
Dear Romy,

I’ve left this note with Delma at the café, hoping it will be delivered to you soon.

I wanted to thank you for your parcel for my birthday. The jacket and blue cashmere top were too generous. Your parents have always been so kind. I can see where you get it from.

I shall wear my little pearl earrings and think of you every day.

I cannot stay at the Heime. Food is running short and it is time for me to fend for myself since poor Uncle David died last week. There is so much cholera and typhus now, at night it is nearly impossible to sleep for the vomiting, hacking and spluttering. If I stay, I’m sure to be among the sick and fallen.

I have arranged for employment somewhere I’ll be of use. I’m luckier than most as I’ll get bed and board in exchange for cleaning, sewing and lending a hand in a local boarding house.

I ask you to promise you won’t come and try to find me. My decision is made and we must all get on in this war as best we can.

Promise me.

Your friend always,

Nina xx