter Fourteen


To Del

I’m on the ship. I wish this morning had been better. I’m sorry.

From L


To: Lazlo

I’m sorry I yelled and left the way I did. I feel foolish.

From D


To Del

You’re forgiven, although the people who saw me standing in the corridor stark naked and yelping like a wounded puppy are likely still traumatized.

From L


To Lazlo

Wounded puppy?

From D


To Del

A sad and lonely puppy. I’m still sad and lonely, no one in my classes will talk with me and my barracks is very inhospitable. It’s all cold metal and no rocks or fungus of any sort.

From L


To Lazlo

I would think the lack of fungus is a plus. No blue fungus creeping up on you. How are your classes? Are you doing well? What are you learning?

From D


To Del

I’m learning how to set up the governance of a new settlement—territorial security, surveying and property grants, elections law, immigration regulation and infrastructure construction. It’s really interesting, but we’re in class for about ten hours a day, with breaks only for physical fitness and meals, then I study at my desk and sleep in my cot.

From L


To Lazlo

It all sounds more interesting than picking up trash. Although I did salvage some discarded components from Ag Research and found a whole box of unused RGI nanoprocessors. Two years old, but still. Those will be sold for a nice profit soon. My pa was really pleased with that. Every mark helps.

From D


To Del

How is your insurance claim coming along? Have they decided to rule that the destruction of your family’s property was illegal?

From L


To Lazlo

Not yet, the insurer is waiting until after the trial to make its decision. So we have nothing coming in but what we earn. It’s very frustrating since we have no idea when they’re finally going to start the prosecution. They might even move it off-world to avoid conflicts of interest. Which would delay things even more. But maybe the sheriff’s advocates are trying to delay it and wait for us dirty cyclers to give up.

From D


To Del

You shouldn’t give up.

From L


To Lazlo

I don’t want to, but Pa and Ma are feeling tired by the whole situation. And we nearly have everything repaired already. Dee Dee is determined to fight. I think she has a crush on our advocate and he might reciprocate, since the bills for his fees seem far too low.

From D


To Del

Good for the advocate.

From L


To Lazlo

Maybe good for Dee Dee too. She’s even been talking about babies and weddings lately, which is completely new territory for her. She’s been a fun-time girl since she was legal. Not that I can imagine her settled down with an advocate and making a family.

From D


To Del

Making a family is a good thing.

From L


To Lazlo

I know that.

From D


To Del

Would you mind if I sent you a video message instead of one of these pings?

From L


To Lazlo

They cost a lot.

From D


To Del

Not if I send you one.

From L


To Lazlo

I would have to send a ping back.

From D


To Del

That’s fine. Expect a vid with the next data pod.

From L